Sporting Kansas City has been all business on the field en route to their 7-0-0 start, but their level of comedy off of it hasn't suffered in the least. Here's proof. Enjoy:
Sporting Kansas City has been all business on the field en route to their 7-0-0 start, but their level of comedy off of it hasn't suffered in the least. Here's proof. Enjoy:
I’m not gonna lie man my bro is a Red bulls fan and he showed me this “keel cam” thats pretty hilarious you should check it out.
The players aren’t making the videos. It’s their PR staff. The quality isn’t good- but what other MLS team makes anything that could touch this? It clearly demonstrates that it’s a healthy team environment that isn’t afraid to look silly in movies. Bobby is changing peoples’ minds about him with this 2 minute video.
Thats what I like about it. Just a bunch of players enjoying themselves doing some homemade comedy videos. I think a big production would mask their real personalities.
Looks like a Liverpool banner above Saad.
Paulo G, it’s about the quality of the content, not the quality of the lighting. If you don’ t find that funny on many levels, you’re just not a funny guy.
Great stuff. Hilarious. And on 4/20. Could this night get any better?
bobby convey’s exotropia is driving me nuts, it makes it hard to watch
@SBI this calls for a top 10 list of MLS players to follow on Twitter.
The “Pride Rock” line alone is worth the price of admission.
Dude has optic nerve damage and is partially blind in his left eye. It explains his miss in the 2006 WC, he should have finished that shot!
I imagine Convey lives like this anyways. The guy complained about how much money he made in San Jose while making the most on the team, and how it is too expensive to live in the South Bay on his salary. So expensive that he had to take up a second job coaching. Good stuff Bobby.
Get a real dog, Bobby.
Does Bobby Convey have one lazy eye?
Wow this is really lame… you’d think that they would have a better quality vid. looks like my 8 year old sister made this. and I’m a sporting kc fan… terrible..
check out “Collin’s Corner” on YouTube.
This is hilarious and excellent marketing for the team. Great for fans to get to know the personalities of the players. Also this has a very 420 feel to it.
Haha, the end of that video is classic. “Why would I want to do twitter with you when I can just talk to you on the phone or I see you at practice?” I think Sporting KC is what Garber hoped NYRB or NY2 is or will be. Dominate on the field, full of characters off of it, there are endless feature stories on this team.
whiny selfish little punk
KC has had a strong social media presence. They’re doing a great job of connecting with and gaining fans. Good work KC, and keep winning!
good stuff