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Red Bulls in Salzburg (camp update)

I’m coming to you from the Red Bull Salzburg stadium, where the New York Red Bulls are wrapping up training. If you are wondering about new players, there are two new trialists in camp. Jesus Mendoza is one, the other is an unidentified defender/midfielder. We will probably have to wait until tomorrow’s exhibition match to find out who the player is.

Two Red Bulls not in attendance are Jozy Altidore and Hunter Freeman, who are with the U.S. Under-23 national team.

Today’s training is a typical day before the game session, with heavy work on set pieces and finishing drills.

What I can tell you is that the stadium here is pretty impressive on the inside. On the outside the look is a bit like an erector set. Think Crew Stadium on steroids. The best part about the stadium (okay, maybe not the best, but an interesting part) is that there is a casino across the street. And no, I haven’t been there (yet).

Juan Carlos Osorio will play two separate teams on Saturday, giving each group 45 minutes. I will be providing some play-by-play commentary. Unfortunately for some of you, the game will be starting at about 9am Eastern Time in the USA.

There is an outside chance that a storm could force the cancellation of the doubleheader on Saturday but that is still an outside chance.

That’s all for now. I will post on my journey from Jersey to Salzburg later on tonight so check in for that later.


  1. Ives,

    Do you think the Harrison stadium will like the Salzburg one and if so do you think fans would be satisfied? How does it compare to other MLS stadiums?

    Will be following your play-by-play commentary of the team on Saturday starting at 9am.


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