Photo by Andy Marlin/USA Today Sports
Hope Solo has long claimed to be the victim when it comes to her June 2014 domestic violence arrest, but emerging details paint the U.S. Women’s National Team goalkeeper in a much different light.
Solo was arrested for two accounts of domestic violence on June 21, 2014 for an incident with her half-sister and nephew. While previously calling herself the victim, Solo reportedly was the aggressor in the domestic incident before berating police upon her arrest, according to ESPN.
Upon police arrival and her subsequent arrest, Solo reportedly hurled insult after insult at those detaining her, stating that police were “scared of me because you know that if the handcuffs were off, I’d kick your ass.” In addition to calling one of her jailers a “14-year-old boy”, Solo stated that one of her necklaces was worth more than the officer made in a year while telling officers that they were “not worth anything, and should be proud to have such authority”.
According to police, Solo was notably intoxicated and was uncooperative with regards to giving details of her arrest. Solo reportedly yelled numerous profanities at officers while being transported. Solo also reportedly tried to pull away from officers while at the station, forcing police to take her to the ground.
Solo’s arrest stemmed from a domestic violence incident involving her half-sister and nephew, who, according to testimony, Solo attacked first after berating the 17-year-old with a series of insults.
Teresa Obert, Solo’s half-sister, does not maintain any further relationship with the goalkeeper.
“I think it’s so tragic, it’s so sad,” Obert says. “… And I know me going [public], this is just sealing the nail in the coffin for our relationship. I know that. And I cried about it. I’ve done all these different emotions but I realized if I do not stick up for my son and the truth, then I’m doing a disservice to him as a mother.
“And so the future, I know we won’t be in each other’s lives, you know? Because I know she is so strong-willed. She’ll never tell the truth. And she’ll hate me for doing this. She probably believes her story at this point. So, yeah. I guess, you know, I did mourn my sister, have gone through every emotion. It’s like a death. It’s worse.”
In response, Solo’s attorney has stated that “any of us would be upset at being wrongly arrested”, while stating that the U.S. goalkeeper was not lying in her statements.
“Police reports and other court documents clearly demonstrate that the alleged victims radically changed their stories on multiple occasions and twice refused to answer questions under oath, despite court orders,” said Todd Maybrown in a statement. “Had the case proceeded to trial and the witnesses been cross-examined under oath subject to the penalty of perjury, the defense would have proven that Teresa’s son, not Hope, was the true aggressor, and that Hope suffered a concussion as a result of her nephew’s unlawful conduct.”
Solo’s case is currently not over. After seeing the case dismissed in Kirkland Municipal Court was dismissed on procedural grounds, prosecutors opted to file a seldom- used appeal with the Superior Court of Washington. Prosecutors are set to file their argument on July 13, while the defense will respond by August 10 before September’s oral arguments.
The goalkeeper is currently in Canada with the U.S. Women’s National Team, which takes on Australia on Monday.
An observation and a wish:
The reason why this is a story is being circulated is because it’s total click-bait. Everyone has an opinion and is giving it. All we need is a Freddy Adu mention and a Landon Donovan quote about the time he dreamt about b!tchslapping Jonathan Klinsmann and we’d have a soccer blogosphere rapture.
I wish that when Hope Solo retires she is never heard from again.
If she’s not already doing so, she should consider counseling for her rather obvious mental health issues.
This woman is despicable.
Arbys roast beef has nothing on this crazy bitch. Id sit her the entire tournament.
How is it that I get banned for a inside joke but this guy doesn’t?
Even if we take the “he said she said” out of the equation there’s enough there for her to be removed from the NT. The stolen USWNT van, the drunkenness, the resisting arrest…….all things that have come from the authorities. As far as the timing: All this could’ve been avoided if the USSF had done the right thing back when the incidents came to light and kicked her off the team. No right to complain now.
If this was a man ESPNW, various media outlets and all kinds of social justice warriors would be openly campaigning for the American public to boycott the World Cup as a result of the federation not taking a proactive stance.
