Freddy Adu is hoping to make 2012 the biggest year of his career, and he will be kicking off that year in Spain.
Adu is on his way to Spain, where he will train with La Liga side Rayo Vallecano. The training stint will run through the first week of January.
Rayo Vallecano made a play for Adu's services in the summer before Adu settled on MLS, and will now get a chance to have a closer look at the attacking midfielder. The training stint is not a trial though, with the Philadelphia Union approving training opportunity.
Adu is coming off a U.S. Under-23 training camp in Florida, and will look to round into form ahead of another U-23 camp in mid-January.
What do you think of Adu heading to Spain? Like the idea of a La Liga club taking a look at him?
Share your thoughts below.
+1 GW you are the man, way to put it together…..
Dude a lot of your points are based on assumptions, things you see on the surface and piece together to TRY to create something that makes sense. You have never had to control or handle issues, or deal with problems at that level with kids or young adults. Since you have been and lived oversea then you of all should understand that yanks trying to play abroad have a very small window for errors/mistakes, and don’t have the slack that THEIR home grown players have.
It looks like you are one of the many(just like me!!!!!) who have been disappointed by Adu….time and time again, but he that is down need fear no fall…Adu can only go up from here. Lets have faith that he has learned his lesson and is taking this opportunity to only improve his fitness/game.
Leaving Ghana to live in US. Going to multiple camps at an early age, moving to Salt Lake at a relatively early age.
Then we can talk about him saying he wants to play for Tottenham while he was still at Monaco while on loan from another team!
I admit it, I love to make assumptions about this type of stuff.
But if no one did, it would be boring as heck.
Have a nice day.
There are really only three players the Mexicans fear when they are on the field and that is Adu, Donovan, and Dempsey. Davies was headed in that direction before his near fatal car crash. I really don’t understand why Adu is not featured with the national team more. How in the world is Wondo selected over Adu for the January camp. Makes no sense to me. Adu is one of the few players the USMNT has that makes defenders back up. I really am at a loss for why he is not selected more. I ahve a feeling that will change in the coming years. Having Adu and Altidore paired in a two FWD formation would give any team a headache.
Good on Freddy for working on this with the Union VS. having Klinsmann set it up. Adu was quality all week at he U-23’s and Porter said so. Porter did say that he has to work on his fitness. But he just got back to training a few weeks before the U23 camp in Bradenton because he had finally gotten over his ankle injury. It’s always good no matter what player to be trainig in some of the best leagues in the world. Like I said good on Adu for setting this up.
Porter said he needs to work on his fitness, not that he wasn’t fit. Actually he goes on to say that Adu showed his quality throughout the entire week and praised him for his abilities. Of course Adu has to work on his fitness he was injured at the end of the season, and hasn’t had the time to work solely on his fitness in the off season. Hence why he is going to go train with Rayo Vallecano. All of these training stints help all of the young MLS players. Good on Adu for doing this on his own, and not having Klinsmann set it up.
Nice assumptions. Posting things on twitter? Oh no! God forbid a young kid do that. And you think that he doesn’t have a “solid home foundation”? How did you arrive at that?
What. Thats dumb how is wanting to stay in shape for the upcoming season says he doesn’t want to be in Philadelphia.
Bunch of overreactions here; he’s just training. Reading is fundamental.
When did Proter say he wasn’t fit? From what I heard Adu looked really good at the U-23 camp.
Freddy is the kid
Porter said he wasn’t fit.
Wow…. how do I respond to this?
My point is not that he is not talented.
In fact, I am one of those people that firmly believes that if Adu is healthy and playing with some semblance of confidence he should ALWAYS be on our bench (and maybe even starting if there is no suitable alternative).
For me he is an instant chance creator. He does things I almost never see from Dempsey and only occasionally from Donovan (a lot of it bad, but A LOT of it GOOD).
My point is that the young man could do with some stability.
I’ve lived in 3 different countries. I’ve traveled to over 25. I’ve seen how some people adapt easily to new environments, and others don’t.
The ones that adapt easily often have a solid home foundation to draw back on as a source of strength.
My gut feeling is that Adu does not have that (given his unusual upbringing… and the ridiculous things he posts in twitter!), and as such, maybe he should keep the globe trotting to a minimum.
