Not much doubt, sadly. But Russia will likely get a pass because its weather conditions are more moderate and it already has several stadiums in place, so two of the major driving points against Qatar are removed from the Russian scenario. Not to mention that I doubt European (and American) leaders will want to tug on Putin’s cape, especially after Crimea and potentially the Ukraine. Here again is the beauty of the double bid as Qatar takes a lot of the heat (no pun intended) off the Russians. You really have to marvel at FIFA’s audacity. In any case, these next eight years will be very interesting as we watch Russia, Qatar and FIFA try pull these off. What if Putin does something militarily in 2017? What if the EPL, La Liga, Serie A and others don’t go for a winter WC / calendar switch in 2022?
Obviously the Qatar World Cup is fraught with all kinds of problems–corruption, the mistreatment of workers, gender restrictions, etc. The whole thing doesn’t make sense and I’d love to see the cup moved, just like everyone else…
BUT…he who throws stones shouldn’t live in glass houses. The US team is sponsored by NIKE, and I’d venture that most everyone posting here (myself included) has some NIKE gear in their closet–but most Americans are totally oblivious to the ridiculously poor working conditions at their factories around the globe. So while we are watching this video and feeling awful for guest workers in Qatar (and we should feel awful), we might also meditate for a second on our own place in a global economy that mistreats workers around the globe… Just sayin….
Also, the us air force has a huge air base in Qatar, al udeid air base, so I’m guessing the usa ain’t gonna say boo to the qataris about any of this. Mighty military imperialism is much more important to the usa than some dead foreign workers. They are in the business of killing any way so they could not care less
I would fully support the US boycotting Q22. Not only to protest the injustices occurring in Qatar, but to protest the FIFA’s entire “bidding” process. First, they piggyback the 2022 event onto the bidding for the 2018 event (never mind that 2018 was awarded to a war mongering, anti-democratic nation). Sure, that’s not a suspicious twist on the process that won’t encourage the buying and selling of votes. And then Qatar wins the 2022 bid, despite having no realistic plan for hosting a summer event in a place with tournament time temperatures between 95 – 105 degrees, no real history with the sport, or not even being a real country to begin with (as opposed to a playground for some very wealthy families). Or for having no secured buy-ins from domestic leagues and networks in case the event is switched to winter. How could a bid with this many holes win? I think we know how – and along with deaths and injuries that will occur just to feed this monster, this is definitely worth boycotting.
Perhaps this will be the trainwreck that eventually ruins FIFA. Who knows – but the whole things is beyond any sense of reality and logic.
Sadly, I think a one-cycle boycott would put very little pressure on FIFA, even a massive one (and by massive I mean as little as three other major nations also boycotting).
Pull out and pull out after this world cup. Shut down the whole organization. Participate in no events except the ones we host on our own soil and under our own guidelines. Form a new alliance of nations to play against each other outside of FIFA’s monopoly. They can’t play games without federations to bring players to their scheduled matches. With no games and no players there will be no fans and no income will be generated.
I will go farther. I will not only support a US boycott of FIFA, but I would actually deride the USSF and boycott it if they refuse to act. Either way, in either summer or winter, 2022 will be played outside Qatar or I will not watch it.
Unfortunately, I don’t know that Gulati or the USSF have the cajones for that, much less an official boycott for even one cycle. However, it would be nice to see FIFA’s leadership seriously challenged. Sunil was rather quiet after the bids were awarded and that was disappointing. Probably because he knew, and we all knew, that raising the specter of wrongdoing (especially by the USA) would fall on deaf ears. But as the soccer governing body that is answerable to no one and checked by nothing, it has seemingly lost any and all credibility it may have ever had. At what point to member federations start throwing up their hands and proclaiming that enough is enough?
Gulati would have appeared a spoiled child if he had complained of corruption immediately after losing the bid. That whistleblowing needs to be done by independent reporters with nothing to gain except the uncovering of the truth. Once the truth is ascertained, if Gulati continues not to act it reflects on the bootlicking nature of the member federation to FIFA relationship.
I suppose we have to trust in the election of officials until it becomes clear that officials have no real credibility and/or the process does not result in the best people being elected.
The more telling part of this will come when the whole truth becomes undeniable. There’s so much more at stake than a sport, and if no other country will act then someone must be the first. I expect it to be the USA. We need those power nations with us, but it is probably the only way to force some action.
At what point do people start poking around Russia’s bid? Is there really much doubt that we’ll find many of the same problems?
As a person who loves the game and lives for 3 years just hoping to make it to the 4th so I can see another World Cup, I think the USA should pull out of FIFA completely. Make it clear why we are leaving and challenge the rest of the world to follow suit, or else they knowingly and publicly endorse human rights violations and political corruption. Stay in the media until something is done.
The USA alone won’t make a change, but if we can pressure one or two other “powerhouse” nations to follow, it could actually affect change. As it stands, FIFA holds a monopoly on international football and no one can challenge them from the outside. Change will have to come from the footballing federations of the world. FIFA will not change of its own accord.
Qatar and the FIFA World Cup. Follow the money trail(s) and you will discover the politics, bribes, and corruption. Qatar certainly has money to throw at any issue or to make issues go away.
Boycott Qatar in 2022! Make Jack Warner, Sepp Bladder, Bin Hammam, Platini, and these FIFA fat cats work on these stadiums with their bare hands. Its time for England, US, Australia, Germany, South Africa, Brazil and other countries secede from FIFA and start a new world futbol federation with better transparency and accountability!
+2022 This time it is for real. These guys have finally spread themselves too thin. They have immediate PR disasters on two fronts. This is obviously one, but Brazil is a big question mark, with widespread domestic disapproval that already reared its head last summer ..
I actually was talking with a collegaue (not a big soccer fan but a very well-read fella) who asked the question, “what do you think will happen if Brazil doesn’t make it out of its group?”. Instinct of course was to say “that never happens” but that isn’t a very good answer…. Then I thought about it and realized how terrible that could really be for that World Cup. Any fears Blatter might have had about Mexico not qualifying would be comical by comparison– ironic if it was Mexico who precipitated this (unlikely) event. Even if Brazil sails to the title, that might not placate the masses who have seen their cost of living skyrocket.
And to your second point (I’ve said it before but it bears repeating)… You are DEAD right. The Copa America 2016 is a massive, crazy big deal and not just because it will be awesome for us to watch here. FIFA has not signed off on the thing yet, and this is exactly why. Multiple confederations are organizing an inter-confederation tournament that will be a SUREFIRE SUCCESS. They will be stuck with Russia (which nobody has even poked around yet, apparently…) and Qatar. They are lost and they know it.
Bad time to be you, Sepp. For all he thinks he’s done for the sport, he will be remembered for his less-graceful-than-Zidane headbutt to the sport. Good riddance. Here’s a Toblerone and a Kleenex, fatty. Now beat it.
You sure love to hear yourself talk, don’t you?
It wouldn’t be so bad if you weren’t so ignorant about all things football.
And who might you be?
Here’s a message that should be spread:
‘To FIFA and world soccer players. Please know that the fields in which you will play the 2022 WC tournament was built upon thousands of dead bodies, and millions of slave laborers. Countless innocent souls lay under the grounds where you will celebrate your victories. I hope that you will pay the proper respect to those that rest underneath your feet.”
Sadly there is a real chance us boycotts next two world cups and im not sure those would be bad decisions. Hope us does something special in brazil. The 14 deaths in brazil are awful but seem barely news worthy compared to qatar.
So what’s your point? Are you insinuating that because of his poor choice words saying “Qataris don’t really work.” somehow the rest of the E:60 piece is not credible?
nope, not at all. Just pointing out an error in the piece.
Luke: your question/accusation to Matt C leads me to believe that you did not bother to read the Tampa Bay Times article he linked to. Perhaps you read the title, but not the article, or merely skimmed. Because if you had the entire article, your question would have been directly and clearly answered, thus obviating the need for accusations.
