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Nery Castillo slams the Mexican media

Chances are you have seen it already, but after catching Nery Castillo's venom-laced tirade at the Mexican media earlier this week, I couldn't resist posting it.

Here it is:

I didn't have time to translate for you non-Spanish speakers (folks are more than welcome to in the comments section) but the gist of his tirade was that the Mexican media doesn't support the national team and writes about anything but soccer. He also went on to say that Mexico's soccer pundits don't know anything about soccer because they haven't played soccer at the highest level, unlike Brazil and Argentina, where many pundits are former standout players.

The Chicago Tribune's Luis Arroyave took the time to translate some of the better moments (though be warned, Oswaldo Sanchez tells me Arroyave's Spanish is kind of shaky.)

While Castillo may have a point (Mexican media do tend to sensationalize and create controversy), he probably lost many of the points he earned from the tirade in his last line, when he said the following:

"You know the difference? I'm in Europe, and you're in Mexico, and you'll always be in Mexico."

Um, yeah, not the best line ever.

Now either Nery Castillo hates Mexico as a country and doesn't think much of it (which shouldn't be that shocking considering he didn't exactly grow up there), OR he is under the misguided notion that journalists, like players, can move on to Europe if they are good enough. While the latter is entirely possible, most people will assume the first, which doesn't bode well for Castillo.

What did you think of Castillo's outburst (assuming you understood it)? Think Castillo had a point? Was it a sign of turmoil in the Mexico locker room? Think the outburst could actually bring the Mexican national team together ahead of its crucial qualifier vs. Costa Rica?

Share your thoughts below.


  1. DC Josh,
    Mexico is not in disarray as the main US media outlets have been clammering lately. What is happening is the same violence that happened in Chicago during the Capone era when the Feds confronted them directly. The US still has a much higher murder rate per capita than Mexico. It is overblown and once a new thing comes up that he media can overblow this story will go away.

  2. I lived in Mexico for seventeen years, and it was tough being a USMNT fan down there, for years I had to accept the fact that the US was an inferior team and watch our defeats and listen to the bragging during the following days or even weeks. I can say I learned a lot about Mexican soccer and just about everything there is to know about he culture, good and bad.
    When it comes to soccer and supporting the national team it is quite ridiculous how the hype can change people, fans and the media will focus on the smallest details, like this time how Nery decided to avoid the media while arriving in Mexico City.
    Since Mexico has recently been taken off the number one spot in CONCACAF the media has gone wild, fixating themselves on every detail and rumour. This cannot help their team’s morale in any way, Nery’s interview was an example as he crumbled under pressure eventually saying “this is why I’m in Europe and you are not”. This kind of attitude is yet to fall upon our team and I hope it never will, we are smarter and better tempered than that. I just hope as a true rival that Mexico can pull itself together, I’d hate to see them miss out on the world cup. All things said, GO USA!!!!

  3. According to my spanish, he is saying that he thinks US soccer is FAR superior to mexican soccer, and that it is doubtful that they will ever beat the Yanks again. He also apologized for calling LD a bunch of names.

    Of coarse, I never studied or learned spanish, but i think I captured the most important points.

  4. The Mexican media is always critical of the MXNT win, lose or draw. Nothing is ever good enough. Granted, the national team is in a down period, but is magnified by the rise of play by its closest neighbor and rival US. This is Mexico’s sport, they are not used to being second best to a country that does not glorify the sport as they do and do not take kindly to a group of Mexicans, many nationalized, who are not giving them what they want. A win is a win to most but to the Mexican media it has to be a great win, on par with the likes of Brazil and Argentina. The rise in USMNT play is IMO a result of having players in Europe. It’s where all players hope to play. Mexico needs players in Europe if they hope to return to dominance of the region. As for the media, as in most sports, most have never played the sport they cover and most are never content with any result.

  5. at least they pay attention to soccer there. Couldn’t be any worse than the ESPN networks who just ignore us or call it a sissy sport. and move on!

  6. dear PWNED,

    when your country never won anything, never has won anything, and WILL NEVER win anything, you need all the help you can get.

    Including voodoo

    you freind, Evan

  7. Mexico’s population: 110 Million

    Costa Rica’s population: 4 Million

    Costa Rica is a country that most people will mistake for an island, they dont even have an army!!!!

    The fact that we are even discussing this stuff is funny. Is it really necessary to get Argentinos, Brasileros, and Urugayos into your national squad when you are more than 200 times the size of your rival?!?!?

  8. Nery is way off base here. Most of the criticism I saw from all media had to do with poor play and lack of discipline. Everyone from reporters to fans has a right to comment on their play.

    Personally although I like their style, I believe the Europe players including Nery are part of the discipline problem, (see Vela at Honduras, Rafa at USA, and Nery at I forgot.)

  9. I feel sorry for Nery though. It’s not like he hasn’t had tried to get of his contract with that Ukrainian club. He’s signed a contract with the devil!

  10. ” If Brazil or Argentina doesn’t win, they criticize that.”

    Howd that last qualifying round go for you Frida…er, Nery?

  11. I don’t know enough about what mexican soccer journalists write about mexican soccer to have an opinion about what was said, but I do find it refreshing to hear some dirty laundry being aired out in front of the media.

    I think Bob Bradley copies and pastes the same answers to any question he fields from soccer journalists, which after you’ve read them about 3 times can get pretty boring.

  12. Nery was born in San Luis Potosi Mex!! when he was 4 years old his parents took him to Uruguay until the age of 17 when he singned for Olimpiakos …. Nery decided to play for MEXNT , and it good that someone has the balls to face the Mexican media !! come on Nery !!! let´s go !!! you have my support !!

