It seemed like we were playing against a bb coached team. Canada sat back defended well countered well and capitilized on set pieces. Props to Canada they played a style that has worked for us for decades. I think porter should have transitioned to a 442 when we we were down but that’s my opinion, he likes his system.
How can ya sit there with a straight face after losing to Canada who can barely pass the ball around, and on just 48 hours rest, that the team will be fully ready KNOWING el salvador was going to be the hardest test in group play? cmon. its over and worst, mexico is a lock to beat either CAN/ES. We failed miserbly and need to look in the mirror.
jkefak;sfak;werkl!? You’re like someone who can only remember the last thought in his head. One bad result means ALL bad results, right? I suppose the whole team should just hang themselves in the hotel rooms, yeah? We’re playing El Salvador, not Spain. This isn’t ‘Mission: Impossible’.
I will put this loss on the coach for the US. Thoroughly out coached by Canada. In the second half our superior talent was neutralized. Props to the Canadian coach for utilizing what he had to work with. Also props to the Canadian players for sticking to the game plan.
It’s not that they shouldn’t host these tournaments, but at this point in our soccer “development”, it IS unacceptable to have losses against teams like Canada when you know what’s at stake.
No, I wasn’t calling him fruity … although that would have been more moderate than calling him “epically stupid”, which btw completely negates the and single-handedly negates the argument that I am stupid for using the word “disaster” in the context that I did.
You guys are right on. The USA is a world power and these crappy nations don’t even deserve to be on the same field as them. Why do they even hold this tournament? They should just auto qualify the USA for every tournament. How dare Canada beat the USA, don’t they know their place? Freddy Adu was the worlds greatest 14 year old soccer player…he was better than Messi!!!
very talented group and i have heard nothing but good things about porter as well. canadas futbol is catching up to ours, simple as that. they have the most exciting prospect between us in junior hoilett (yes i know he may never play for canada). lets see how this group responds with their backs to the wall
there is no excuses as to why USA cannot beat canada, es or cuba. Hamid should be benched after that poor performance.
if the olympic team does not qualify then who ever was involved with tactics, preparation and coaching should be fired. the team is too talented to fail in qualifications.
Blame for the 1st goal is squarely on Hamid. He let someone’s head outjump his hands.
Opara flubbed the clearance on the second goal, but he had Cavallini marked well. Hamid shares the blame for not coming out and catching a ball at chest level.
Explain to me why it doesn’t look promising. What do you know in advance about how the team will respond to this defeat and prepare for the El Salvador match that doesn’t in your esteem “look promising”?
It doesn’t bother me that people are frustrated by the loss to Canada or disappointed with a flat performance. I’m disappointed, too, and I know all about disappointment: I’m an Aston Villa fan. What bothers me is that people are so short-sighted and reactionary, and that very few of the people complaining and blaming have offered anything constructive to the conversation or made any suggestions as to how performances might be improved, further than “so and so sucks” and “that’s what we get for letting a college coach manage the U-23 team” (after singing his praises after the Cuba match).
It doesn’t bother me one bit that people are disappointed, it bothers me that people are dumb.
“And anything short of qualification, BTW, is an utter disaster. And whomever paints it in any other light is clueless.”
Epically stupid. A tornado that takes your house or family is a disaster. Your nation’s soccer team losing a game or not qualifying for a tournament is a bummer. Eat an ice cream cone or go play with your kids and you’ll feel much better.
I keep reading the articles / comments associated with yesterday’s loss and it’s unbelievable how soft we are on this team.
These aren’t 16 year-olds. They should have been mature enough not to play like amateur-hour clowns and disrespect the opponent. Of course, a lot of the blame goes to the coach too, who did not have any sort of adjustment plan (just witness the second half).
Maybe they’ll prove me wrong and qualify, but it would not surprise me if they lost the game against El Salvador.
And anything short of qualification, BTW, is an utter disaster. And whomever paints it in any other light is clueless.
