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Must-See Goal: Erick Torres

ErickTorresChivasUSA1 (USAToday)


  1. Wow, cool goal. But… where was the defense? The one centerback headed that thing like 25 feet straight up about 16 yards out. Why didn’t the other centerback collapse the space? Heck, the keeper even may have had time to come out and break that up.

    • uh… no. Morales actually had a man on him, and didn’t have twenty minutes to set up.

      Having said that – I can’t believe the day has come in MLS where we’re arguing about who had the most lights-out bike THIS WEEKEND.

      You could pull ten GOTY candidates from the past three or so weeks alone. This league is getting bonkers.

      • +1
        Morales goal was off the post, a more difficult angle, and more crowded area. But agree with Pat, quality of the league in general is increasing. Very great goals the both of them.

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