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Why soccer players should stick to soccer

Ever wonder how professional soccer players might do in other sporting endeavors? I do too. Could Oguchi Onyewu really have been an NFL linebacker? Could DaMarcus Beasley been a Juan Pierre-like speed demon on the basepaths? Could Michael Bradley have been a world-class pole vaulter?

The answer to that last one is a definite no, as evidenced by this video clip:


The damage comes at the 47-second mark when Bradley feels some pain.

Luckily for Heerenveen and the U.S. national team, Bradley is better at scoring goals and playing midfield than he is at track & field events.


  1. what do u think his old man is saying? how much does personal judgement factor in making decisions on call-ups? OOFA!

  2. Forget him being out for Heerenveen. I’m more worried about him being out for the USMNT. Jesus Christ. Pretty hilarious though.

  3. Actually I know of several people who argue that athletes of other sports should play soccer. Wes Welker of the Patriots credits his great footwork and ability to elude tackles to playing soccer. Many hockey coaches I’ve known wanted their players to play soccer for the footwork for handling pucks when battling on the boards. The vision and creativity translates directly to basketball.

    I do agree that soccer players should stick to the sport, especially those you mentioned who are good enough to professionals in tough leagues. The flip side though is that more athletes from other sports should use soccer to become better in their own sport.

  4. Next time roll up your sleeves, Micheal. Why was he playing with his shirt during the run-up? Must have been thinking about his goal celebration instead of focusing on the finish.

    The real idiots were the guys who were straddling that pole real aggressively.

  5. That is amazing. He has a knot in his forehead, and is bleeding (very slightly) while saying “no problem”. Unreal. What a video.

  6. Hahaha, that is only one basic part of pole vaulting, I think it’s safe to say he should never try the real thing. I found out the hard way myself that pole vaulting wasn’t for me in high school. Awesome.


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