ESPN gets the police report and calls it “new revelations” a year later the day before the first World Cup game?
Garbage sensationalism for a case already thrown out of court. ESPN should be ashamed for letting her half-sister dictate their news.
Go find another NFL player to pick on.
I think the news is that is going back on trial.
Innocent or not, this can needlessly affect the focus of the team. I would recommend Ellis to refuse to give interviews to the press if this becomes the media’s focus instead of their campaign. It’s not fair to the other players.
They had the opportunity to remove her indefinitely from the team until the process was completed and her name exonerated or crimes she’s associated with confirmed.
Coaches, managers and organizations are pressured if they don’t take a proactive stance. This is the environment our male athletes now reside in – why should a female athlete be any different?
…oh, right. Because she IS female. Everyone wants equality…but only when it’s convenient.
As hot as she is, and as amazing the sex may seem like in our fantasies, she’s definitely a red flag. Like the fire lady from GoT.
She’s obviously a lunatic.
That said…it’d be kind of more surprising if somebody from her background was a tightly wrapped package. Of course she’s crazy. Of course she’s neurotic and insecure and has about ten different kinds of push-button issues that tend to go boom, especially when she’s drunk. It’s also obvious she’s channeled all this into the one thing she controls…that being, her net. A lot of great ones are buggy.
The trick as a coach, as ever, is to decide when her bugginess is hurting the team’s chemistry and locker room…and supposedly, she’s doing better there.
Right. Prime example being Luis Suarez. The guy is f**king nuts, but he can damn well play, and he channels his mind into his soccer.
I’m sure she realized she had to improve or her therapy/career is quickly hitting the bottom. It’s unfortunate that this has to be the big news story before the game, but at least as far as we know she has been picking up the slack.
Who cares if she would be a red-flag!? As the song says, “she’s a girl you don’t bring home to mother”, but you could still have great fun with her! Any Hope Solo fantasy would be very vivid because we have seen almost every inch of her body already, even where the sun don’t shine. If you are clueless as to what I am talking about, just google “Hope Solo frappening” or “Hope Solo fappening”. She is a freak! She even gives you a close up view of her bum-hole.
I am well aware of her sexual expeditions! Even people who don’t watch soccer are in love with the woman. However, you can have great fun with a lady like her, but it becomes a different story when they show up at your apartment at 4 in the morning banging on the door, screaming, and smashing bottles because you won’t date her. Then she threatens to show up at your work and make a scene because you won’t have sex with her again.
Even as you describe that likely scenario, something tells me it would still have been worth it. Well at least until you squeeze one out and all the blood rushes back into your brain and then you look at the crazy woman in front of you and utter to yourself, “what have I done?”
Hahahaha! That’s a perfect way to describe it. Btw that’s a true story, happened to a friend of mine. She actually had to quit her job and move across town because the crazy woman wouldn’t let up. Hope Solo definitely seems up there, and that could be why she handles soccer balls so well…..
The whole family is white trash the new details came out now because that’s when Sister could get the most money for her story. I am not okay with Hope’s actions but the whole family is messed up it is not a one sided thing, they should all stay away from each other for a long time.
Is it ok in this site to call people white trash, spic, mojado, ni99er, half breed, etc.? Or, are some ok while others are not?
She should have drank SOLO.
Best comment yet.
why is this story coming out now, just before the usa plays its first game? and who stands to benefit if HS ( flawed as she may be) is rattled by it?
sounds like gamesmenship to me.
police department is betting on the games *tightens tin foil hat*
I’m sick of hearing about Hope Solo. I don’t understand why the USWNT didn’t leave her at home. Such a simple and easy way to keep her drama from distracting the team, or at least distracting from positive stories about the team. To continue to play her sets a bad precedent for future players who represent their country. It’s a fail by USWNT and US Soccer for me.
Do you not know the difference between allegations and convictions? The case has been thrown out, she has not been found guilty of anything. Thanks to the Innocence Project, we continue to see more and more cases of innocent people who have been convicted of murder. Murder suspects, because of the severity of the crime and punishment, are usually given the most protection under the law. We should be very careful about jumping to conclusions about a person’s guilt.
