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D.C. leaders reach agreement on funding for soccer-specific stadium

Aerial Buzzard Point DC United stadium


D.C United’s proposed soccer-specific stadium is becoming less of a dream and more of a reality.

Local government officials in the nation’s capital came to an agreement on Thursday on a financing plan for a new stadium for D.C. United. It was unknown how the city would pay to acquire the land for the stadium and the infrastructure costs, but a deal has been reached and the council will now take a final vote on the project next week.

The city is expected to spend approximately $140 million for the land for the stadium, which will be built on Buzzard Point in southwest Washington, as well as $40 million on tax credits. D.C. United will pay for the construction of the stadium.

Earlier this month, the city council voted unanimously to approve the deal for the stadium. That vote meant the city would finance land and infrastructure costs, but it was unclear how exactly it would be paid until a deal was reached on Thursday.

What do you make of this development? Can you see the finish line now? Still not celebrating until a shovel hits the ground?

Share your thoughts below.


  1. Good for the league and the sport in this country. I hope it can help the residents in the long term and if possible in the short term.

    The DC United fans must be excited, even though I’ve been a NY fan for years since the Metro days, still happy for them. I hope the stadium is very modern and the stands very very close to the action like in England.

    • From what I’ve heard, that’s what they want to do, put the fans right on top of the action. they also believe they can maintain the “bounce” in the supporters section like they have at RFK.

  2. Eminent domain inbound… though I believe the land they want is all owned by a developer, so there won’t be the same kind of outrage as when people get booted from their homes

    • correct. in fact i think the eminent domain piece is specific to the land owned by Akridge which originally was going to swap with DC for the Reeves Center. but that got removed from the deal, which Akridge was not happy about. but i think them and the city will figure it out without having to go that route.

  3. Dave…way to take the bait and then result to name calling because you disagree. Classic. But sure, I’m the one who is “small minded”. Also, since when is supporting increased state rights “left wing”?! Do you even know what Home Rule Act of 1973 is?! Google it and then tell me it’s “left wing, small minded” legislation. And I guess you missed the part where I said Democrats supported this as well. And how is it a losing mentality?! 200,000 residents voted yes, passing it with over 70% of the vote, while 200 or so representatives said screw em.

    All good, it’s a classic anti-American comment from you driven from disagreement…because God forbid people have differing opinions

    But yes, I shouldn’t have mentioned it to begin with.

      • Eh… I suspect you’d probably get north of 80% support for statehood amongst DCU supporters groups. And that includes people who have moved from the D to the MV.

  4. inappropriate use of tax money!!! those mother effers should pay 90% if they want a stadium. plus how can there be funds for that but not to fund the marijuana act. the feds i tell you!

    • i may not be reading the intended sarcasm, but in case there was no sarcasm…

      don’t get it twisted. the GOP…no, Tea-Party…controlled House is set to block the marijuana act. despite the overwhelming vote in favor, the District is not a state, and as i’m sure you know, Congress has final say on any laws passed in DC. given that the Federal government still prohibits marijuana, it’s not too surprising. at least it’ll be de-criminalized though…just no “legal”.

      with that said…DC money is going to infrastructure related projects, not the construction of the stadium. this is standard procedure and it means the citizens of DC, at least in that area, will have improve streets, curbs, landscaping, etc. DCU even agreed to lose even more tax abatements that were originally included.

  5. So this means DC will have a stadium by 2016. Holy macaroni, whats happening to MLS. Make it skc style or like Liverpools never happening stadium.
    This also means, redskins will have a new stadium by 2025.

  6. Total fabrication. I don’t believe it. Don’t the Redskins need a new home? This is an outrage. It’s un-American. I blame Obama.


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