Admit it, any time a You Write the Caption photo gives you the opportunity to make fun of Mexican national team players you enjoy it. Go ahead, you can admit it. It’s okay.
This week’s YWTC installment features U.S. defender Oguchi Onyewu and Mexico captain Rafael Marquez locked in a gaze that was surely more hostile than friendly. Check out the picture and feel free to offer your own caption.
Rafael Marquez is frozen in fear after Oguchi Onyewu says, "Remember what you did to Cobi Jones?"
There it is. Now it’s your turn. Please offer your own caption (and a caption is a one sentence line to describe the photo, not a paragraph).
I will post the 10 best caption entries later in the week.
Onyewu fouls Marquez in an attempt to steal the ball after an ankle-breaking move, resulting in his second yellow card, and after which, is ejected from the game.
Gooch: “Stay down Bitch!”
i already gave you my lunch money its not my fault the peso is weak
Rafa to Onyewu – Hey dude, I am not Borgetti! WTF?
Sorry, I didn’t notice your post above…
I have no problem admitting we have idiot fans and racists in our midst. I just didn’t like the implication that everyone’s guilty. Most aren’t.
It wasn’t just “america, land of hypocrites.” It was also our “holier than thou” attitude. It’s just ironic–the guy who calls our attitudes “holier than thou” is the same one who feels qualified not only to criticize everyone on this blog, but our entire country…thus making him the hypocrite…
I don’t care if every person in the world thinks America is the land of hypocrites. That doesn’t mean they’re right, and it certainly doesn’t make you right, either.
Any racially-directed criticism of Rafa (or any other Mexican, for that matter) is completely unacceptable. But just because a few idiots made inappropriate jokes doesn’t give you the right to lump everyone together. 95% of us are just trying to support our boys (regardless of where they “failed”), engage in some discussion, and have a little fun. Idiots, like racists, are not a phenomenon unique to this blog. Nor are they unique to the States. Unfortunately, they’re a world-wide phenomenon.
I’m willing to forgive. I just think you should be a little more careful in your criticism, and perhaps your wording.
I didn’t write that to get a rise out of anyone, I was being cynical in my response to a few “mow my lawn” type ‘you write the caption’ comments. If anything, I should’ve been offended as I found most of the comments hilarious. Guess I’ve struck a nerve with the whole “america, land of the hypocrites” thing. My apologies if I offended anyone but I don’t think many people will disagree with that statement.
I didn’t write that to get a rise out of anyone, I was being cynical in my response to a few “mow my lawn” type ‘you write the caption’ comments. If anything, I should’ve been offended as I found most of the comments hilarious. Guess I’ve struck a nerve with the whole “america, land of the hypocrites” thing. My apologies if I offended anyone but I don’t think many people will disagree with that statement.
One of the reasons I come here so often is because I’m a RB/Metro fan, so obviously I’m going to go to the best possible place to get my news.
As to your other comments, well, most of the people around here have absolutely no problem lumping all of us Mexican fans into the “dirty, classles” category while most of them have never ever been to a Mex/US game, let alone a game in Mexico yet they speak as if all the stuff that is said over the internet were true.
My position is unique, I have lived in both countries a substantial amount of time, not to mention Colombia, Argentina and Peru, and have attended plenty of games in said places. I can speak about the nature of our rivalry because I’ve lived it, I’ve seen crazy, redneck, Sams Army guys yelling at little mexican kids for no reason, throwing stuff at them. I’ve seen drunk mexican fans jump a guy with an american flag wrapped around him, etc. It happens everywhere, it’s just that you guys act as if your fans would never do that. Well, they do and they have, it happens everywhere. That’s all I’m saying.
Toodles 🙂
Pretty big of you, working up the courage to come on here and confront all of us ignorant, racist, hypocrites.
It’s funny that you call us “hypocritical” and make fun of our “holier than though attitude,” when it is you who deigns to come down to the gutters of the football-supporting world, lump us all into one category, and tell us exactly what’s wrong with us.