Read it and nothing in it disproves or denies any of the important allegations made on the E:60 report about the kafala system, the high number of foreign worker deaths due to “heart attacks”, the abysmal living conditions of these workers, or the astronomical estimate of possibly 4000 foreign workers will die during construction for the WC22.
Luke, the article also wasn’t about any of that. It was, quite clearly, about: “Schaap’s statement that Qataris ‘don’t really work.'”
That’s the point of the article. You’re wrong to say that Schaap’s statement is unimportant; for a hardworking Qatari, it could be a very unfair and hurtful statement. It’s worth clearing that up.
Does that error compare in magnitude to the seriousness of the human rights’ abuses in Qatar? Absolutely not—an answer that was implied in the final line of the article: “The risks for foreign workers are real, but that is separate from Schaap’s assertion.”
I honestly couldn’t give a flip about hurting the feelings of the 82,000 “hard working” Qataris! Most of which have multiple house staff doing every menial task possible and if I hurt the feelings of the “hard working” homemakers, so be it.
First: there is no honor in dishonestly mistreating or falsely accusing an innocent person, however wealthy that person may be.
Second: when you make no attempt to limit “collateral damage,” you lose credibility, you create enemies where there were none, and you misdirect and dilute whatever worthy efforts you hoped to promote.
Third: from the point of view of someone living in extreme poverty, there is no daylight between your affluence and that of the rich Qataris. (Having lived on the outskirts of a favela, this was made abundantly clear to me.)
Boys, thanks for jumping here to clarify what i thought was clear. Perhaps if i had written longer post with more caveats, Luke wouldn’t take issue with my point.
I’ll try again. I merely pointed out that some of what Shaap’s was inaccurate. Those statements did not, in my mind, delude the entire piece or affect the point of the story. That’s be/c i know the story from more than one source.
What those inaccuracies give birth to is fodder for critics of the story, It gives “them” something with which to attack the credibility of the article.
When journalists go overboard (unnecessarily) they expose themselves to criticism.
Finally, to be clear. Qatar should have never gotten the cup. Given what we now know thanks to Shaape and others, the cup should be taken away…promptly. And heads should roll at FIFA. And the US and other world powers need to act…and act now and let FIFA know that things must change.
Matt C – Thanks for the clarification.
And of course all the figures provided by the Qatari government are completely accurate and trustworthy.
As the great Eric Wynalda once said: “I’m in agreeance”. A word i had never heard before…but i like it.
I’m hoping that with the soon to be released investigation of the Qatar and Russia bid that they will re-vote at least Qatar and hopefully Russia too. If the accusations being floated around about secret meetings, government interference, bribes and other inappropriate gifts and benefits, those involved and there are some big names including Michel Platini, will be punished.
If there is one good thing that has come from Qatar being selected is the microscope of World attention that’s being put on not just Qatar but the entire Gulf region and Kafala/Guest worker systems.
Attached is our petition created in Sept ’13 toward the atrocities going on in Qatar ( So far since Oct ’13, in our quest to raise awareness, we’ve conducted global rallies (highlighting the enslavement and deaths of Nepalese migrant workers in Qatar) in front of the New York Times, The Qatar Mission in NY, A brief rally through Times Square, The Qatar Embassy in London and in San Francisco, Melbourne, Sydney and Kathmandu. Please help spread awareness by sharing our petition and I look forward to providing every info I have on this to journalists interested. And finally, please join our group on FaceBook:
PS: What’s going on with the password to the Vimeo link? ESPN being paid off by the Qataris (like they’ve done to Al Jazeera, the state-run media house)??
For another interesting angle, search for a story on the Huangs, an American couple in Qatar who have been charged with murdering their adopted daughter who died from an eating disorder. The authorities have even accused them of child trafficking because they had three adopted children, all from African nations, and, in their eyes, it is inconceivable that a non-black couple could really want to adopt a black child.
benneapolis: I disagree. First, it was available when Ives posted it. The only thing “frustrating and amateur” around here are commenters who don’t bother to find out what has been going on but still lecture and criticize as though they hold the higher ground.
Second, it should be left up, as is. If Ives takes down the post, then he takes all the comments with it. It would be helpful, on the other hand, if Ives simply added a note to the post.
Yeah, updating posts shouldn’t be that hard. That’s what interns are for.
Thank you Zool the Gatekeeper.
Let Ives respond if he has a problem w/their comments.
Sheesh! It’s apparent you don’t know how media rights and ownership work. He does not own it. He made people aware of its existence via a medium he can not control. Get a clue and let your mom know your 30 minutes in the internet is over. Now that’s a good lad!
Admittedly an idealistic oversimplification but:
The world, our lives (yes… Congress) are run by corporations. Corporations are ruled by where and how they can make money. If there is anything close to a democracy, it is this: We vote with our dollars. The closest thing there is to having a voice or influence is being an educated consumer- aware of the big picture… not only the end product, but the ethics, means by which it was produced. The short term benefits of an enjoyable or cheaper product can sometimes have a hidden long term cost we would not be willing to pay if we knew about it up front. Certainly there are corporations, politicians who are influenced by “doing things right.” Mostly because they think there are votes and dollars in doing so. I love soccer, my national team, the WC, but… should the WC stay in Qatar, I will not be watching. We shouldn’t kid ourselves… there are enormous amounts of corruption/exploitation/abuses going on in Brazil. A soccer crazed populous there will tell you the same and many are pretty angry about it. Question is….. am I going to indulge my habit or support the status quo FIFA. I probably ought to cancel cable.
Bribes and a cool video are why they got the bid. Anyone who didnt already see this coming must have been ignoring the development of Dubai over the last 10 years.
People are starving to death and dying of stress related illnesses right here in the USA. But when a World Cup is on the line everyone gets action-oriented.
I realize this thread is probably dead, but feel compelled to comment anyways. I finally had some time to try to watch this. Realizing the video was taken down, I tried to search and watch on it ESPN. I have the requisite cable subscriptions, so no issue there. Funny this is, when I tried searching the ESPN site for this video I could not find it. Not only that, not a single video came up for the keyword Qatar. So, now I’m thinking there is a conspiracy. Would FIFA shut ESPN down on this under threat of pulling the 2014 Cup from them or some kind of relevant stiff penalty. I just find it very strange that this E:60 cannot be found anywhere to watch now. Not even on ESPN who owns its rights.
If anyone is still following this thread, I’d like to read your comments.
There were certains issues with sponsors or something and basically espn is not allowed to stream it and can’t replay it until 5/24. It’ll be on espn2.
how you got to “classic ives” from this is … man there are some stupid people on the interweb. There is a reason the tagline calls it an espn report by jeremy schaap. my only guess is they had an issue with traffic. shrug.
More likely pulled due to broadcast agreements with cable partners.
Come on man, what’d I do now? LOL
Once the password stops working you should either put up a new one, take down the post, or add a note saying the password you posted doesn’t work anymore. By that I mean have a low level employee/intern in charge of monitoring things like that. It’s not often, but every now and then you post a video that gets taken down.
It’s a conspiracy and the Qatari/FIFA overlords changed it so you can’t see the truth!
Hard to imagine in the 21st century that such inexorable abominations exist within our ‘global community’. FIFA’s corruption stinks to high hell in awarding this magnificent global unifying tournament to this morally bankrupt society. Blatter and his exec cronies must GO! Move the tournament to a country that values humans. Boycott 2022 WC Corporate sponsors. Federations and Athletes should boycott this farce. Make them all suffer unprecedented losses.
I found this from the BlueFoot Entertainment – the producers:
We apologize, but due to ESPN affiliate sales contract rules, we are not allowed to post the feature online for three weeks. We will update you with any changes to the re-air schedule.
Horse&$@”. Because the U.S. has problems (which I’d be first to point out and advocate against) we are not allowed to point out that the Qatari de facto Apartheid system should disqualify them from hosting this tournament?
i agree with this. has nothing to do with my comment.
Dc: other than suffering from a horrible logical fallacy, your comment also misses the major differences between the countries and the whole point of the efforts to reform Qatar.
