In what is starting to become a bit of a trend, U.S. Soccer president Sunil Gulati has followed up a report out of Serbia claiming that Neven Subotic was going to play for Serbia with his own statement denying the claim.
Gulati spoke out yet again, this time on statements made by Serbia manager Radomir Antic that Subotic was set to play for Serbia.
"As with previous reports regarding Neven, his representative continues to advise us that the stories are untrue and no decision has been made in regards to his international future,'' Gulati told the Associated Press.
So what now? We can essentially ignore any and all future reports on Subotic's national team decision until Subotic himself comes forward to publicly state his decision.
Apologies for the latest false alarm, but if you read the morning post on the initial report, you were probably already aware that there was a grain of salt to take the story with.
I would like to add that the U.S. would definitely benefit from Neven Subotic as part of the roster for any World Cup squad. Being that the U.S. will qualify for the World Cup without much trouble for the forseable future, I would venture to say that Neven will side with the U.S. when he finally tells the world and puts an end to this insantity.
At this point Sunil Gulati seems to have more than a novice understanding about the development of this story, and is definitely in tune to reports on the other part of the world. Thats tells us something. You can rest assured that the USSF is doing everything they can to secure Subotic’s services on the USMNT. I am merely speculating about his future and would love it if Subotic chose the U.S. over Serbia. Mathematically, there is a 50-50 chance we get him. If I was a betting man, I would that given the length of this drama, he has now changed his mind to play for the U.S., with the tipping point being our “easy” CONCACAF schedule to the World Cup Finals.
this is becoming a regular “ronaldo to real” story. to be honest, serbia should back off before possibly making subotic angry.
it is a hard decision. if he chooses serbia, he will be surrounded by very talented players but serbia will probably still not make it to the world cup. if he chooses the usa, then he’ll have a better chance at the world cup, but the competition will be a lot less fierce. not to mention serbia gets to participate in EURO. it really comes down to which tournaments he would rather play in.
TimN, I think you’re the one that has faulty logic. How is Serbia’s group an easy one? Do you honestly believe that the US would come out of that group???France and Romania are definitely better then the US, and Austria is close. And just because its easier to qualify for the WC doesn’t mean the player is going to be happy playing Belize, Guatemala, and Honduras when he could be challenging himself against actual opponent’s like the ones in Europe. And also what makes you think that Serbia will hardly ever qualify for major tournaments…this current generation of players has more than enough quality to qualify from now on.
Damn you have some serious problems to understand! If those success in junior competition were made those last years then you have to wait to see those same players in the senior competition! As I said they are in the senior squad since 1 year so it’s their first campaign with the senior team. France was in the Euro, Romania and Austra too, it’s a pretty tough group Serbia have and they’re doing pretty well. USA would not qualify for the final stage in a group like that. Now you have to understand that nobody care for your concacaf division, which means that if Neven decide to play for usa, then he’ll have to play against weak teams 4 years (and sometime he have to lose against trinidad and tobago lol) before he comes to the world cup with his teamates who are playing for the majority in the crap mls league and go back to usa after the first stage.
My fellow Tim, let me see how clear I can make it for you…Serbia WILL NEVER win a WC, and often will not qualify. The U.S. will also possibly never win a WC, but I think it’s safe to say from this point that we will always be a regular. Chalk it up to CONCACAF being an easier qualifying route than Europe, whatever. The fact remains that Serbia will always have a difficult time getting to the WC. Even this year, in a relatively easy qualifying group for them, they still might not make it. Choosing Serbia will forever make Subotic’s career one noted for club play, and not international play. Aco93 tried to suggest, unsuccessfully so, that Serbia’s recent under 21 success in Euros means they’re on the rise. Well, if that’s so, then why haven’t they made it deep in senior level Euros EVER??
Personally, I don’t really care who he chooses, but I will challenge faulty logic when I read it. Frankly, I’m tired of these primadonnas leaving everyone hanging. If he wants to wear the stars and stripes, then great. If not, then so be it, but I wish everyone would quit trying to make this guy sound like the greatest thing to come along in recent history. Our future isn’t crushed without him.
And since you guys are so obsessed with place of birth (i.e. holding it over Rossi’s head for the rest of his life that he was born in New Jersey), let’s not forget that Neven was born in the former Yugoslavia. He is much, much more Serbian than he is American (if at all) and the notion that he is somehow obligated to play for the United States out of “loyalty” is opportunism at best.
My fellow Tim, I think it’s you that’s got it backwards. Serbia has got probably the most exciting set of emerging players in Europe (after France and Italy). We’re not talking about decent-to-good players, but superstars in the making. The US team is full of decent players who somehow manage to hang with teams with much, much more talent and skill. So who should Subotic play for? An up and coming team containing some of the most prized youngsters in European football or an average team with average teammates and average prospects? I don’t think Serbia is too hard of a choice, frankly.
