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MLS Combine Spotlights: Ryan Meara, Callum Mallace and Ethan Finlay


The big names at the 2012 MLS Combine have for the most part lived up to expectations through two Combine match-days, but there have also been some lesser-known players who have also boosted their stock in Fort Lauderdale.

Three of the players to help boost their draft stock are Fordham goalkeeper Ryan Meara, Marquette midfielder Calum Mallace and Creighton forward Ethan Finlay. Meara has been steady in goal, showing good command of the area, and while he was already regarded as one of the best goalkeepers here, Meara has only solidfied his standing. Mallace, a first-round sleeper coming into the Combine, has caught the eye of several clubs with his work in central midfield. Finlay only played one day, but managed a jaw-dropping hat trick in just 17 minutes to serve notice he's ready to be seriously considered for a first-round pick.

SBI had the chance to catch up with all three during the weekend, as they discussed their play in the combine, and the experience of playing with and against the top college players in the country:

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