2 goals on corner kicks with absolute criminal defense by uh, lets say 2 wide bodied Canadians. I hope they can come back and beat the Salvadorans but it doesn’t look promising.
Jeffrey is just fine, he did well against Cuba and for the first 25-30 minutes against Canada. Then, like Diskerud, Adu, Shea, and Corona, he ran out of gas, and was pretty much awful for the rest of the game.
Porter should have used his full roster and maybe things would have turned out differently. And if they had still lost, at least our top midfielders and wingers would have been well rested for their must-win game against El Salvador.
1. Is this the roster? I thought I remember reading that Altidore/Chandler/Williams- or at least Morales were going to be released for the semifinals. Is this wrong?
2. Reality check on our talent that get fantastic words written about them all the time. Joe Gyau isn’t that fast, at leat not with the ball to run by people and make them look foolish. I dont think he’s a phenom, but still glad to have him. Diskeruud is alright, but I think struggles when the going gets tough and the midfield isn’t easy, same with Adu. Corona seems like something good, hopefully he is up for the Mex game.
Didn’t see it live but this was terrible-but I’m going to take the positive away from this-if we beat El Salvador, we get a chance to knock out Mexico. No second friendly functionally in a month, but a game with everything on the line. Let’s do it(El Salvador first).
No, what happened?
Id, you forgot to mention, because the USA is so good, let’s give them home field advantage in every tournament.
It seemed like we were playing against a bb coached team. Canada sat back defended well countered well and capitilized on set pieces. Props to Canada they played a style that has worked for us for decades. I think porter should have transitioned to a 442 when we we were down but that’s my opinion, he likes his system.
did y’all see Joe Gyau at the end with Canada’s goalie?
How can ya sit there with a straight face after losing to Canada who can barely pass the ball around, and on just 48 hours rest, that the team will be fully ready KNOWING el salvador was going to be the hardest test in group play? cmon. its over and worst, mexico is a lock to beat either CAN/ES. We failed miserbly and need to look in the mirror.
jkefak;sfak;werkl!? You’re like someone who can only remember the last thought in his head. One bad result means ALL bad results, right? I suppose the whole team should just hang themselves in the hotel rooms, yeah? We’re playing El Salvador, not Spain. This isn’t ‘Mission: Impossible’.
No question that Canada – team and coaching staff – deserves huge props.
Let’s see what we’re made of tonight.
I will put this loss on the coach for the US. Thoroughly out coached by Canada. In the second half our superior talent was neutralized. Props to the Canadian coach for utilizing what he had to work with. Also props to the Canadian players for sticking to the game plan.
It’s not that they shouldn’t host these tournaments, but at this point in our soccer “development”, it IS unacceptable to have losses against teams like Canada when you know what’s at stake.
Whatever the case, this team needs to win tonight or we’re all sleeping badly tonight, sorbet, ice cream or what not.
No, I wasn’t calling him fruity … although that would have been more moderate than calling him “epically stupid”, which btw completely negates the and single-handedly negates the argument that I am stupid for using the word “disaster” in the context that I did.
el salvador is gonna crush us. bye london. 🙁
You guys are right on. The USA is a world power and these crappy nations don’t even deserve to be on the same field as them. Why do they even hold this tournament? They should just auto qualify the USA for every tournament. How dare Canada beat the USA, don’t they know their place? Freddy Adu was the worlds greatest 14 year old soccer player…he was better than Messi!!!
very talented group and i have heard nothing but good things about porter as well. canadas futbol is catching up to ours, simple as that. they have the most exciting prospect between us in junior hoilett (yes i know he may never play for canada). lets see how this group responds with their backs to the wall
I`m totally with you, these teams are no match for the USA, and this shouldn’t happen
there is no excuses as to why USA cannot beat canada, es or cuba. Hamid should be benched after that poor performance.
if the olympic team does not qualify then who ever was involved with tactics, preparation and coaching should be fired. the team is too talented to fail in qualifications.
