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A nice tribute to Brian McBride’s Fulham career

No, Brian McBride hasn’t completed his move to Major League Soccer yet (he is on his way) but you can never get too much of tributes to McBride and his time at Fulham.

Here is a quality video created by the Fulham website:


Admit it, the "Hero" song as soundtrack is a perfect touch.

Don’t these highlights, especially after another Eddie Johnson no-show last night, make you long for the days when McBride was still a national team forward?


  1. All timer. They should make this part of rookie orientation in the NBA and NFL so the newbies can learn how to show some class when they score.

  2. did a great job with this… I caught there before, but still a great way to start the day. A phenomenal video for a tremendous player. As many have said before, class.

    I also enjoyed the quality Jay Demerit in his Hornets’ gear sighting.

  3. But where’s the blood and guts? The goals are all well and good but it’s hardly “Brian McBride” without some blood.

  4. IMO Brian McBride is the greatest American footballer ever. He certainly is my favorite and no one (to this point) has done more for club or country than McBride.

  5. Nice

    Hopefully we see one of Jozy in his Real Madrid farawell.

    You say

    “he is on his way” to MLS

    You know something your not saying?

    Is Mo Johnsto becoming realistic in his demands?

    Is the league intervening?

  6. I didn’t see the stunning long-range goal from like 30-35yds out that he scored (I think that was the range). That was also for Fulham, right??

    I enjoyed watching him score on Jay DeMerit (Watford #6 in yellow jerseys). That was kind of funny and ironic!

  7. Ives have you heard anything else about the Mcbride thing and if the Fire are talking to Toronto? There was comment made by Toronto saying they would be willing to deal Mcbride but that the Fire would have to come with them and give them an offer.Do you still see him going to the Fire, and if so when do you think a deal gets done?

  8. I’m joking about this, but any chance we can convince McBride to unretire for 2010. He could split time with Jozy up top, and given the attention Jozy/Landon/Adu/Deuce would draw, his finishing could be killer.

    Alright, I’m only half joking.

    Alright, I’m not joking at all. Can we start a petition or something. Please??

  9. Some sick goals in there. McBride went over there and performed from start to finish. I wish he wasn’t finished at Fulham, we could use him for another year.

  10. Steve T. is right, Brian McBride is the greatest National Team player, ever. I have a young son who loves to play soccer, and I plan to school him on as many Briain McBride videos as I can find. No one in this country has ever had his combination of heart, courage, character, skill and determination. The video tribute is perfect.

  11. What a legend. Brings back memories of World Cup 2002. Very simply the best forward we have had on the national team. Can’t wait for him to come back to the MLS.

  12. Awesome tribute video with the music of an American band to honor an American football great. Very fitting and very well done.

  13. i don’t disagree with the logic, but i don’t know that McBride would be interested. he’s leaving behind a Fulham team that he knows he could still play at for another year or 2, but it seems like he just wants to be home.

    hell, it doesn’t even seem like he’s interested in being in Columbus or Toronto, so i really don’t think he’s trying to get back to Europe anytime soon.

  14. Ives and fellow SBIers,

    This is a bit off topic, but not completely.

    From time to time we hear discussion about an American becoming a manager in England and elsewhere. It seems unlike that an American trained manager will get there for a long time.

    It seems more likely that an American player who is successful in Europe will be the first. I have no idea if McBride is interested in this path, I have never read that he is, but someone like McBride who was with one club a while and was very popular might get a shot at a coaching job and eventually become a manager.

    What do you think?

  15. Class personified. Remember what it was like when your striker could win and/or control a ball in the air???? I can’t help it either….come back McBriaN!

  16. haha, even on a feel-good post McBride, you just couldn’t help it.

    the video is awesome though, and i agree, the song choice was pretty perfect.

  17. That gave me chills. McBride has always been a special mix of class: a fine performer and a fine leader. As American soccer fans, we should be proud to call him one of ours.


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