Here’s the gist: the US has labor laws that can protect workers; Qatar has none.
thinking about tattooing USA on my lower back in old english text, what do you guys think? good idea?
Qatar lied or misled (and bribed) during the bid process when presenting its case for hosting in SUMMER 2022.
If they’d presented a bid for winter they would have had zero chance.
Now they’re (consistent with past practice) treating immigrant labor like slaves. All the Petro-dollars in the world can’t buy respectability or class. But apparently they can buy FIFA.
I would agree with ALL the comments that Human Rights need to be respected. I will write a letter to my company (official World Cup Sponsor), write a letter to at least three other sponsors and I will make a promise to NOT watch or participate in Qatar’s World Cup (if nothing is done). That is my pledge and now its documented!
This is absolutely disgusting What you are witnessing is pure slave labor in the 21st Century. Why are we actually surprised,? Qartar is part of the absolute dirty corruption that is part and parcel of FIFA now.
While other countries were actually trying to bid for 2022 they were actually doing a bribe that is unfathomable and the devil has found a new haven,
So true, I’ve been to Doha and saw first-hand the indentured servant/slave society there – and we support it when we do nothing. I would love to see a movement for reform come together around this issue. Let’s do it.
Roberto, please do not add to the situation. Please do not compare the two injustices. We need to focus on this issue since it impacts our view of socccer and the Beauty of the World Cup. FOCUS on what we can do and leave other issues out of this discussion! Do not dilute the importance of this issue!
Actually, he had a really good point.
The internet exploded after the Sterling remarks, his own players rebelled against him, the league as a whole showed solidarity, and he was fined heavily and forced out of the business over some racist and bigoted illegally taped comments.
Compare that to the slave labor conditions (not to mention Qatar failing to deliver on so many promises from the bid) in Qatar and everyone’s collective *sigh,* “That’s a shame,” as they feel bad for a minute and then get back to whatever it was they were doing.
I don’t think comparing the two is a negative thing at all.
for the record, they were not “illegally taped”. An actual participant in a conversation can record it as evidence of what they heard. A 3rd party cannot.
My understanding is that the recording is actually illegal because in California both parties to a conversation must consent to the recording. Obviously doesn’t mitigate the impact of what Sterling said but I think legally speaking Jeremy may be right. Of course, none of this has anything to do with this article and the world cup should obviously be moved to the US in 2022.
We shouldn’t downplay domestic racism. It’s an issue, but I agree it pales in comparison to de facto legal slavery. The American media makes a big deal of trivial things in the interest of ratings. CNN, Fox, and MSNBC know that Johnny American gets riled up about tabloidy topics, but couldn’t be bothered to pay attention long enough to fix a problem like indentured slavery.
If Qatar wanted to pay these man living wages that they offered in the original contracts… I am good with that… the working and living conditions should be safe and sanitary.
If with all their money, they can’t offer that… then I can’t support their World Cup as much as I love this game..
It’s run of the mill greed. Qatar is the Walmart of Gulf States. It sits on massive, MASSIVE cash reserves, spending the bare minimum on indentured slaves, all in the name of a massive windfall: the World Cup. F*ck ’em. I’d be perfectly content if CONCACAF sat out the World Cup completely if the price for a football tournament is 4,000+ human lives.
FOX actually has the tv rights to the 2022 World Cup (and 2018 World Cup). This upcoming World Cup is the last one ESPN has the rights to for the foreseeable future.
The only way to stop this world cup is to get your federation on board. If the US pulls out of a world cup played in Qatar, other countries will follow. Eventually FIFA will have no choice but to switch it because there will be no revenue. We need to contact the USSF and pressure them to pull out of any World Cup played in Qatar. Soccer is not worth 4,000 lives.
It would be a shame to miss that World Cup but its just ridiculous what is being allowed. South American Governments might be willing to get involved. They tend to be very populist.
I think even the big European countries could come on board. If we set the precedent of barring ourselves from qualification in 2022, unless the site is changed, others will follow. Someone just has to be brave enough and do it. People in Europe hate this as much as we do.
create a different competition under a different governing body?
could be an opportunity to finally do it here?
I’m crazy, I know
Agreed. No sport is worth a needless loss of a single human life let alone 4000. Accidents and natural causes do happen but 4000 plus…? Also remember that the 4000 was a conservative estimate for only India and Nepal. Add in Pakistan, Indonesia and Philippines and other various poor nations that supply migrant worker and you could double that figure.
I agree the USSF should stay as far as possible from this mess as possible and as a fan who lives for this tournament I would support my team skipping the 2022 WC.
But i have to wonder what the implications would be politically. I am no expert in foreign affairs or global security especially if the following WC be held in the states.
Most of all I can not believe that FIFA (and concacaf officials!) would put us in this position.
Actually, I think that it’s better to qualify, then publicly announce intent to boycott. You get all the perennial qualifiers to do that.
More and more, it seems this 2016 Copa America has the potential to be a huge, huge political event in the context of international soccer. Recall that FIFA has not yet sanctioned it (meaning that among other things, clubs would not be obligated to release players). All indications thus far from the organizers suggest that they are prepared to proceed with the tournament regardless. Perhaps a bit of chest-puffing, but the idea of two major federations organizing a tournament outside of FIFA’s purview must make a few people at people concerned. This sign-off may not come quickly or easily, particularly given that it runs concurrently with the Euro.
In the end, FIFA likes money and as long as they get a nice fat slice that will probably get them on board, The tournament seems sure to be a hit — which will make those greedy geezers pleased enough — but it is also leaves behind a blueprint for the future, and a validation of the organizers’ ability to host a successful major inter-confederation tournament — with little lead time and using primarily existing infrastructure. And without thousands of dead migrant workers.
This precedent become a serious problem for FIFA, which derives much of its ultimate power from its role in facilitating the interactions of its member confederations. If CONCACAF & CONMEBOL can seamlesly pull off a safe, entertaining, well-attended, and highly profitable tournament in 2 years, Blatter will realize that he may be facing many more years of scrutiny over this snowballing fiasco before he can start claiming it is “too late” to find an alternate solution.
Of course, since millions have already been spent and millions more contracted, FIFA is in an uncomfortable spot. Time to kick up the pressure on Qatar to pull it together is now.
I went there for work two years ago. I watched as families highered people from the Philippines and one of their jobs was to carry the books of the children to school for them. They treat their servants so bad and only their emploeeys can give them permission to leave. Its like that in Saudi too. It is sad. I guess that’s what its like to have nearly unlimited money.
Unlimited money and yet no soul. I could never force anyone to be my slave/endentured servant. If I was rich enough to have people around that did things for me, they would be paid well. They would get paid enough that they would be eager to go to work, so their children are well off and have good schooling. If not then I would have no soul. Humanity is bigger than financial resources.
This E:60 report made me sick. I love this game and I watch many matches a week during the Euro season and almost every MLS match during the summer. I dont know if I can or should watch the 2022 World Cup if it is Qatar.
“FIFA President Blatter and FIFA Executive Committee member Dr Theo Zwanziger decided to postpone a scheduled trip in mid-May to until after the 2014 FIFA World Cup.”
I think this speaks for itself, FIFA doesn’t want to find anything. The idea that this is anything more than PR, I suspect is laughable. Qatar knows that as it drags outs closer and closer to 2022, the number of countries capable of counter hosting decreases, and their high intensity motivation to protest goes down. The real issue for a Qatari WC is continued protests of international labor and human rights organizations. The Money isn’t an issue for Qatar, they can buy off the TV networks and offer compensation packages to European Football leagues, they can’t buy off these public relations problems, and it’s only the damage to FIFA that can hurt Qatar.
FIFA postponing the trip till late in the year. It’s too hot there in mid-May.