I wasn’t sure, either. Was he calling you fruity? Because that would be a disaster (within the scope of the objective).
Blame for the 1st goal is squarely on Hamid. He let someone’s head outjump his hands.
Opara flubbed the clearance on the second goal, but he had Cavallini marked well. Hamid shares the blame for not coming out and catching a ball at chest level.
I played with my son. Though I’m not sure what eating sorbet is supposed to imply.
Disaster within the scope of the objective, duh.
Maybe you should get a sorbet instead.
Explain to me why it doesn’t look promising. What do you know in advance about how the team will respond to this defeat and prepare for the El Salvador match that doesn’t in your esteem “look promising”?
It doesn’t bother me that people are frustrated by the loss to Canada or disappointed with a flat performance. I’m disappointed, too, and I know all about disappointment: I’m an Aston Villa fan. What bothers me is that people are so short-sighted and reactionary, and that very few of the people complaining and blaming have offered anything constructive to the conversation or made any suggestions as to how performances might be improved, further than “so and so sucks” and “that’s what we get for letting a college coach manage the U-23 team” (after singing his praises after the Cuba match).
It doesn’t bother me one bit that people are disappointed, it bothers me that people are dumb.
“And anything short of qualification, BTW, is an utter disaster. And whomever paints it in any other light is clueless.”
Epically stupid. A tornado that takes your house or family is a disaster. Your nation’s soccer team losing a game or not qualifying for a tournament is a bummer. Eat an ice cream cone or go play with your kids and you’ll feel much better.
I keep reading the articles / comments associated with yesterday’s loss and it’s unbelievable how soft we are on this team.
These aren’t 16 year-olds. They should have been mature enough not to play like amateur-hour clowns and disrespect the opponent. Of course, a lot of the blame goes to the coach too, who did not have any sort of adjustment plan (just witness the second half).
Maybe they’ll prove me wrong and qualify, but it would not surprise me if they lost the game against El Salvador.
And anything short of qualification, BTW, is an utter disaster. And whomever paints it in any other light is clueless.
2 goals on corner kicks with absolute criminal defense by uh, lets say 2 wide bodied Canadians. I hope they can come back and beat the Salvadorans but it doesn’t look promising.
Maybe Canada finally gets some props after this win. They are improving also.
How do you leave Corona on the bench in such an important match???
I’ve watched this thing like 5 times now and I still have yet to see a highlight…
Jeffrey is just fine, he did well against Cuba and for the first 25-30 minutes against Canada. Then, like Diskerud, Adu, Shea, and Corona, he ran out of gas, and was pretty much awful for the rest of the game.
Porter should have used his full roster and maybe things would have turned out differently. And if they had still lost, at least our top midfielders and wingers would have been well rested for their must-win game against El Salvador.
I didn’t enjoy re-living this game. Thanks for nothing, Ives.
I was hoping for Morales, that guy is needed badly, he´s better than Jared Jeffreys and a great holding md, the US needs to keep focus, very focus
sorry beat them, typo, guess what, Mexico trashed honduras, 3-0, sucks
Bummer bummer. Gotta two win liability to make up 🙁
I don’t wanna watch this, dammit!
1. Is this the roster? I thought I remember reading that Altidore/Chandler/Williams- or at least Morales were going to be released for the semifinals. Is this wrong?
2. Reality check on our talent that get fantastic words written about them all the time. Joe Gyau isn’t that fast, at leat not with the ball to run by people and make them look foolish. I dont think he’s a phenom, but still glad to have him. Diskeruud is alright, but I think struggles when the going gets tough and the midfield isn’t easy, same with Adu. Corona seems like something good, hopefully he is up for the Mex game.
Mexico is a strong team, the US will need everything to be them, but I`m confident they can do it, go USA
Didn’t see it live but this was terrible-but I’m going to take the positive away from this-if we beat El Salvador, we get a chance to knock out Mexico. No second friendly functionally in a month, but a game with everything on the line. Let’s do it(El Salvador first).