My main point was that he seems to have his head turned easily.
I’d much rather have him get double digits in assists and goals and THEN get bought up by another Euro team than have another repeat of this scenario…
Freddy’s agent: Well, Freddy… they seem to want you.
Freddy: Really, really? I’ll start packing my bags.
(Pause)Freddy returns to room with all his bags packed, a Spanish dictionary in hand, and has miraculously had his hair redesigned to strongly resemble David Villa’s latest ‘do.
Freddy’s agent: Freddy, I was just kidding.
Freddy: (tears) I guess I have some unfinished business in MLS anyhow.
Nevertheless, absurd quotes and all, I love Freddy, and I wish him the best of luck in all he does.
Did Porter’s comment at the 23’s that Freddy was not fit light this fire?
F yeah you said all right. I’d been saying the same thing. Dos Santos and Vela, they don’t play defend and they are but of gypsy in their clubs traveling to other clubs on loan spell but they play well for El Tri. No love for a guy that save the us for the shame of Gold Cup if the USA would have lost again against Panama. That is call short memory of all so call USA fans.
+1 amen
you guys keep saying that he is not a good defender. Not a lot of players are. except if you play for Barcelona. But that how it is. Ronaldo is not a great defender either, I’m not saying that Adu is like him, just saying that is he defend is not his forte but he is trying.
+1 thumbs up, u are right How is his training session any different from what Shea, Agudelo and others did?
Give this guy a break, like you said you are a teacher and a coach you should know about been patient. WOW I remember the Gold Cup and the the best player against Mexico and Panama was him (Adu) yeah the one with the big head and issues, that one who could of gone and played for Ghana but no He chose to play for the USA. He is trying so give him a break. maybe he is not a guy who play well for a regular team but when he play for the National team is become on the better player. Yeah he might be out of shape and he got this from coach C.Porter and maybe that is why is getting ready for Jan. Camp and MLS. So give him the benefit of the doubt.
I wish Adu the best of luck with this new opportunity.
Just back up a second.
He is 22, has spent the last 7 years or so traveling, living and working in some of the most interesting and beautiful places in the world. He has a job that 95 % of you would kill to have (paid very well to play a game you love) basically getting paid to live his dream.
He has a good shot at the USMNT and the 2014 World Cup. Chances are Nowak will give him another shot at the Union once he gets fit and he is training in Spain.
How is his training session any different from what Shea, Agudelo and others did? Yet, you guys didn’t sound the alarm over the end of their careers?
He is a 22 year millionaire (probably) with all kinds of opportunities.
If you need to feel sad just look around at how many of us are unemployed and broke. That’s sad.
It’s been said hundreds of times before but we, as Americans, have been way too hard on Adu. Forget the past. The kid is still young and he’s finally back safe in the MLS where he can turn his career around. So if he wants to get some off season training in a league that would suit his skill set, I’m happy to see him do so.
Sorry for my grammatical errors I’m typing on an iPhone :/
Sacha is coming into his own as a player s I can’t say anything negative about him but This is fantastic for Freddy. I truly hope his motivation and work ethic see him secure a berth on the Olympic team. He has so much potential evm at this stage I his career and when surrounded by the talent we have at our disposal in the U23 ranks (undoubtedly more talent than the 2007 U20 squad) I believe he could do great things.
How does an MLS bench warmer get a look in La Liga??? Do they just know his name?
My boy ADU! One of few weapons offensively we have. Great news.
Some of you saying he is not a great defender?!! Buahh!…. News flash, he isn’t a defender nor do I care for his defensive skills. His little a$$ is on our NT for technique & offensive abilities!… Our 10 defenders for god sake can’t play defense, yet you guys are worried about “ADU’s Urlacher abilities”… Dios mio!!
If it wasn’t for Adu I can safely say we don’t make the GC final or score against Mexico… Mexican’ forums & azteca tv constantly say that ADU is one player they would fear if he steped on the field for the U.S because of his creativeness. I completely agree with Azteca which I never do when it comes down to Futbol… Dos Santos & Vela were & are bench warmers, yet they don’t disappoint in a Tri jersey…. Same with Adu.