They could strip it from them in a couple years and the USA and a few other countries could host it no problem. Sure they wouldnt have a bunch of new stadiums but America could still host. In fact it should be stripped from Qatar and hosted in existing US stadiums. Proving that all the pageantry is a waste of resources. Play the game and enjoy. Thousands should not die in the name of Fifa and a bunch of spoiled oil brats
Not gonna happen. No way. Even if fifa went looking for a place to host 2022, the us wouldn’t take it. You really think we’ll risk mortal insult to Qatar? And our only air base in the Middle East? This is why Brazil kept these games, and will keep the Olympics, no matter how bad, to take them would be to make an enemy of Brazil.
Well, FIFA could take it away. Then have another bid process. If FIFA awards 2022 to the US over others, that’s not exactly “taking” it from Qatar.
Truly appalling and evil.
I watched it on ESPN last night. It’s modern day slave labor. This has to stop. When the trade union representative lady said she predicts at minimum 4 thousand construction related deaths to build the stadiums I thought to myself it wouldn’t be right for me to even watch the 2022 World Cup, which would suck but I can’t imagine seeing the wide angle stadium shots during the game and then thinking about all the pain, suffering, slave labor, and death that went into building it.
Same goes for 2018 Russia with everything they’ve done to Ukraine. Way to go Sepp Blatter and the ExCo committee. I love the WC but hate these corrupt officials running it. Blood is on their hands if they don’t start putting pressure on Qatar and Russia to respect basic human rights.
I’ve started a site hoping to organize this effort. There is a petition to sign and a list of FIFA’s sponsors and their Twitter accounts. Putting public pressure on these companies will be the best way to gain traction.
I just signed – thanks for taking the time to do this.
Scott Payne: I like what you’ve started. Here is some feedback.
I am concerned about two things, start with the most important:
1. Improving working conditions in Qatar
2. Protecting the beautiful sport of soccer and the World Cup
Thus, I would hope for two possible outcomes (again, starting with the most desirable):
1. Qatar keeps the World Cup but has to enact sweeping labor reforms. They bribed their way into this mess. I don’t want to reward bribery, but if it forces Qatar to reform, I’ll take that as a win.
2. If Qatar won’t reform, then move WC 2022. (Personally, I would hope to Australia.)
While your web site and petition don’t disagree with what I’ve written above, I don’t think your wording shows the same sense of priorities. Human life first, sport second.
With you on this King. I’ve been frustrated with the culture of bribery that put this great sporting event in Qatar. However, that injustice is small potatoes compared with the human rights issues in Qatar.
If life saving reforms are brought about, then maybe Qatar hosting the world cup is the best thing that could have happened. If Qatar is not willing to change their practices, then the world can and should demand change.
No King, it is too late. Way too many unnecessary deaths to watch people kick a ball. They have failed ultimately. I for once will personally boycott this WC, if I am still alive, if it is held in Qatar. Improving working conditions now will not help my decision and hopefully that of the vast majority in the world, including governments and Football Associations. But, the world is really full of pigs.
If improving conditions doesn’t help people change their minds, then their is no motivation to change.
Neither can you bring back the dead.
Baptista, I understand your sentiment and position and won’t try to persuade you to change, but I choose a different view because I believe that it is more pragmatic.
I compare this to disagreements over US-enforced embargoes of other countries; e.g., Cuba. I know why many support the embargo and their reasons make sense. However, I believe that reducing trade, commerce, and other interactions only delays the reforms that we really hope to see.
i am posting your web site above wherevver i can!
Thanks for doing that!
Key segment: 14:35 – 14:55
What you can do: Write to long-term advertisers at the World Cup and threaten to boycott their products if a) they do not pull their advertising, or b) Qatar does not make the reforms shown in the segment above.
Don’t “like” a page on Facebook. Don’t sign some UpWorthy poll. Do hit Qatar and FIFA where it counts: advertising dollars.
Yeah, Congress will definitely help. DEFINITELY. Genius idea.
It is about as reasonable as any other idea out there. This is exactly the kind of thing that is easy for a congressperson of any political party to support.
I have no idea what the details of a what a bill would look like, but I guarantee FIFA will take notice if the a (legitimate) bill starts circulating congress aiming to undercut the WC unless there are reforms. It really only takes one champion of the cause to gain traction
Two senators are already working to move the 2018 WC, so it’s not that far off…
Hey Carlos,
Please tell me how EXACTLY America is the “villain”….in a scandal involving a foreign nation (Qatar) and a lot of greedy global football representatives and real estate development companies?? (Keep in mind that the VAST majority of these developers are NOT in any way American.)
America isn’t perfect, but last time I checked the U.S. not responsible for ALL evil things done in the world….Not by a long shot.
Love to hear your answer jacka&&.
Ohhh…NOW I know how America is responsible for the Qatar WC crime and corruption! It is because of Sepp Blatter’s new American citizenship after doing a FIFA national “one-time switch”!
Ahhh, now I get it!
Ya Jabroni
Bingo. And it’s up to those of us in the West – or the global north, more accurately – to put pressure on FIFA. We’re the ones with the voice and the power of the purse.
We need to keep this topic in the forefront of our minds and not just let it slip away with the next SBI update.
+1 … A very important topic that needs to be passed on to others so there can be a ground swell against this slavery!
It was really intense. Showing the start of a cremation is rather heart breaking. Normally I don’t much worry about trying to influence these sort of things but normally that’s because they are beyond the control of anything.
Like everyone knew Joseph Kony was a horrible person but you actually have to go chase down a guy with a small army. Not as a simple thing.
FIFA however is easy. It’s all about the money. I guess I have to buy Under Armor and Puma now.
Under Armor please 🙂
It’s the only American company that makes athletic shoes that aren’t too narrow for 2/3 of the population, plus has a working relationship with the Wounded Warrior Project.
Write about how Mexico sucks and how they are getting dominated by a team the U.S. defeated in enemy territory. HHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where is taco leg? HHAAAA!!!!!!!! Mexico sucks HHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not much doubt, sadly. But Russia will likely get a pass because its weather conditions are more moderate and it already has several stadiums in place, so two of the major driving points against Qatar are removed from the Russian scenario. Not to mention that I doubt European (and American) leaders will want to tug on Putin’s cape, especially after Crimea and potentially the Ukraine. Here again is the beauty of the double bid as Qatar takes a lot of the heat (no pun intended) off the Russians. You really have to marvel at FIFA’s audacity. In any case, these next eight years will be very interesting as we watch Russia, Qatar and FIFA try pull these off. What if Putin does something militarily in 2017? What if the EPL, La Liga, Serie A and others don’t go for a winter WC / calendar switch in 2022?
Whoops – the above was supposed to be in reply to Ali Dia. Apologies…
Don’t worry I have the same disease. Cheers.
Obviously the Qatar World Cup is fraught with all kinds of problems–corruption, the mistreatment of workers, gender restrictions, etc. The whole thing doesn’t make sense and I’d love to see the cup moved, just like everyone else…
BUT…he who throws stones shouldn’t live in glass houses. The US team is sponsored by NIKE, and I’d venture that most everyone posting here (myself included) has some NIKE gear in their closet–but most Americans are totally oblivious to the ridiculously poor working conditions at their factories around the globe. So while we are watching this video and feeling awful for guest workers in Qatar (and we should feel awful), we might also meditate for a second on our own place in a global economy that mistreats workers around the globe… Just sayin….
Also, the us air force has a huge air base in Qatar, al udeid air base, so I’m guessing the usa ain’t gonna say boo to the qataris about any of this. Mighty military imperialism is much more important to the usa than some dead foreign workers. They are in the business of killing any way so they could not care less
I would fully support the US boycotting Q22. Not only to protest the injustices occurring in Qatar, but to protest the FIFA’s entire “bidding” process. First, they piggyback the 2022 event onto the bidding for the 2018 event (never mind that 2018 was awarded to a war mongering, anti-democratic nation). Sure, that’s not a suspicious twist on the process that won’t encourage the buying and selling of votes. And then Qatar wins the 2022 bid, despite having no realistic plan for hosting a summer event in a place with tournament time temperatures between 95 – 105 degrees, no real history with the sport, or not even being a real country to begin with (as opposed to a playground for some very wealthy families). Or for having no secured buy-ins from domestic leagues and networks in case the event is switched to winter. How could a bid with this many holes win? I think we know how – and along with deaths and injuries that will occur just to feed this monster, this is definitely worth boycotting.