I won’t even begin to defend any racist comments appearing on this site, but I still think it’s funny how America is labeled “the racist nation.” Every country has racists–we’re simply open about it. And last I checked, we don’t throw bananas at our black athletes and no one is giving Nazi salutes to adoring crowds. Racism isn’t unique to the States.
I’m reluctant to post this because you obviously wrote it to get a rise out of us. But come on…I can’t leave such an unfairly judgmental, “hypocritcal,” “holier than though” post go unanswered.
Hugs and kisses,
Where’s the money Marquez?
Vee Vants da Money Marquez!
Vee believe in no-ting! Ya, Vee believe in no-ting!
“I wish I knew how to quit you”
Marquez: “Dance with me! I want to be your partner, Can’t you see.”
Oneywu: Next time B**ch, you better have ALL my money!!!
Desperately trying to signal that he was making a left turn to avoid contact still wasn’t enough to prevent Onyewu from running over Marquez.
Now stay away from Mango!
My cousin came up with this one, which it is for the gamers.
Marquez and Onyewu fall to their knees when Castro tells them that there isn’t a Mohawk Night Elf in World of Warcraft like Mr. T said.
my mind is telling me no, but my body, my body’s tellin me…
Marquez: “What you say me?”
Gooch: “Take a message. Write it down. I don’t give #$%k!”
“Gooch once again proves that “staring down” opponents only works in Belgium, showing exactly why he failed in England”
BTW Ives, I’ve got a good sense of humor and actually enjoyed some of the comments with racial overtones.
I just get a good laugh at American fans “holier than thou” attitude, calling all mexicans classless and other nonsensical rhetoric crap.
gotta love america, land of the hypocrites.
Marquez: “Whose your Right Back? That was a nice cross, but he keeps getting beat on his guy by this much every time.”
“Gooch once again proves that “staring down” opponents only works in Belgium, showing exactly why he failed in England”
BTW Ives, I’ve got a good sense of humor and actually enjoyed some of the comments with racial overtones.
I just get a good laugh at American fans “holier than thou” attitude, calling all mexicans classless and other nonsensical rhetoric crap.
gotta love america, land of the hypocrites.
Oneywu – You aren’t Borgetti! Oh darn!
How. You sit right here. We smoke ’em peace pipe. Please play for us now. We have nice song to trade.
Rafael Marquez is obviously confused when his team mate conspires with the enemy, pushing him backwards over the kneeling Oguchi Onyewu.
“Nobody puts Jozy in a corner.”
Is it true what they say about black men?
Rafa: “Bless me father, for I have sinned…”
Seriously, this is the team jersey.
Marquez: C’mon Gooch, bring it in for the real thing.
Im sick of you always pushing me around!
While Onyewu stares down Marquez, Marquez makes a futile gesture at counter-intimidation by chanting the Mexican fight song: Pattycake, Pattycake, baker’s man,
bake me a cake as fast as you can . . ..”
Onyewu: “Surrender.”
Marquez: “You mean you wish to surrender to me? Very well, I accept.”
(Not trying to win any awards with this one, since Jeremy originally came up with the Princess Bride quote idea. I just thought you might enjoy another one.)
The boys’ new water ballet routine just doesn’t look as good on dry land.
“Okay, Oguchi, one more time. When someone comes near you, you fall down, throw up your arms and look at the referee, just like this. Works every time!”
Marquez blames spill on USA’s home-field advantage
Riots erupt in Peru after Onyewu made Marquez use buttocks in 63rd
Rafa has his right to wear a do-rag revoked.
“i thought we were going to cuddle…”
I thought I was going to be on top…
witness the AXE effect
(warning, wearing axe body spray might cause old mexican defenders to attempt to dance with you)
I swear to god. this is my stocking cap
Rafa Marquez. . .
. . .
will you marry me?
Look at you, you want to kiss me right now…
Rafa: Que Pasa? You hit me and I play for Barcolena.
Gooch- Big deal! First I will beat you then, I will beat you. And you can’t call Ronahlindino to save you now.
Gooch: Dude I’ll kick your butt even on my knees
Gooch: Hey you remember your friend Borgetti? He recommends you stay down there.