Stuart Holden's latest comeback has hit a minor snag.
Holden will miss the next six weeks after he undergoes a follow-up surgery on his recently repaired knee.
"Our prime concern has always been Stuart's welfare and his long-term health and fitness," Bolton manager Owen Coyle said on the club's official website. "It was looking likely that the operation could be scheduled for next summer, but after follow-up consultations with the specialists we have brought the date forward."
Holden had recently returned from a long stint on the sidelines, playing in three reserve games and making a 90-minute appearance in the Carling Cup in his first action for Bolton since suffering a severe knee injury in March against Manchester United.
Holden confirmed the surgery on his Twitter account, claiming that it's a "routine op" and that "Obviously I'm disappointed as I've worked so hard the last 6 months, but in the grand scale of things its only a minor blip."
With the six-week timetable, Holden is due back on or around the November international fixture window, and his first Premier League match could be on Nov. 19 at West Brom or on Nov. 26 at home against Everton.
What do you think of this development?
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Learn to “reed.” LMAO…learn to write! Guys like you on here are nothing more than a nuisance…
I doubt there is a “USMNT injury bug”. Soccer is a tough game.
It’s just that we have so few really good player that when guys like Gooch, Holden, Davies and so on get hurt it’s much more noticeable.
If Mertesack, Khedira and Podolski got hurt I don’t think Germany would be screaming about an injury bug
Sorry but JOB was twice the player Holden is.
JOB had a great 2002 World Cup while Holden has never done anything remotely approaching that for the US.
Holden has never been a regular starter for the US, except for that run with the 2009 Gold Cup “B”team. All the great performances he has had lately were for Bolton. It’s nice that he was so important for them but great club form does not necessarily directly translate to the National team.
He is a fan fave, seems like a great guy and is much beloved but that is not the same thing as a proven performer. Guys like Tevez and C. Ronaldo seem pretty unappetizing off the field but you can’t really argue with what they do on it.
You are missing the point.
DeJong has a reputation but Holden could have had his leg broken by anyone. I’ve seen more than a few such injuries inflicted on other players by non-psychotic players. In fact, I broke a winger’s leg once ina very simialr tackle and I can tell you we were both pretty surprised.
And he could have received his latest injury from any other player besides Evans, who is hardly the dirtiest or hardest player in the EPL.
Holden is one of those guys who has bad luck with injuries. Sometimes it’s just that simple. It’s a tough game and you will never entirely eliminate that sort of risk.
Stu was also very involved in the Houston community doing charity work and making friends at the local children’s hospital.
Answer – you come off like a bit of a jerk.
You must be one of those people incapable of realizing when they are wrong.
The quote in no way implies any possibility that the surgery would not have ever happened. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have “brought the date forward.”
TimN is right… surgery now keeps alive a very slim hope of his returning for WCQ. Surgery next summer eradicates such a hope.
Well, six weeks is only a little over a month….ie. he wouldn’t be out for the season and could probably be back with the first team in January.
That said, now that the figure has been corrected to 6 months…well, S#17!
Uh, no they are NOT the same thing. Your comprehension is terrible. Saying it could be done is not the same thing as saying it was “initially planned” which were YOUR words. Learn to reed. Your point was silly and drawn from nothing other than what you made up. So why make it at all?
JOB is a very good comp for Stu. Similar in speed, skills, technical ability. JOB perhaps a bit better passer with Stu maybe the superior tackler, but very close down to the perpetual injuries.
I think you are really missing his point. You saw be like Dejong and freaked.
wilyboy your logic… rather your lack of logic… is breathtaking.
Players like DeJong are the reason why folks like Holden have their careers cut short or major parts of their career taken from them. It has nothing to do with SH’s toughness or mentality. He plays the game very hard in fact.
Players do get injured and some tackles that lead to injury are not intentional, but there are a few players in the game who are “enforcer” types. While they had a place in 1980’s hockey, they do not belong in 21st century soccer.
Players like deJong who tackle to injure, (or who are so out of control that they injure folks more than once in their careers) are not to be admired, they are to be banned from the sport.