Perhaps this will be the trainwreck that eventually ruins FIFA. Who knows – but the whole things is beyond any sense of reality and logic.
Sadly, I think a one-cycle boycott would put very little pressure on FIFA, even a massive one (and by massive I mean as little as three other major nations also boycotting).
Pull out and pull out after this world cup. Shut down the whole organization. Participate in no events except the ones we host on our own soil and under our own guidelines. Form a new alliance of nations to play against each other outside of FIFA’s monopoly. They can’t play games without federations to bring players to their scheduled matches. With no games and no players there will be no fans and no income will be generated.
I will go farther. I will not only support a US boycott of FIFA, but I would actually deride the USSF and boycott it if they refuse to act. Either way, in either summer or winter, 2022 will be played outside Qatar or I will not watch it.
Unfortunately, I don’t know that Gulati or the USSF have the cajones for that, much less an official boycott for even one cycle. However, it would be nice to see FIFA’s leadership seriously challenged. Sunil was rather quiet after the bids were awarded and that was disappointing. Probably because he knew, and we all knew, that raising the specter of wrongdoing (especially by the USA) would fall on deaf ears. But as the soccer governing body that is answerable to no one and checked by nothing, it has seemingly lost any and all credibility it may have ever had. At what point to member federations start throwing up their hands and proclaiming that enough is enough?
Gulati would have appeared a spoiled child if he had complained of corruption immediately after losing the bid. That whistleblowing needs to be done by independent reporters with nothing to gain except the uncovering of the truth. Once the truth is ascertained, if Gulati continues not to act it reflects on the bootlicking nature of the member federation to FIFA relationship.
I suppose we have to trust in the election of officials until it becomes clear that officials have no real credibility and/or the process does not result in the best people being elected.
The more telling part of this will come when the whole truth becomes undeniable. There’s so much more at stake than a sport, and if no other country will act then someone must be the first. I expect it to be the USA. We need those power nations with us, but it is probably the only way to force some action.
At what point do people start poking around Russia’s bid? Is there really much doubt that we’ll find many of the same problems?
As a person who loves the game and lives for 3 years just hoping to make it to the 4th so I can see another World Cup, I think the USA should pull out of FIFA completely. Make it clear why we are leaving and challenge the rest of the world to follow suit, or else they knowingly and publicly endorse human rights violations and political corruption. Stay in the media until something is done.
The USA alone won’t make a change, but if we can pressure one or two other “powerhouse” nations to follow, it could actually affect change. As it stands, FIFA holds a monopoly on international football and no one can challenge them from the outside. Change will have to come from the footballing federations of the world. FIFA will not change of its own accord.
Qatar and the FIFA World Cup. Follow the money trail(s) and you will discover the politics, bribes, and corruption. Qatar certainly has money to throw at any issue or to make issues go away.
Boycott Qatar in 2022! Make Jack Warner, Sepp Bladder, Bin Hammam, Platini, and these FIFA fat cats work on these stadiums with their bare hands. Its time for England, US, Australia, Germany, South Africa, Brazil and other countries secede from FIFA and start a new world futbol federation with better transparency and accountability!
+2022 This time it is for real. These guys have finally spread themselves too thin. They have immediate PR disasters on two fronts. This is obviously one, but Brazil is a big question mark, with widespread domestic disapproval that already reared its head last summer ..
I actually was talking with a collegaue (not a big soccer fan but a very well-read fella) who asked the question, “what do you think will happen if Brazil doesn’t make it out of its group?”. Instinct of course was to say “that never happens” but that isn’t a very good answer…. Then I thought about it and realized how terrible that could really be for that World Cup. Any fears Blatter might have had about Mexico not qualifying would be comical by comparison– ironic if it was Mexico who precipitated this (unlikely) event. Even if Brazil sails to the title, that might not placate the masses who have seen their cost of living skyrocket.
And to your second point (I’ve said it before but it bears repeating)… You are DEAD right. The Copa America 2016 is a massive, crazy big deal and not just because it will be awesome for us to watch here. FIFA has not signed off on the thing yet, and this is exactly why. Multiple confederations are organizing an inter-confederation tournament that will be a SUREFIRE SUCCESS. They will be stuck with Russia (which nobody has even poked around yet, apparently…) and Qatar. They are lost and they know it.
Bad time to be you, Sepp. For all he thinks he’s done for the sport, he will be remembered for his less-graceful-than-Zidane headbutt to the sport. Good riddance. Here’s a Toblerone and a Kleenex, fatty. Now beat it.
You sure love to hear yourself talk, don’t you?
It wouldn’t be so bad if you weren’t so ignorant about all things football.
And who might you be?
Here’s a message that should be spread:
‘To FIFA and world soccer players. Please know that the fields in which you will play the 2022 WC tournament was built upon thousands of dead bodies, and millions of slave laborers. Countless innocent souls lay under the grounds where you will celebrate your victories. I hope that you will pay the proper respect to those that rest underneath your feet.”
how many dead bodies did the USA leave in Iraq, Afghanistan and God only knows how many other places
If there is any decency left in this world, this World Cup will not happen in Qatar.
+1 Friggin Baptista. I roll with you on this point.
Sadly there is a real chance us boycotts next two world cups and im not sure those would be bad decisions. Hope us does something special in brazil. The 14 deaths in brazil are awful but seem barely news worthy compared to qatar.
Not sure how long this link will survive but for those who couldn’t get it to work on ESPN:
Let me be clear, i’m not defending Qatar, but it seems that ESPN was a little loose with “some” of the facts. Tampa Bay Times (politifact):
Sounds to me like you are defending Qataris, not Qatar. No problem with that.
So what’s your point? Are you insinuating that because of his poor choice words saying “Qataris don’t really work.” somehow the rest of the E:60 piece is not credible?
nope, not at all. Just pointing out an error in the piece.
Luke: your question/accusation to Matt C leads me to believe that you did not bother to read the Tampa Bay Times article he linked to. Perhaps you read the title, but not the article, or merely skimmed. Because if you had the entire article, your question would have been directly and clearly answered, thus obviating the need for accusations.
Read it and nothing in it disproves or denies any of the important allegations made on the E:60 report about the kafala system, the high number of foreign worker deaths due to “heart attacks”, the abysmal living conditions of these workers, or the astronomical estimate of possibly 4000 foreign workers will die during construction for the WC22.
Luke, the article also wasn’t about any of that. It was, quite clearly, about: “Schaap’s statement that Qataris ‘don’t really work.'”
That’s the point of the article. You’re wrong to say that Schaap’s statement is unimportant; for a hardworking Qatari, it could be a very unfair and hurtful statement. It’s worth clearing that up.
Does that error compare in magnitude to the seriousness of the human rights’ abuses in Qatar? Absolutely not—an answer that was implied in the final line of the article: “The risks for foreign workers are real, but that is separate from Schaap’s assertion.”
I honestly couldn’t give a flip about hurting the feelings of the 82,000 “hard working” Qataris! Most of which have multiple house staff doing every menial task possible and if I hurt the feelings of the “hard working” homemakers, so be it.
First: there is no honor in dishonestly mistreating or falsely accusing an innocent person, however wealthy that person may be.
Second: when you make no attempt to limit “collateral damage,” you lose credibility, you create enemies where there were none, and you misdirect and dilute whatever worthy efforts you hoped to promote.
Third: from the point of view of someone living in extreme poverty, there is no daylight between your affluence and that of the rich Qataris. (Having lived on the outskirts of a favela, this was made abundantly clear to me.)
Boys, thanks for jumping here to clarify what i thought was clear. Perhaps if i had written longer post with more caveats, Luke wouldn’t take issue with my point.
I’ll try again. I merely pointed out that some of what Shaap’s was inaccurate. Those statements did not, in my mind, delude the entire piece or affect the point of the story. That’s be/c i know the story from more than one source.
