This challenge is a bad exercise to practice. It teaches to hit an object. Scoring a goal means avoiding the goal post or the goalie. Reply
why was Miguel wearing trainers? Put some footie shoes on and it would be a lot easier to get some lift… Reply
Only good part was that they stepped up in sudden-death. Otherwise, pretty poor. I’d love to see some of the World Class guys play cross-bar. Iniesta v. Messi comes to mind… Reply
I sincerely hope you’re being facetious….
meant that as a reply to Birgit.
This challenge is a bad exercise to practice. It teaches to hit an object. Scoring a goal means avoiding the goal post or the goalie.
why was Miguel wearing trainers? Put some footie shoes on and it would be a lot easier to get some lift…
It looks like Zardes is wear trainers, too.
Trainers? Footie? You’re not in Atlanta!!!!
The future of US soccer is bright!
Only good part was that they stepped up in sudden-death. Otherwise, pretty poor.
I’d love to see some of the World Class guys play cross-bar. Iniesta v. Messi comes to mind…
I thought it was poor too, but Aguerro vs. David Villa was 4:3
The Bundesliga did a whole series of them and 6 out of 15 was the best any club did.
That was….unimpressive.