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Must-See Interview: Davies discusses the accident, his comeback and D.C. United


  1. That goal in mexico was pure class. I hope that he regains his form, b/c i think we are far more dangerous with a 2 striker system.

  2. I don’t think you’re so far off base; I thought about that too. However, I also thought about how this is a 15 minute interview for a sports network in which he has already discussed how thoughts of Ashley, the accident, etc kept him sleepless for months. Maybe I’m being naive or giving both the interviewer and CD9 too much credit but I feel like the question that’s really being asked/answered here is about the low point beyond what he’s already revealed.

  3. I’m not a CD9 fan. If I’m Bradley I’m moving on unless Charlie completely destroys the rest of the league.

    I think he is self centered, in denial and arrogant. Which is about right given what he does for a living.

    However, let’s be fair. In spite of what you may think SBI is not the be all and end all of all things CD9. Nor does it claim to be.

    There is a separate article in the Washington Post where he talks about writing a statement to be read during the sentencing of the driver about Ashley. In the article he talks about while he lost his World Cup dream, Ashley lost her life and how much worse that was for her family and how badly he feels about their loss.

    So, in fact he is not the unfeeling creep you may think he is. He is a young, self centered athlete dealing with a situation and emotions he was not prepared to deal with and just doing the best he can. You damn him assuming everything you read here is the whole story.

    Do a little research before you condemn the man to hell.


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