Rogers & Sasha get love from USMNT fans, yet those two clowns are yet to do anything valuable in a USMNT jersey! Same with Wondo, Ream, & Finley…. Smh
No he wouldn’t.
he is done!
haha, exactly.
Another off-the-field Adu sighting!!!!
Yeah, Nowak dislikes him so much that he agreed/decided to sign Adu this past summer.
“…and if a training stint DOES go to his head then he certainly has some issues”…
Exactly my point.
Seems like he was waiting to see if he’d get the invite to the January camp, he didn’t and now he’s got a TRAINING STINT lined up to get ready for next season. I don’t see what all the hubbub is about.
This training stint is clearly not about Adu’s ego. It is clearly in line with Klinsmans directive that MLS player train abroad in the off season.
His coach in Philly did not like him when they were together in Washington and probably will not give him a chance in Philly. A transfer to a more wide open league could not hurt.
I was just thinking how he looked fantastic against Mexico in the GC. More of that please.
What a waste. Just cut him because he doesn’t want to be in Philly.
Well said, wichin. I will admit, I did not see him play at all for philly this season but I was very impressed how he looked in his showings at the GC. I thought he played a complete game vs. Mexico – including defending. I saw a different Adu. Unfortunately, Adu has the stigma of being the attack only, immature “kid” that never panned out.
I like this training stint alot. Between the u-23 camp and this, he sure will be in shape this winter.
And by the way, in no way would i ever be “sad” for him. The kid has seen more of the world and played on more pitches than most and still young enough for more. Kid is LUCKY!
He just needs a stable club and playing time for the next three years, and if he is passionate enough about succeeding he could very well be the player we wanted him to be, not Pele but a very solid player
Yeah they don’t play much defense in the Eredivisie. A player like Adu whom likes to play with alot of flair and likes to attack and pressure opponents would thrive in Leagues like La Liga.
You all seem to forget how he had mexico on it’s toes in the gold cup final. Yes people had given up on him but let’s be honest, Mexico only respects 3 American players, Donavan, dempsey and Adu. They were afraid of him. Once he gets back in shape, heals properly and playing regularly like he should, you will see the Adu we all hoped for. Let’s just see him get in shape and let us have a coach that actually uses his offensive capabilities. Good Luck, Adu!
It’s just a training stint, man. You have valid points and concerns, and if a training stint DOES go to his head then he certainly has some issues, but it’s just a training stint.
Freddy is the man
I hope it works out. He’s still got a lot of skill and vision, and Nowak may never view him as an actual starter for his team. If he gets a transfer, it will be to a league that emphasizes his qualities over his weaknesses. It’s his life. If this works out, great. If not, we have so many prospects to look forward to.
Every time he seems completely gone, he pops back up again. Maybe this time it will be the right place.
If adu is going to succeed in europe its looking like spain or holland are going to be his best bets. Doesn’t look like he’s ever going to learn how to defend. Might still have a role for us as a late sub if we need a goal however.
Did Kasey Keller put in a good word for him or something?
i get more and more sad for freddy as i seem him go more and more places….whether it be on a transfer, a loan, a trial, or a training stint…the guy just cannot find a run of good form for any extended amount of time so as to hold down a spot with anyone. i am one who always felt his game was suspect…now it just seems as if everyone else confirms it.
Because I would be worried he would lose his head.
I don’t know the young man, but judging from his track record and the things he puts on twitter he just seems to lack maturity, which is to be expected given his precocious beginning into the world stage of soccer.
Judging from all we know about him, he just seems like the type of person who gets his head turned easily.
Me thinks he needs to stay at home with mama, find a nice DC girl, find teammates he gets along with, and GET GROUNDED.
I don’t know him. So what do I know. But as a teacher and hobby coach I do know that kids (and for me, Adu shows all the signs of still being a kid) need stability in order to thrive.
But as always, I will wish him good luck.
Meanwhile young J-League players are being *transfered* to the Bundesliga. MLS style progress I guess…Good pt. Alex.
And why not applaud Adu for keeping himself in shape, bettering himself, exposing himself to higher levels of play/training, and getting in the good graces of a European club? Because he wasn’t the American Pele winning us World Cups by the time he was 20?
If it were any other player I would applaud this.