Really, to put the onus in a situation like that on the person who gets injured from receiving a tackle like that is like saying a girl deserves to be g@ng r@ped because she doesn’t kick every man she sees in the b@lls when she walks down the street.
exactly. they didn’t say, “it’s going so well that they moved it up”. so it could easily mean “we thought we could put it off but we can’t”.
read between the lines grasshoper.
six weeks is not as bad as it sounds? do you know how long it takes to a get a body into game shape for a season? Neither do, I but I bet it’s a long time. hope he keeps his spirits up and stays patient (and avoids Nigel deJong)
JOB in his prime was better than Holden’s peak so far. Then again, if Holden can stay healthy his career could reach new heights. Someone should exterminate the USMNT injury bug.
Uhh, actually they essentially are…they thought it could be done next summer, now it has to happen immediately.
And exactly how does this detract from my point, which was that having surgery now is better for his MNT situation than next having it next summer?
You’re quibbling, and missing my point…
poor guy…just can’t catch a break…
It’s not too hard to understand. Many major injuries/surgeries require routine surgical follow-ups. Been there, done that. Hopefully this is as innocuous as that.
Keep up the great attitude, and come back soon, Stu!!!
He is only 25-26, calm down people stop being dooms days. SMH.
It was hyberolic, and I’ll admit ambiguous.
I’m just commenting on the fact that Holden gets injured so much more than our other central midfielders, not just because he has more skill, but because he doesn’t dish out anything. The time De Jong injured him, he wasn’t flying in, he was just playing. Dempsey knows how to react to a bad challenge, and earn a little respect from defenders. Holden should learn.
Damn, will we ever get to see Stu with the National team?! Hope he gets well soon.
And random thugs on the street.
No shortage of options: Feilhaber, Adu, Kljestan, Diskerud…
Met him at a bar in Houston a few months ago, crutches and all. Could not have been nicer, very chill guy.
You can tell in interviews. He’s completely selfless and devoted to the game. Got a great vibe to him.
Not quite. Stu is hurt by other players. JOB pretty much deteriorated on his own.
Be like DeJong. You must be joking. DeJong is a thug with more opponent broken legs than goals. How about just not going in on lost cause tackles. Sometimes it’s just not worth it.
Damn! John O’Brien?
That’s what I was going to say
That is NOT what the piece says. It says, “It was looking likely that the operation could be scheduled for next summer.”
Those are not the same things.
Just out of curiosity (I also am a Stu Holden fan) what makes him a “stand up guy?”
He may or many not be a consummate professional – I’m not in England and not around him every day so I cannot say for sure, but the stand up guy comment strikes me as particularly odd.
WTF x 1000.
I might be in the minority, but I think Stu needs to drop the nice guy routine a little when he comes back. Get dirty, make players a little more afraid of him. No one f@#^s with De Jong, because he dishes it out. He’ll always be good guy, just make players think twice about going in on a tackle like that.
Bad things keep happening to good people and then we have idiots that refuse to play because they can. We should give the bat to evans and stop by tevez house on the way out.
Conversely, I think it’s actually good news. The article says that the follow-up surgery was initially planned to be done next summer, which would have thrown a major snag in his ability to play a role in WCQ for the MNT. Getting it done now enables him to still compete in the EPL this season, and also to be fully fit and ready for WCQ.
Unfortunately, this is the kind of crap you have to deal with when guys make reckless challenges that cause serious injury.
Just when you think he’s in…he right back out.
Routine op or not, this has the makings of a JOB injury plagued career at this rate. Really bummed out for him.
so no Torres or Holden for the upcoming friendlies. So is Klejstan the new attacking mid for these games?
Probably not as bad as it sounds. The 6 week is just over a month and is probably on the long side of what’s necessary, just to make sure.
Really hope he’s not becoming O’brian part 2. super talented guy
Just gotta hope he can get over this knee issue in its entirety now with this 2nd surgery. Would be nice to have him back at full fitness in 2012 for qualifying.
That’s really unfortunate news to hear. He’s one of my favorite players! Poor guy just can’t catch a break!
you catches several “breaks,” unfortunately enough. smh
It’s especially tough to see Stu experiencing all these setbacks; he’s a stand up guy and a consummate professional.
feeling a little nauseated. partly because i drank a lot last night, but still
Dude cannot catch a break
Damn. There goes Bolton’s slim hope too
very sad news. get well soon stu!