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Special1TV: The Swedish S1TV, Champions League recap and Wormholes


In case you missed this weekend's edition of Special 1 TV, you missed a chance to learn some Swedish, some quantum mechanics and some good lines to make any Arsenal fan cringe.


"For Sale: 57,000 Arsenal flags. Good as New, only waived for seven minutes."

Get me the TANK!

What was your favorite line of the episode? Share yours below.


  1. Earlier today I read the skysports article, that despite getting his ass handed to him in spectacular fashion against ManU & Chelsea, Arsene Wenger was very confident with his players. So that part of the show made me laugh. The Trophy Case for sale was also funny. Both were painful as an Arsenal fan, but funny.


  2. I thought this was a good one. Hopefully the show is starting to get back on track.

    The wormhole and eliminated discussion was great.

  3. “There wouldn’t ahve been any extra time of you wouldn’t have spent 4 minutes rolling around on the ground!”

    So funny. The puppeteering cannot go over looked. The expressions and “body language” as they listen to each other and the callers are hysterical in their own right.

  4. “Nice comeback potatoe”

    and my personal favourite…

    “Ya, all credit to quantup mechanichs at the end of the day”

  5. As someone who speaks very basic Swedish with a horrible accent, the Swedish TV portion of the show had me laughing my ass off.

  6. Uh, any reason the Philly announcement was not covered today? I know the info was leaked earlier but surely there was something worth covering at the presser.


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