Bob Bradley should get the hell out of there. He does not have anything to prove. The whole world can see he is a very good manager. Egypt will not be his last stop. I just hope he does not return to CONCACAF.
Chandler refuses call up, Feilhaber gets injured, Bedoya replaces him, Bedoya injures Cherundolo, Lichaj switches over to RB and Jonathan Bornstein enters the game at LB. 2-0 turns into 4-2, we lose the Gold Cu to our rivals and Bradley gets fired.
It’s crazy how a string of events can just spiral out of control like that and cause such a disaster…
They didn’t qualify for their regional championship when it mattere, but they might have “shot” at the World Cup. Best of luck to Bob, and I hope we can play Egypt someday (with us winning of course).
just watched this.
1. my heart hurts everytime i watch that gio goal
2. explosions in the sky rock
3. looks awesome
Bob Bradley should get the hell out of there. He does not have anything to prove. The whole world can see he is a very good manager. Egypt will not be his last stop. I just hope he does not return to CONCACAF.
Check out amazing use of that song in the American soccer fan’s catalog:
That Gio Dos Santos goal has to count as one of the best goals ever scored against US?
I was also giddy as a school girl at the end of ESPN’s “Fab Five” when they played a ‘This Will Destroy You’ song.
Chandler refuses call up, Feilhaber gets injured, Bedoya replaces him, Bedoya injures Cherundolo, Lichaj switches over to RB and Jonathan Bornstein enters the game at LB. 2-0 turns into 4-2, we lose the Gold Cu to our rivals and Bradley gets fired.
It’s crazy how a string of events can just spiral out of control like that and cause such a disaster…
Double Word.
Go Bob.
Do it!
Do it!
Do it!
Best of luck.
I’m assuming Johnny Bornstein will have a staring role in the film. 😉
Damn! I had already forgotten about that sad day I attended at Pasadena.
There are two types of American soccer peeps:
— those who say “World CUP”
— those who say “WORLD Cup”
Bradley (along with Grant Wahl and Landon Donovan, just for the record) is one of the latter.
Because I like reading too far into things: Props for using Explosion In The Sky’s “Birth And Death Of A Day” for this trailer
(also one of my favorite songs from my favorite band)
great soundtrack
They didn’t qualify for their regional championship when it mattere, but they might have “shot” at the World Cup. Best of luck to Bob, and I hope we can play Egypt someday (with us winning of course).