Good afternoon everybody. It's that time again. Time for us to discuss all things soccer (and some things pop culture) during SBI's semi-regular Live Q&A.
We had some technical difficulties but I'm hoping everything is fine now.
Want to talk U.S. national team? Have questions about the CONCACAF Champions League? Wondering what is wrong with the LA Galaxy? Have a question about the new Jersey Shore (okay, those you could keep to yourself.)
Get your questions ready and send them my way. I think today could be a long session so be sure to follow along, and feel free to jump in at any time.
Let's get started (Q&A is after the jump):
Thanks Ives!
very nice, Ives. quoting “uptown” by drake and co., and then mentioning the latest rick ross album. “free mason” is an unbelievable track.
Yeah, and I don’t think Kronke’s buying up a huge lot of land in the middle of nowhere and putting a soccer team on it to try to develop all the other lots around it for selling really means he isn’t a cheapskate when it comes to his team. Not sure you can blame Kraft for not building a stadium for the Revs when he owns a nice stadium for the Pats. Truth is, neither are spending a dime on their team that isn’t pretty much required.
so am I? how many royal families are there in Nigeria?
Findley must have naked pics of Bradley, how else do you explain his choice?
wow, love kjlestan and jones; but findley…gomez….really?
sucks for you cause it works for me.
[Comment From Rory]
Who’s the cheapest owner in the MLS–Kronke or Kraft?
how about which billionaire owner does not realize the potential of their teams more?
Lawyer, pfhhth, I’m getting my Nigerian money from royalty.
No way am I doing that! This could be a scam. What if they take away some of that money I’m getting from a lawyer in Nigeria who has decided to deposit 3 Million in my bank account in exchange for giving him half of it?
haha, do it. Do it! A million dollars man.
It says to click on the black box and enter my name and ss# to win 1 million dollars?
… ground control to Major Tom…
Obviously, Ives’ magic elves that keep the series of internet tubes open must be on strike. But yeah, I have no idea how technology works. Iz just uses it.
Works fine on Firefox, blackbox on chrome
all i got is “Hey Folks”
It’s always worked for me in the past…not so today though.
Ground control to Major Tom…
Come on Ives, I actually jotted down my questions this time beforehand.
Yup same.. Usually works for me
Yeah, I’ve never had a issue before either. Has there been a change?
Ives is just trying to jack up his page views.
We’re all freaking out Ives!! We’re Q&A deprived!! (and I’m not kidding)
Yep, not working, first time it hasn’t worked for me.
mine says “waiting for writer to provide content…” but it’s otherwise blank white. First time i’ve had an issue with this program on this site or any other.
Works for me, except all that shows in the box is:
The event is now live.
Waiting for writer to provide content…
And, awesome … a black box
Same here
I’ve got nothing either
Not working for me either
Same deal here as well
not working for me either. first time this has happened.
me neither
This never works for me. All I get is a black box.
not working for me either
its not working for me!