Personally, I think if you take patriotism out of the picture, that Serbia is a better choice.
1. The Euros mean there is a major intl event every two years vs. every four.
2. Travel is so much easier for a player based in Europe.
3. Serbia may not be a power, but they will at least be in the hunt to qualify for all the events. They have the talent to be competitive with anyone.
Obviously, most people make these decisions based upon other factors, like their love of their country. But nevin doesn’t appear to be that concerned with that, and therefore, I think he’ll pick Serbia.
The Trinidad & Tobago loss happened in the 2nd round of CONCACAF WCQ after the U.S. had already won their group and advanced to the Hexagonal stage. Our top players didn’t even play in that game, and there were several who did that had very little or no international experience. It was a meaningless game for us, and we weren’t going to risk injury to our best players for the sake of going undefeated in a group we had already won. Again, get your information straight before you post. It helps give validity to your points…
And maybe Neven don’t want to be part of a team who can lose against trinidad and tobago 1-2? 🙂
YimN, those succes were in 2004, 2006 and 2007, with players like Krasic (soon Real Madrid) and Ivanovic (Chelsea) who weren’t in the senior team before this year. Well that doesn’t matter you’ll see in the future.
The U.S. has players in EPL, Bundesliga, Ligue 1, Scottish Premiere League, and other top European leagues. Look it up, and get your facts straight.
As far as Under 21 WC’s, of the 16 that have been played, Brazil and Argentina have won 10 of them. No Serbian team has ever won or placed, though the former Yugoslavia won it in Chile back in 1987; and that was what I was talking about, Serbia’s chance of winning a WC. However, even looking at the European Championship at the senior level for a moment, Serbia has never appeared in the semis or the finals. The former Yugoslavia had some success in the 60’s and 70’s, but in the modern era, there’s not much to speak of. So, this Under 21 Euro success you reference has not translated well to the senior level game.
Read through all of the posts and commented frequently on the previous story. I see a few guys have posted that defense is not a big thing. WRONG. If you look at a lot of the game winning goals in past WCs, you will find they have come from defenders (ala Blanc with France). Neven has a wicked shot and he is fantastic on set pieces where most all of his goals have come from in the Bundesliga this year.
The kid can defintely defend as has been attested by people no less famous than Luca Toni (whom he has marked completely out of several games they have played).
Add to that his top rate distribution skills, which leave much to be desired from Gooch and Boca and you have the center piece of your back line for the next 12 years (and four WCs) through 2022.
As I posted on the previous article, I knew that Gulati would be on the phone to Steve Kelly (his agent) in a heartbeat.
The USSF is FINALLY on top of this BUT I would feel a whole lot better if they were taking a more proactive approach (maybe they are and we just don’t get those behind the scenes glimpses) to making sure we bring Neven into the fold.
Fingers crossed on this keyboard…
He’s gonna play for Serbia unless Bradley states he is ready to place him into the starting eleven (which he wont).
It sucks for US fans, because he was a bird-in-hand for us and we let him get away. He’s a stalwart for a good Bundesliga team and is currently outplaying any other US international defender (Boca and Gooch are both in inferior leagues).
Ultimately, Bradley will stick with Captain Boca and Gooch in the center, although he SHOULD move Boca out left and pair Neven with Gooch. That would put our back 4 in tremendous shape.
But, it wont happen. Subotic will play for Serbia. They are the better side and are offering him a spot in the starting 11 right away.
The only real ace-in-the-hole the US federation has left is near-guaranteed World Cup qualification and a booked ticket to the Confederations Cup. Serbia will have a tough fight to get into WC2012.
Thats what i said just read my post…
TimN, I see where you’re coming from, but I have to respectfully disagree that he’ll get more international exposure and experience playing for the US. Sure we’ll most likely qualify for every World Cup, but playing qualifiers for both World Cups and Euro Cups, and then possibly qualifying for those tournaments, the experience with Serbia wouldn’t compare to anything CONCACAF has to offer. Not even close.
He would be getting much more competitive games playing for Serbia, instead of a handful of friendlies, and then the Gold Cup, which doesn’t even have a qualifier format. If the US were to be a permanent invite for the Copa America, then maybe it might be worth his while, but at this point, I think Serbia would be the better choice as a professional.
Plus he’d be playing with the likes of Vidic, who is an outstanding defender who he could learn from, and Stankovic, who is of a higher quality than any midfielder we currently have. His potential for growth as a soccer player is much better with Serbia. His career would in no way be ruined if he chose them.
>>Losing Rossi was what killed us<<
We never "had" him in the first place. Read about Rossi's upbringing and his dad and you'll see what I mean. Galarcep spoke at length about it, if I remember correctly.