  13. I only caught a few words, like three actually.

    He is, like the rest of the team, a whiner. They always come up with excuses for the lack of form and quality.

    The fact is, their country is in disarray. The government is corrupt, the worst thing for them is if El Tri doesn’t qualify, which will never happen.

    As much as I want to believe this is a distraction, I think they are going to hammer Costa Rica.

    Just like England, the media puts too much pressure on the players, and they crumble underneath it.

  14. I would translate it, but youtube is blocked at my work. I saw it on ESPN Deportes earlier, Nery came off ass a young naive prick to the press, and to the fans. Apparently, in Europe, the press is not as harsh as it is in Mexico. We all know the statement is bullshit. The public eye is not on him in Europe because he is a nobody there and failed to make an impression with Man City. He plays in Europe, but Guardado, Osorio, and others play on better teams and leagues. His good days are unfortuanately behind him,

    The press heavily critiques Raul, Messi and Ronaldo when they play badly, or score when using his hand or accuse of diving, yes they do. Why should Nery be above the criticism. Also, a question to Ives, after seeing this outburst are less likely to be critical of sports player of their behavior and performance off and on the field?

  15. Yes he was born in Mexico like Hillebrand (the fullham defender or whatever his name is) was born in the US.

    However both moved to the country they most associate with very young. In Nery’s case I think the age was before 4.And his parents were already Uruguayan.

    It would be like if Feilhaber played for Brazil. Yea he was born there but culturally he is American all the way.Doubt he has any sentiment for Brazil at all.

    I dont know if Ide brag too much about playing in Ukraine.

    If the reporter was quick he woulda responded by saying “Um you play in EASTERN EUROPE” or “Yea I guess i can go to England and be a reporter and wash out like you”

    Theres a reason why Uruguay didnt want this Prima Dona who really isnt THAT good….

    but then thats what makes him a perfect fit for the Mexican team….

    No Class, big ego, overinflated sense of self worth, lack of discipline over his actions or mouth, me first attitude.

  16. ehhh he somewhat has a point,this is where I think we have a huge advantage, evem before huge games the US media usually supports the players, never goes against them

    with that being said, MON THE TICOS

  17. Re: accent

    Nery puts on a Mexican-ish tone. His accent is actually quite neutral, having focused on minimizing his Uruguayan accent.

    He’s actually not that bad at trying to cover up his natural accent, neutralizing it as much as possible.

    Love the “dog whisperer” comment!

  18. Too much about nothing, even by Ives. Nery is right and he was born in Mexico not Uruguay like some have posted. Mexico have more talent than Costa Rica and are playing at Azteca – enough said and case closed. Ives really likes to stir the pot with all the Mexico haters here ala Lou Dobbs style.

  19. i have respect for the dude too, but its because he thinks that anyone could take him seriously with that unibrow. wait, i dont think respect is the word i am looking for…

  20. PRESSURE! SOMEONE IS FEELING THE PRESSURE! That team needs “The Dog Whisperer” to show them calm assertive energy. Remember boys from the NarcoMexicanNational team, EXERCISE, DISCIPLINE AFFECTION! IN THAT ORDER! No exceptions!!!!

  21. I have a lot of respect for the dude. To stand in a room and defend your teammates and your national team, well, just watching the video, takes a lot of guts.

  22. Hilarious – the best part was the Mexican Media just totally mocking him when he started to whine. He may be correct in some of his observations – but he is a professional and this is a sign of stress / immaturity.

    Also, gp back and look at the tension in his face change from min 1 to min 3 to min 6 🙂 He was really burning.

  23. Nery is originally from Uruguay, but the recent Mexico squads have featured a lot more nationalized players…I think there’s like 4 on the squad right now. Brazil, Argentina usually being the home to most historically. Sven loves the idea but most of the Mexican media hates the ‘nationalized’ look. They want to be all Mexi which, at this point, would probably be an improvement. Loved the tirade. Any Spanish speakers can tell easily his accent is far from Mexi. Come on los Ticos!!!

  24. SonicDeathMonkey – LOL!

    It’s fun to see this rough patch Mexico is going through but let’s not get too carried away. IMO, when they have their entire pool available they are a very dangerous team for anyone to play against.

  25. That was awesome, specially about the part where Nery asks the reporter has he ever played soccer? and the reporter answered yes, and Nery asked him What team? reporter didn’t have an answer after that.I believe Nery was just upset at how the media just makes up stories and criticizes them about their personal life and not about soccer.He went on saying that in Brazil and Argentina, that when they loose the media criticizes on how they played not their personal lives.

  26. Yes, that unibrow is quite hypnotic. For some reason, I now have the urge to move to the Ukraine and underperform at my job.

  27. Wow. Just… wow.

    He’s right about a LOT of things — that the Mexican media sensationalizes, and it truly is to the detriment of the national team/program.

    I’m glad somebody is saying it.

    Having said that, writers are NOT tacticians, nor are they athletes. They write. For an audience. In order to be a good sports *writer* first and foremost you have to know how to *write* well.

  28. These guys are not looking like they will beat Costa Rica. I love to watch Mexico melt down, but I don’t want to see a complete meltdown.

  29. Hey Ives, I heard the new rich Kuwaiti owner of Sky Sports is paying your current employer a 32 million pound transfer fee for your services. But since you’re your own man, you get to pocket it!

  30. “Long over due”? I don’t think this was the time or way to go about offering criticism. What a mess. Good luck Sven.

  31. Long overdue IMO.. I wish the US press was 10% as harsh.

    I do wonder why the Mexican Team even does media talks… with all the hatchet men in the Audience.


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