What those inaccuracies give birth to is fodder for critics of the story, It gives “them” something with which to attack the credibility of the article.
When journalists go overboard (unnecessarily) they expose themselves to criticism.
Finally, to be clear. Qatar should have never gotten the cup. Given what we now know thanks to Shaape and others, the cup should be taken away…promptly. And heads should roll at FIFA. And the US and other world powers need to act…and act now and let FIFA know that things must change.
Matt C – Thanks for the clarification.
And of course all the figures provided by the Qatari government are completely accurate and trustworthy.
Ding Ding
As the great Eric Wynalda once said: “I’m in agreeance”. A word i had never heard before…but i like it.
I’m hoping that with the soon to be released investigation of the Qatar and Russia bid that they will re-vote at least Qatar and hopefully Russia too. If the accusations being floated around about secret meetings, government interference, bribes and other inappropriate gifts and benefits, those involved and there are some big names including Michel Platini, will be punished.
If there is one good thing that has come from Qatar being selected is the microscope of World attention that’s being put on not just Qatar but the entire Gulf region and Kafala/Guest worker systems.
It just worked for me…I’m using Google Chrome.
You all have to find a way to watch this. I don’t think I could watch 2022 in Qatar knowing what is going on there to make it happen. It’s horrifying.
Attached is our petition created in Sept ’13 toward the atrocities going on in Qatar ( So far since Oct ’13, in our quest to raise awareness, we’ve conducted global rallies (highlighting the enslavement and deaths of Nepalese migrant workers in Qatar) in front of the New York Times, The Qatar Mission in NY, A brief rally through Times Square, The Qatar Embassy in London and in San Francisco, Melbourne, Sydney and Kathmandu. Please help spread awareness by sharing our petition and I look forward to providing every info I have on this to journalists interested. And finally, please join our group on FaceBook:
PS: What’s going on with the password to the Vimeo link? ESPN being paid off by the Qataris (like they’ve done to Al Jazeera, the state-run media house)??
For those that did not get to see – this is being replayed on ESPN2 @ 7AM (EST).
Apparently there are issues with putting this online because of its length and cable carrier considerations with is really, really too bad.
For another interesting angle, search for a story on the Huangs, an American couple in Qatar who have been charged with murdering their adopted daughter who died from an eating disorder. The authorities have even accused them of child trafficking because they had three adopted children, all from African nations, and, in their eyes, it is inconceivable that a non-black couple could really want to adopt a black child.
Wow. That is insane!
Why would Ives post this if it can’t be watched? Very frustrating and amateur.
They should take it down until it’s able to be watched.
agree. take down the post until it’s ok to watch.
benneapolis: I disagree. First, it was available when Ives posted it. The only thing “frustrating and amateur” around here are commenters who don’t bother to find out what has been going on but still lecture and criticize as though they hold the higher ground.
Second, it should be left up, as is. If Ives takes down the post, then he takes all the comments with it. It would be helpful, on the other hand, if Ives simply added a note to the post.
Yeah, updating posts shouldn’t be that hard. That’s what interns are for.
Thank you Zool the Gatekeeper.
Let Ives respond if he has a problem w/their comments.
Sheesh! It’s apparent you don’t know how media rights and ownership work. He does not own it. He made people aware of its existence via a medium he can not control. Get a clue and let your mom know your 30 minutes in the internet is over. Now that’s a good lad!
Follow up on this video, I found the following article that touches on some of the points of the video.
To put the estimated 4000 workers who could die in Qatar leading up to the 2022 World Cup in prospective:
-Brazil 8 workers have died during construction for 2014
-South Africa 2 workers died during construction for 2010.
Admittedly an idealistic oversimplification but:
The world, our lives (yes… Congress) are run by corporations. Corporations are ruled by where and how they can make money. If there is anything close to a democracy, it is this: We vote with our dollars. The closest thing there is to having a voice or influence is being an educated consumer- aware of the big picture… not only the end product, but the ethics, means by which it was produced. The short term benefits of an enjoyable or cheaper product can sometimes have a hidden long term cost we would not be willing to pay if we knew about it up front. Certainly there are corporations, politicians who are influenced by “doing things right.” Mostly because they think there are votes and dollars in doing so. I love soccer, my national team, the WC, but… should the WC stay in Qatar, I will not be watching. We shouldn’t kid ourselves… there are enormous amounts of corruption/exploitation/abuses going on in Brazil. A soccer crazed populous there will tell you the same and many are pretty angry about it. Question is….. am I going to indulge my habit or support the status quo FIFA. I probably ought to cancel cable.
Now research the way Mansour and his family run their “worker program”
Bribes and a cool video are why they got the bid. Anyone who didnt already see this coming must have been ignoring the development of Dubai over the last 10 years.
People are starving to death and dying of stress related illnesses right here in the USA. But when a World Cup is on the line everyone gets action-oriented.
watched this last night. truly “criminal” as that women repeated over and over. takes the joy out of the WC already.
Pity that the video is no longer available.
So I wrote to ESPN’s media contact for the segment:
Carrie Kreiswirth, 860-766-6042
carrie.b.kreiswirth AT espn DOT com
I urged her to make it publicly accessible again. I also wrote to the reporter, Jeremy Schaap (Jeremy.Schaap AT espn DOT com).
I realize this thread is probably dead, but feel compelled to comment anyways. I finally had some time to try to watch this. Realizing the video was taken down, I tried to search and watch on it ESPN. I have the requisite cable subscriptions, so no issue there. Funny this is, when I tried searching the ESPN site for this video I could not find it. Not only that, not a single video came up for the keyword Qatar. So, now I’m thinking there is a conspiracy. Would FIFA shut ESPN down on this under threat of pulling the 2014 Cup from them or some kind of relevant stiff penalty. I just find it very strange that this E:60 cannot be found anywhere to watch now. Not even on ESPN who owns its rights.
If anyone is still following this thread, I’d like to read your comments.
There were certains issues with sponsors or something and basically espn is not allowed to stream it and can’t replay it until 5/24. It’ll be on espn2.
e60 wouldn’t work for me…and neither would my own password. weird.
Same here. Classic Ives
how you got to “classic ives” from this is … man there are some stupid people on the interweb. There is a reason the tagline calls it an espn report by jeremy schaap. my only guess is they had an issue with traffic. shrug.
More likely pulled due to broadcast agreements with cable partners.
Come on man, what’d I do now? LOL
Once the password stops working you should either put up a new one, take down the post, or add a note saying the password you posted doesn’t work anymore. By that I mean have a low level employee/intern in charge of monitoring things like that. It’s not often, but every now and then you post a video that gets taken down.
It’s a conspiracy and the Qatari/FIFA overlords changed it so you can’t see the truth!
Since the password was changed, does anyone know of another way to watch this video? Thanks in advance either way…
So Qatar runs something in-between indentured servant and slavery.
Willing to spend 200 billion on the world cup but cannot pay the workers.
Hard to imagine in the 21st century that such inexorable abominations exist within our ‘global community’. FIFA’s corruption stinks to high hell in awarding this magnificent global unifying tournament to this morally bankrupt society. Blatter and his exec cronies must GO! Move the tournament to a country that values humans. Boycott 2022 WC Corporate sponsors. Federations and Athletes should boycott this farce. Make them all suffer unprecedented losses.
They changed the password…it was working
The e60 password is not working for me. Is that the correct password? Any help would be great as I missed this e:60 report last night.
I found this from the BlueFoot Entertainment – the producers:
We apologize, but due to ESPN affiliate sales contract rules, we are not allowed to post the feature online for three weeks. We will update you with any changes to the re-air schedule.
I wouldn’t point that finger unless you are willing to take a closer look at US labor practices oversees/along the border.
Horse&$@”. Because the U.S. has problems (which I’d be first to point out and advocate against) we are not allowed to point out that the Qatari de facto Apartheid system should disqualify them from hosting this tournament?
Huge difference between companies taking advantages of workers behind the governments back and the government sanctioning the actions
Moral relativism is a dead end, my man. If you stop calling out baddies because of our own bad foreign policy, the baddies win.
i agree with this. has nothing to do with my comment.