Guys you’re funny because you don’t know what’s going on in the European football (and not soccer). During the last 3 under21 European championships, Serbia was twice in final and once in semi final. They have one of the brightest future in Europe. Their players are playing in Manchester United, Chelsea, Inter, and other best European leagues unlike american players. 2 new young Serbians players will join Manchester (Tosic, Ljajic) and one will join Real Madrid (Krasic) in january. The last years Serbia was bad because there were no team spirit, but Antic have changed that. Believe me, us national team shouldn’t play against Serbia in the next world cup if they don’t want to be trashed.
You should read Oranje Mike’s post, and also carefully read mine. I acknowledge that the U.S. may never win a WC. However, we will be playing in them. Serbia will often have a hard time qualifying for a WC, or even Euro. With the U.S., he gets much more international exposure and experience.
Fortunately for Serbia in 2010 they have a relatively easy WCQ group which they sit atop of at this moment. However, it’s early, and they have to play France again, a team to which they have already lost, and Romania twice, who is always tough. Their 3 wins in the group have been against Lithuania, Faroe Islands, and Austria, hardly powerhouses. The top 2 teams out of their group advance, which I think in the end will be France and Romania. However, Romania did have a shaky loss to Lithuania, so I could see Serbia getting out of that group.
The point though is that in CONCACAF, the U.S. has become a power, and I have a hard time from this point seeing them have any troubles in WCQ. Let’s also acknowledge that had the U.S. not gotten TOTALLY SCREWED in their WC draw in 2006, they very likely would have gotten to at least the 2nd round. Remember that Mexico got the #7 seed, and hence a very good group draw, even though they lost to us twice, and despite the fact that we had won CONCACAF. I do not think 2002 was a fluke, as many try to purport. Also remember that the only team Italy didn’t beat in the 2006 WC was the U.S., and they got the tie on a controversial offsides call that negated Beasley’s goal.
IMHO he’ll have a more prolific international career with the U.S. With Serbia, his career will largely be a club one.
If you all think this is just some other player, you’re kidding yourselves. This is a player that Germany wanted to put in its lineup at 20 years old. Germany. Tell me what US center back could do that, exactly?
Ives, no apologies necessary. You gave the initial report (AP or not) the right context and followed it through. Regardless of how you feel about those who will “criticize anything” (i.e., whether you care or not), I have to say that I appreciate the more restrained / skeptical approach exemplified in this “Subotic II” report.
Pwople who say serbia isnt as good as the u.s do some research they are deper and better than us in every position especaially defense. their defense is on par with the best in europe of their midifeld (even though stankovic is much better than any U.S player may not be. Their defence second line defnse would start over our whole starters and if you dont think so look at where they play/ better than where are starters play. not only would he come in and be our best player and start right off teh bat *Rafeal Van der vaaart said he was the best player in the bundesliga so far and he has been rated in the top ten and as one of teh best players in many german publicationS), but one of teh youngest players on teh team. he could start for 4 world cups without any competition. if he wants to play from teh beggining and be guranteed internaional tourneys like the world cup, confed cup, copa america he should come here or he could battle it out with one of the best defenses in teh world in serbia. tough choice.
Dont be crazy, defense does win games. Look at Italy. All defense with counter attacks. Yes they have forwards, but they pride themselves on defense and wait for the counter. How often have you seen Italy or an Italian team playing attacking football like the EPL. Now, how many world cups or club champions of Europe have they had. Again, we never have enough. Take all you can get. I do like how Gulati is replying to all this. Makes me feel somewhat better about the USSF watching & listening.
In other news, Real Madrid swear Christiano Ronaldo will sign for them this summer. Wait, no he won’t. Wait, yes he will. Wait…
I think it is safe to say that in regards to Rossi, the chances of him signing for us were very slim. Rossi always wanted to play for Italy and he waited for them until he got the call up to the senior squad. There wasn’t much that USSF could have done in this matter, unless Rossi saw that he had no chance or ever wearing the Italian jersey. This scenario is not even slightly similar to the one the US is involved with Neven Subotic right now.
The situation with Subotic is getting ridiculous because something linking him to Serbia always pops up every couple of weeks. At this point all we can do is hope he joins our back line, but if he doesn’t then good luck to him with Serbia. Whether it is good or bad for US he is still entertaining the idea of playing for either team, which is something Rossi didn’t do. At this point who knows really what Neven wants to do, so we will just have to wait and see. Screw patience, he needs to make up his mind already…
someone smack this guy antic around
I’d like to see Subotic play for the US but won’t hold it against him if he chooses Serbia. He’s not in the same boat as Rossi. But I wouldn’t be shocked to see him play for the US. We’re a lock for the World Cup. Serbia (as much as I would like to see them) will likely not make the World Cup.
