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All Stars For Hope match cancelled


If you were eagerly looking forward to getting an in-person glimpse of your favorite international players in next month's All Stars For Hope game then you most surely will be disappointed to know that the charity match has been cancelled.

The match, which was set to showcase stars like Cristiano Ronaldo, Thierry Henry and Frank Lampard on June 14th at Giants Stadium, was cancelled due to economic reasons.

The foundation's website read: "As a result of the current economic financial climate, it is with much regret that the All Stars for Hope event has been cancelled.

"We realise that this news will come as a disappointment to our many fans and supporters who have committed to taking seats at the event."

The website also mentioned the possibility of rescheduling the event.

What do you think about the cancellation of the All Stars For Hope game? Did you plan on attending? Are you furious that you will not get to see some of the world's finest in action?

Share your thoughts below.


  1. this is crap! Bull crap! Red Bull crap!! pun hella intended…giants bulls…bull crap…anyone..anyone

  2. HA!

    This always struck me as a faux charity event, and sure enough, the organizers (who likely had good intentions somewhere, possibly) were incompetent. I’m glad it didn’t come off.

    Granted, why do I get the sneaking suspicion that it WILL take place right before the European season starts in Seattle?

    Those guys get all the luck.

  3. I don’t want to say it serves them right, but my little group of season ticket holders DEFINITELY would have donated to this charity.

    Just not the absurd price we would have been required to pay to get seats we have been sitting in for years.

    Again, I know it’s a charity. But I’m willing to bet if they sold as many tickets as they thought they would (or, maybe sold as many as they would have if they weren’t playing a Mexican team), it wouldn’t have been canceled.

    I actually feel bad, but I would have been willing to make my contribution to attend this game. Just not what it would have ended up costing me to get the seats I wanted.

  4. That is actually rediculous. There’s no way “the current economic situation” is the real reason for cancelling this tourament. It’s much more likely that the event was planned in such a way that it would never work out.

  5. My understanding is that projected ticket sales were quite low and there was no real media campaign underway that would make this event economically viable. Too bad for the few fans who did want to see the big names waltz around for a couple of hours but entirely understandable in fiscal terms.


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