Dc: other than suffering from a horrible logical fallacy, your comment also misses the major differences between the countries and the whole point of the efforts to reform Qatar.
Here’s the gist: the US has labor laws that can protect workers; Qatar has none.
yeah boys! ‘merica can do no wrong! effing hypocrites.
You’re still having a hard time understanding very basic logic. No one has come close to saying what you’ve accused them of. Try harder.
Anyone trying to equate imperfections in American policies or conduct with the de facto slave labor in Qatar doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously.
thinking about tattooing USA on my lower back in old english text, what do you guys think? good idea?
Qatar lied or misled (and bribed) during the bid process when presenting its case for hosting in SUMMER 2022.
If they’d presented a bid for winter they would have had zero chance.
Now they’re (consistent with past practice) treating immigrant labor like slaves. All the Petro-dollars in the world can’t buy respectability or class. But apparently they can buy FIFA.
What a travesty.
I would agree with ALL the comments that Human Rights need to be respected. I will write a letter to my company (official World Cup Sponsor), write a letter to at least three other sponsors and I will make a promise to NOT watch or participate in Qatar’s World Cup (if nothing is done). That is my pledge and now its documented!
This is absolutely disgusting What you are witnessing is pure slave labor in the 21st Century. Why are we actually surprised,? Qartar is part of the absolute dirty corruption that is part and parcel of FIFA now.
While other countries were actually trying to bid for 2022 they were actually doing a bribe that is unfathomable and the devil has found a new haven,
Shame on FIFA and Qatar This is a crime!
So true, I’ve been to Doha and saw first-hand the indentured servant/slave society there – and we support it when we do nothing. I would love to see a movement for reform come together around this issue. Let’s do it.
people here make a big deal of donald sterling and his dumb comments.. this is the real issue that must be solved.. slavery still exists.
Roberto, please do not add to the situation. Please do not compare the two injustices. We need to focus on this issue since it impacts our view of socccer and the Beauty of the World Cup. FOCUS on what we can do and leave other issues out of this discussion! Do not dilute the importance of this issue!
Actually, he had a really good point.
The internet exploded after the Sterling remarks, his own players rebelled against him, the league as a whole showed solidarity, and he was fined heavily and forced out of the business over some racist and bigoted illegally taped comments.
Compare that to the slave labor conditions (not to mention Qatar failing to deliver on so many promises from the bid) in Qatar and everyone’s collective *sigh,* “That’s a shame,” as they feel bad for a minute and then get back to whatever it was they were doing.
I don’t think comparing the two is a negative thing at all.
for the record, they were not “illegally taped”. An actual participant in a conversation can record it as evidence of what they heard. A 3rd party cannot.
My understanding is that the recording is actually illegal because in California both parties to a conversation must consent to the recording. Obviously doesn’t mitigate the impact of what Sterling said but I think legally speaking Jeremy may be right. Of course, none of this has anything to do with this article and the world cup should obviously be moved to the US in 2022.
We shouldn’t downplay domestic racism. It’s an issue, but I agree it pales in comparison to de facto legal slavery. The American media makes a big deal of trivial things in the interest of ratings. CNN, Fox, and MSNBC know that Johnny American gets riled up about tabloidy topics, but couldn’t be bothered to pay attention long enough to fix a problem like indentured slavery.
So this is now the American media’s fault? Wow.
That’s not what he said smartnalgas
If Qatar wanted to pay these man living wages that they offered in the original contracts… I am good with that… the working and living conditions should be safe and sanitary.
If with all their money, they can’t offer that… then I can’t support their World Cup as much as I love this game..
It’s run of the mill greed. Qatar is the Walmart of Gulf States. It sits on massive, MASSIVE cash reserves, spending the bare minimum on indentured slaves, all in the name of a massive windfall: the World Cup. F*ck ’em. I’d be perfectly content if CONCACAF sat out the World Cup completely if the price for a football tournament is 4,000+ human lives.
Easy to write them on their websites, and/or tweet them. @USSOCCER @CONCACAF @CONMEBOL_CSF
I’m not on twitter currently, so I’m not sure if the community/cause already has hashtags they are using or not.
ESPN has a lot to lose if Qatar 22 is played during US football season
World Cup rights actually switch to Fox after this World Cup.
FOX actually has the tv rights to the 2022 World Cup (and 2018 World Cup). This upcoming World Cup is the last one ESPN has the rights to for the foreseeable future.
DId ESPN bid hard for the world cups. It makes me wonder why they would let it slip out of their grip unless they wanted it too.
Honestly, it wouldn’t shock me to see FOX try to move the rights to someone like ESPN if the World Cup stays in the Winter.
I think that is pretty low on the list of problems with moving it to winter. US tv ratings are not a huge factor.
US TV dollars are a huge factor, though.
travesty. something needs to be done
The only way to stop this world cup is to get your federation on board. If the US pulls out of a world cup played in Qatar, other countries will follow. Eventually FIFA will have no choice but to switch it because there will be no revenue. We need to contact the USSF and pressure them to pull out of any World Cup played in Qatar. Soccer is not worth 4,000 lives.
It would be a shame to miss that World Cup but its just ridiculous what is being allowed. South American Governments might be willing to get involved. They tend to be very populist.
I think even the big European countries could come on board. If we set the precedent of barring ourselves from qualification in 2022, unless the site is changed, others will follow. Someone just has to be brave enough and do it. People in Europe hate this as much as we do.
create a different competition under a different governing body?
could be an opportunity to finally do it here?
I’m crazy, I know
Agreed. No sport is worth a needless loss of a single human life let alone 4000. Accidents and natural causes do happen but 4000 plus…? Also remember that the 4000 was a conservative estimate for only India and Nepal. Add in Pakistan, Indonesia and Philippines and other various poor nations that supply migrant worker and you could double that figure.
I agree the USSF should stay as far as possible from this mess as possible and as a fan who lives for this tournament I would support my team skipping the 2022 WC.
But i have to wonder what the implications would be politically. I am no expert in foreign affairs or global security especially if the following WC be held in the states.
Most of all I can not believe that FIFA (and concacaf officials!) would put us in this position.
Actually, I think that it’s better to qualify, then publicly announce intent to boycott. You get all the perennial qualifiers to do that.
More and more, it seems this 2016 Copa America has the potential to be a huge, huge political event in the context of international soccer. Recall that FIFA has not yet sanctioned it (meaning that among other things, clubs would not be obligated to release players). All indications thus far from the organizers suggest that they are prepared to proceed with the tournament regardless. Perhaps a bit of chest-puffing, but the idea of two major federations organizing a tournament outside of FIFA’s purview must make a few people at people concerned. This sign-off may not come quickly or easily, particularly given that it runs concurrently with the Euro.
In the end, FIFA likes money and as long as they get a nice fat slice that will probably get them on board, The tournament seems sure to be a hit — which will make those greedy geezers pleased enough — but it is also leaves behind a blueprint for the future, and a validation of the organizers’ ability to host a successful major inter-confederation tournament — with little lead time and using primarily existing infrastructure. And without thousands of dead migrant workers.
This precedent become a serious problem for FIFA, which derives much of its ultimate power from its role in facilitating the interactions of its member confederations. If CONCACAF & CONMEBOL can seamlesly pull off a safe, entertaining, well-attended, and highly profitable tournament in 2 years, Blatter will realize that he may be facing many more years of scrutiny over this snowballing fiasco before he can start claiming it is “too late” to find an alternate solution.
Of course, since millions have already been spent and millions more contracted, FIFA is in an uncomfortable spot. Time to kick up the pressure on Qatar to pull it together is now.
i typed in e60 as the password … worked for me.
Not working for me
e60 not working as a password for me either.
I went there for work two years ago. I watched as families highered people from the Philippines and one of their jobs was to carry the books of the children to school for them. They treat their servants so bad and only their emploeeys can give them permission to leave. Its like that in Saudi too. It is sad. I guess that’s what its like to have nearly unlimited money.
