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SBI now on Facebook


Are you an SBI reader who is also on Facebook? Prepare to have two of your favorite sites connected. Soccer By Ives is now on Facebook.

I have started out with an SBI group and will work to integrate some more features to the group page going forward. Think of it as a place where you and fellow soccer fans can discuss and debate the sport as well getting to know each other beyond the SBI usernames and short posts.

Just type Soccer By Ives into the Facebook search module and you’ll be able to join the group.


  1. Freddy, I don’t approve anybody I haven’t actually met in person more than once (or talked to multiple times). I’m kinda new to the whole Facebook thing and am not ready to do the “invite everybody” function just yet.

  2. Ives,

    I found you (if that was really you) on facebook about a month ago and you haven’t approved me as a friend yet!


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