TimN, you really believe that the US has a chance of winning a World Cup during his playing career? He’s 20 years old now, so let’s say he plays until he’s 32 with the US, you’re betting that the US has a better chance of winning a World Cup through 2010-2018? Neither team has a realistic chance of winning a World Cup during that time. At least with Serbia he does have the chance of not just playing in a World Cup, but playing in Euro Cups instead of Gold Cups.
Well, if he picks the U.S., then good for us. However, if he picks Serbia, then he can pretty much FORGET EVER WINNING A WC. Yes, they U.S. may never win one either, but I think we have a better chance of winning one someday than does Serbia.
If he just wants to be nationalistic in playing for Serbia, then fine, so be it. I’m over this guy already.
for me its not even a case of if he will choose the US, Its a case of whether he SHOULD choose the US. He has a right to look after his own career and persue what he feels like is the best opportunity to the biggest stage. If thats the US, nice. If not, Oh well. No one should be pissed at him for thinking out his options, because I cant remember the last teenager with this much patience OFF the field. Freddy Adu could learn a thing or two from Neven.
did anyone believe this in the first place?
I think Subotic will play for U.S.A, you know why? USA has been the better Nation and has the better future than Serbia.
surprise surprise…. im not at all shocked that this came out… altho this could simply be a ruse…. his representatives could easily be saying this to yank our chains 😛 haha
anyhow, the SAGA CONTINUES 😀
Sort of true. Losing a defender is sort of like losing a goalie at this point.
But I’m more concerned about the PRECEDENT this will set with other players in the future. Rossi left us for Italy. Ok, fine. I can understand.
But Subotic leaving us for Serbia? And he already played for the U.S. This would look bad, and would resonate all over Europe.
I don’t think I’m overreacting either. I’m hoping Neven stays so that this trend STOPS. Because well… it is a trend already, folks.
Cap him now!! 😉
Not like defense wins championships or anything…
It’s not a disaster if he goes for Serbia, but he’d be a great addition.
That said, it’s going to be annoying to deal with this all season until he picks this summer. It’s probably going to hinge on Serbia’s standing in WCQs, if you ask me.
Who cares. Hes a defender.
This is the like housing bubble. The writing on the wall was there for everybody to read, but so many are still shocked when it happened. Eh..
Johnny: I disagree, Subotic would immediatly be one of our top 3 defenders. I would love a backline of him and gooch in the middle while boca slides to LB. LB is the hole in the defense and I think Boca is better than pearce out there. the holes in the U.S. team are LB, CM to some extent, and striker. Jozy can become our guy up top. Kljestan can perhaps fill the void in the middle. But i do not know of anyone coming for LB so this is our best option.
German paper Sportbild rates him in the top 10 of all Bundesliga defenders.
No “yay” or “boo” until Neven suits up for one and plays.
like i said this morning, “I wont beleive anything until Neven HIMSELF says so!!!”
he will deside eventually, we all can stop guessing and just wait. nothing we can do.
USSF is doing well and they seem to be on top if it. They should be working on this behind the scenes. Serbia is being a pain in the ass.
Whatever happens happens.
Just beat Mexico.
I have a different take than all of you. I believe Subotic may be saying promising things secretly to Antic or Neven’s agent may be that would lead to these comments. What would be interesting is to see what responses Gulati has been getting if any or to see if Gulati has respected the hands off approach until the offseason.
WHO CARES! The U.S. national team has a whole slew of defenders in Bocanegra, Califf, Onyewu, Marshall, Parkhurst, Cherundolo, Wynne, Pearce, Orozco, Goodson, Moor, Gibbs, DeMerit, Hejduk, Simek and Bornstein! If Subotic were a striker then I would actual pay attention to this whole mess. Losing Rossi was what killed us and Subotic’s choice won’t affect the team at all. Bocanegra’s a rock in Ligue 1 at Stade Rennais and Onyewu is granering praise and interest from teams like Paris St. Germain and Olympique Lyonnais. Standard de Liege isnt too shabby a club either (UEFA Cup anyone?) If he chooses the U.S. big whoop we have two core center backs already. now, WHERE ARE THE STRIKERS! Call in Jemal Johnson and Jeremiah White PLEASE! Always was a fan of Twellman too 🙂
I can only hope Neven is turned off by Serbia repeatedly speaking for him. It’s classless and I hope he views it the same way.
this is becoming one big joke. I wouldn’t be surprised if Subotic came out and said screw you all, I’m not playing international football anywhere.
Why must you play with our emotions??
I can’t take this anymore!
Good to hear. I hope he picks the U.S.
But Gulati can’t get him to commit for USA.
I can only assume that Neven is struggling with this decision, or is simply not that concerned with it, if he allows this endless speculation to continue. Either that, or, me being cynical, he gets a kick out of constantly being the center of attention. Either way, when this is all over, it will be a good thing for one of two reasons: he will be a future CB for the U.S. or we will no longer have to hear about it.