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Injured Red Bull Conde charged with assaulting a police officer



New York Red Bulls Red Bulls centerback Wilman Conde was arrested early Saturday morning and charged with aggravated assault on a police officer.

According to the Bergen Record, Fort Lee police responded to an early-morning noise complaint.and found Conde and a friend “intoxicated and belligerent to the responding officer." Conde was arrested after pushing a police officer during the incident.

The infraction led to the arrest of Conde, who was charged with aggravated assault. He was released on his own recognizance pending a court date.

Conde has been working his way back to health after being sidelined for the better part of the last year due to injuries. He has played all of two matches for the Red Bulls this season.


  1. Lets throw you out of the country too, Commie!!! Just goes to show you how off your rocker you Pinko’s are…A immigrant commits a crime and is arrested, and somehow that makes me “anti-immigrant”…lol..I am definitely anti immigrants who commit crimes. Aren’t you??? You lefties need to get checked. You seem to be a bit imbalanced. Yeah, Miami does have all those things that you mentioned, but we also have the hottest women in the country. But I am sure that wouldn’t appeal to you…

  2. Give me a break. I’m pretty sure I didn’t come close to making cops untouchable. First of all, in general, you shouldn’t push anyone. Furthermore, it is really stupid to initiate contact with anyone in a position of authority. This is from a legal standpoint… which, incidentally, I didn’t “make”… and from a common sense standpoint, because very little good is likely to happen once you take that path. Simple as that.

    None of this is even mentioning the fact that after reading the clip, anyone that’s been out a bit can take an educated guess that in all likelihood, he was acting an adolescent drunken, can’t handle my liquor fool and has no one but himself to blame. Handle your alcohol and handle your business like a man and you’ll inevitably be treated like one.

  3. As a DC United fan, why would you want the two biggest liabilities to Red Bull off the team? And why are you so hair triggered to make such anti-immigrant comments? Did your parents not love you? Or not say how proud they were of you? Or perhaps it’s because you live in Miami – the hot bed of neon pink lights, lame dance clubs, and guys with gold chains. Maybe ignorant, hateful feelings is a requirement of your Florida residency. If only we could boot bigots like you out of the country. Better yet, Florida, just secede from this country with the rest of anything below the Mason-Dixon line and leave the rest of us alone.

  4. A Visa is a kind of credit card. A visa gives you permission to enter a foreign country. Maybe this is the kind of distinction that someone needs too alert RBNY to.

  5. I am amused by the extent to which you are determined to put the Red Bulls down.

    It is early. This is MLS. Nothing is yet known about anything.

  6. I don’t think Front Offices any where can predict the actions of anyone anywhere in any situations. I bet you think that when Luke Rodgers left an incident with the law off his first Visa App. to have his following Visa denied. That the people in the front office were at fault and clueless because they can’t do anything right. My advice, try to understand the harsh realities of trying to build a new franchise in a young league in cintemporary America.

  7. Cops and the military have the legitimate use of force in this country by law. Doesn’t mean that he didn’t deserve it. We don’t know the situation. Conde was probably drunk and stupid. But making cops untouchable (as whoop-whoop is suggesting) is frightening. Think about how many other Rodney King’s there were until someone videotaped it. Either way a push is a really really big waste of time and money to send someone to ail and possibly ruin their life for.

  8. Lucky for New York is they don’t play another good team for at least a few more weeks. They might be able to get by with rough play for a bit, but you are kidding yourself if you think they can sustain their place in the standings continuing to play as such all season.

  9. You realize you have played more games than most teams in your conference and that you are in the weaker of the two conferences to begin with right? Your biggest win comes against the number 5 team in the western conference in Colorado and the rest of them are against the new guys Montreal (before they figured out how to play together), 8 spot CBus, 6 New England and two teams sitting in 7th in their respective conferences in LA and Houston.

    But dont let those facts dampen your mood on being “second place in the conference”. If New York continues to play as they have they will quickly fall down once teams around them catch up on games played and New York plays better opposition as well.

  10. Did you not see all the comments on the Suarez/Messi racism threads that this was obviously mocking? If you didn’t, then obviously without the context, my post is bad, but in context it’s calling out racism. Hope that clears up my intention, which was certainly not to offend.

  11. I don’t disagree. But just because it’s trumped up doesn’t mean it’s not going to stick. They always over charge. So then when they offer a lesser charge, it seems like a great deal when they guy shouldn’t have been arrested in the first place. This will not just go away. It may have a long-term and serious effect despite it’s complete and utter nonsense. That’s why I said above it was foolish to touch a cop. Just do what the guy says – especially when you’re drinking and being loud in the wee hours of the day. Tyler Ruthven, are you ready for your close-up?

  12. Surely you are not that naive…. right? Let me put it in terms a 13 year old could understand….. in order to maintain order, there needs to be a certain amount of respect given to people in positions of authority, for example, while it is not that big a deal if you push your little brother, it is kind of a big deal if you push your mother or father. Or say…. in a soccer match, it is often let slide if you are to give a little shove to your opponent…. try doing that to the referee and see what happens.

  13. Oh no he pushed me… Now you charge him with assault, why not 2nd degree manslaughter while we take away your man card. I never understood how if you push anyone its fine but you put on a uniform and that makes it against the law? This will be thrown out and he will go to a anger managment class and a AA meeting.. NJ enjoy the bill and have a red bull on us! –NYC

  14. And from Starla’s moronic comment to Nortzax’s racism, we’re now 2 for 2. Way to go, guys.

    Way to go.

  15. I’m sure it’s a cultural thing. Why in Colombia, pushing a cop while intoxicated is a term only endearment.

  16. What will the MLS thought crime and moral police committee make out of this? I just hope the officer wasn’t a diehard female soccerfan or a homosexual ball boy and he said something forbidden.

  17. Trumped up charge. Police treat innocent people much worse daily and get away with it. A cop in Toronto pushed me with excessive force, with his club, for no reason. Maybe I should have filed an “aggrivated assault” charge against him.

  18. Being a NYRB fan just continues to become harder and harder… does the FO not meet with their signings before throwing money at them? Marquez is now the most hated player in the league by far (and has been for a while) and Conde wants to get some of that action. Thank god for our rookies actually playing with some grit and showing that they are there to play and not to drag our team through the dirt.

  19. Pardon my ignorance, but does anyone know his immigration status? Naturalized US citizen? Lawful Permanent Resident? Visa holder? If he’s convicted of a crime, his status could be in real jeopardy. You can’t touch a cop. What a boneheaded move.

    And does MLS have a policy regarding arrests ?

  20. The hits just keep on comin for the Pink Cows. An in form Conde is a top CB option and while NY’s young guns have done enough recently, I certainly would not turn him out when fit.


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