Unlimited money and yet no soul. I could never force anyone to be my slave/endentured servant. If I was rich enough to have people around that did things for me, they would be paid well. They would get paid enough that they would be eager to go to work, so their children are well off and have good schooling. If not then I would have no soul. Humanity is bigger than financial resources.
This E:60 report made me sick. I love this game and I watch many matches a week during the Euro season and almost every MLS match during the summer. I dont know if I can or should watch the 2022 World Cup if it is Qatar.
Here’s an interesting turn of events: New labor law reforms in Qatar. Too little too late? Simply lip service? Or the real deal? Yet to be seen.
“FIFA President Blatter and FIFA Executive Committee member Dr Theo Zwanziger decided to postpone a scheduled trip in mid-May to until after the 2014 FIFA World Cup.”
I think this speaks for itself, FIFA doesn’t want to find anything. The idea that this is anything more than PR, I suspect is laughable. Qatar knows that as it drags outs closer and closer to 2022, the number of countries capable of counter hosting decreases, and their high intensity motivation to protest goes down. The real issue for a Qatari WC is continued protests of international labor and human rights organizations. The Money isn’t an issue for Qatar, they can buy off the TV networks and offer compensation packages to European Football leagues, they can’t buy off these public relations problems, and it’s only the damage to FIFA that can hurt Qatar.
FIFA postponing the trip till late in the year. It’s too hot there in mid-May.
They could strip it from them in a couple years and the USA and a few other countries could host it no problem. Sure they wouldnt have a bunch of new stadiums but America could still host. In fact it should be stripped from Qatar and hosted in existing US stadiums. Proving that all the pageantry is a waste of resources. Play the game and enjoy. Thousands should not die in the name of Fifa and a bunch of spoiled oil brats
Not gonna happen. No way. Even if fifa went looking for a place to host 2022, the us wouldn’t take it. You really think we’ll risk mortal insult to Qatar? And our only air base in the Middle East? This is why Brazil kept these games, and will keep the Olympics, no matter how bad, to take them would be to make an enemy of Brazil.
Well, FIFA could take it away. Then have another bid process. If FIFA awards 2022 to the US over others, that’s not exactly “taking” it from Qatar.
Truly appalling and evil.
I watched it on ESPN last night. It’s modern day slave labor. This has to stop. When the trade union representative lady said she predicts at minimum 4 thousand construction related deaths to build the stadiums I thought to myself it wouldn’t be right for me to even watch the 2022 World Cup, which would suck but I can’t imagine seeing the wide angle stadium shots during the game and then thinking about all the pain, suffering, slave labor, and death that went into building it.
Same goes for 2018 Russia with everything they’ve done to Ukraine. Way to go Sepp Blatter and the ExCo committee. I love the WC but hate these corrupt officials running it. Blood is on their hands if they don’t start putting pressure on Qatar and Russia to respect basic human rights.
So whats the password?
This Marx Brothers moment is brought to you by MGM, bringing that old school magic.
Seriously, though. This is password locked. What’s the deal?
Eh it was fine earlier. It just happened when I reloaded.
+1 Harpo –
That’s no way to enter a speakeasy.
Very sad, important work, beautifully shot and well edited.
Schaap is a high quality reporter, I’m happy the sports world has him.
+1 Well said.
Here’s a list of FIFA World
Cup advertising partners since 1982.
Thanks. I was about to look for this information myself. We need to get organized so that our individual voices have an impact.
I’ve started a site hoping to organize this effort. There is a petition to sign and a list of FIFA’s sponsors and their Twitter accounts. Putting public pressure on these companies will be the best way to gain traction.
Check it out and let me know what you think:
I just signed – thanks for taking the time to do this.
Scott Payne: I like what you’ve started. Here is some feedback.
I am concerned about two things, start with the most important:
1. Improving working conditions in Qatar
2. Protecting the beautiful sport of soccer and the World Cup
Thus, I would hope for two possible outcomes (again, starting with the most desirable):
1. Qatar keeps the World Cup but has to enact sweeping labor reforms. They bribed their way into this mess. I don’t want to reward bribery, but if it forces Qatar to reform, I’ll take that as a win.
2. If Qatar won’t reform, then move WC 2022. (Personally, I would hope to Australia.)
While your web site and petition don’t disagree with what I’ve written above, I don’t think your wording shows the same sense of priorities. Human life first, sport second.
With you on this King. I’ve been frustrated with the culture of bribery that put this great sporting event in Qatar. However, that injustice is small potatoes compared with the human rights issues in Qatar.
If life saving reforms are brought about, then maybe Qatar hosting the world cup is the best thing that could have happened. If Qatar is not willing to change their practices, then the world can and should demand change.
No King, it is too late. Way too many unnecessary deaths to watch people kick a ball. They have failed ultimately. I for once will personally boycott this WC, if I am still alive, if it is held in Qatar. Improving working conditions now will not help my decision and hopefully that of the vast majority in the world, including governments and Football Associations. But, the world is really full of pigs.
If improving conditions doesn’t help people change their minds, then their is no motivation to change.
Neither can you bring back the dead.
Baptista, I understand your sentiment and position and won’t try to persuade you to change, but I choose a different view because I believe that it is more pragmatic.
I compare this to disagreements over US-enforced embargoes of other countries; e.g., Cuba. I know why many support the embargo and their reasons make sense. However, I believe that reducing trade, commerce, and other interactions only delays the reforms that we really hope to see.
i am posting your web site above wherevver i can!
Thanks for doing that!
Key segment: 14:35 – 14:55
What you can do: Write to long-term advertisers at the World Cup and threaten to boycott their products if a) they do not pull their advertising, or b) Qatar does not make the reforms shown in the segment above.
Don’t “like” a page on Facebook. Don’t sign some UpWorthy poll. Do hit Qatar and FIFA where it counts: advertising dollars.
write your congressman. American companies make a lot of money out of others suffering
Yeah, Congress will definitely help. DEFINITELY. Genius idea.
It is about as reasonable as any other idea out there. This is exactly the kind of thing that is easy for a congressperson of any political party to support.
I have no idea what the details of a what a bill would look like, but I guarantee FIFA will take notice if the a (legitimate) bill starts circulating congress aiming to undercut the WC unless there are reforms. It really only takes one champion of the cause to gain traction
Two senators are already working to move the 2018 WC, so it’s not that far off…
Hey Carlos,
Please tell me how EXACTLY America is the “villain”….in a scandal involving a foreign nation (Qatar) and a lot of greedy global football representatives and real estate development companies?? (Keep in mind that the VAST majority of these developers are NOT in any way American.)
America isn’t perfect, but last time I checked the U.S. not responsible for ALL evil things done in the world….Not by a long shot.
Love to hear your answer jacka&&.
Ohhh…NOW I know how America is responsible for the Qatar WC crime and corruption! It is because of Sepp Blatter’s new American citizenship after doing a FIFA national “one-time switch”!
Ahhh, now I get it!
Ya Jabroni
Bingo. And it’s up to those of us in the West – or the global north, more accurately – to put pressure on FIFA. We’re the ones with the voice and the power of the purse.
We need to keep this topic in the forefront of our minds and not just let it slip away with the next SBI update.
+1 … A very important topic that needs to be passed on to others so there can be a ground swell against this slavery!
It was really intense. Showing the start of a cremation is rather heart breaking. Normally I don’t much worry about trying to influence these sort of things but normally that’s because they are beyond the control of anything.
Like everyone knew Joseph Kony was a horrible person but you actually have to go chase down a guy with a small army. Not as a simple thing.
FIFA however is easy. It’s all about the money. I guess I have to buy Under Armor and Puma now.
Under Armor please 🙂
It’s the only American company that makes athletic shoes that aren’t too narrow for 2/3 of the population, plus has a working relationship with the Wounded Warrior Project.
Write about how Mexico sucks and how they are getting dominated by a team the U.S. defeated in enemy territory. HHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where is taco leg? HHAAAA!!!!!!!! Mexico sucks HHAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!