Her guilt or innocence has nothing to do with it. Honestly, I agree with the posters who said it should have been handled as a personal matter. And personally I could care less if she got drunk and out of control at her or family’s private property.
My post above seems a little harsh on reflection, but the point was that there has been recent multiple offenses by her involving questionable behavior, and that it should’ve been foreseen that she could be a distraction.
I will admit I don’t follow the USWNT as closely as the men’s but I have to assume that Solo’s value on the field was deemed necessary enough to outweigh the drama. Hopefully for the team, all of her teammates agree with that choice.
I am not sure what the point of these articles are. It has been clear for awhile now that she is a bad person but nothing in this article makes her seem anymore guilty than any other previous article. It is sad for the team. Today should be about them not Hope Solo’s personal BS.
Yeah, I mean, all this gave us is juicier details of what most people assumed had basically happened that night given Solo’s track record.
I found it a little hilarious how fired up people got yesterday demanding suspension and whatnot based on info that was already pretty much 80% known and understood.
That said, Solo is lucky her sister didn’t have security cams…otherwise, we’d have another Ray Rice scenario on our hands….*eyeroll*
Personally, regardless of what happens in Canada, the USWNT needs to really start heading in a different direction in regards to about half of their current player pool….and their entire coaching staff.
*That last paragraph should start “Personally, I believe…”
Because there is nothing new of substance and it comes on the eve of the first game for the women’s team, I find it very suspect. This is like a political hit piece on a candidate the day before the election. Motives should be questioned.
Are you suggesting that Blatter and his FIFA cronies are behind this vicious attack on Solo’s integrity and stellar reputation?
Are you saying that it is Blatter and his cronies who released this story?
I’d be more inclined to think it has something to ESPN having an ax against Fox. USSF can’t be too happy with ESPN over this.
The timing angle is basically ESPN figuring that people are interested in the USWNT at the moment because of the World Cup so why not capitalize on that by running a bunch of stories about it to get ratings/website hits.
I was unclear but what I meant was running a bunch of Hope Solo stories at a time when more people are paying attention to the USWNT than would typically be the case.
The timing certainly stinks to high heaven. Someone clearly has motivations unrelated to the importance of the incident, no matter who did what to whom. Either Solo ticked off someone in law enforcement badly enough that they want to destroy her career or someone wants badly to see their name in the news.
Yes. Let’s blame every one but the intoxicated, non-compliant, and verbally assaulting aggressor that threatened law enforcement officials while in custody.That’s exactly the person we should be providing sympathy for while blaming everyone else involved.
Your post is another example of people applying different standards to public figures and/or because she’s female. Absolutely appalling.
Andy, I see what u did there. Hahah
“Solo also reportedly tried to pull away from officers while at the station, forcing police to take her to the ground.” Abuse? #hotLivesMatter
Hot…. hmmm… yeah Hot Roast Beef… I’m thinkin Arby’s
HA! I see what you did there.
I will never defend Hope Solo because I think she is a drunk and just plain white trash… however… one thing is constantly omitted from the reports about this case….
Her nephew is 6’9/ 280+ lbs…
I see big guys getting abused by women all the time. In fact, probably more than small guys. Many times they are afraid to defend themselves because they are so much bigger.
True enough but the report was he needed to hit her over the head with a broomstick… I would think he could just sleeper hold her rather than breaking a sick over her head…
A 6’9 280+ pound guy hitting a woman’s head with a broomstick is a totally different angle than a drunk crazy female athlete assaulting her teenage nephew at his house. Not taking sides in this story, but there is a reasonable doubt as to who the victim was.
She was also telling people with guns that she’d beat their a**. Don’t think she’s too intimidated regardless of the person…
The allegation I read elsewhere is that Solo jumped on her nephew’s back, forced him to the ground and pounded his head on cement. This is suspect for several reasons. I ask any male, if a woman a foot shorter and a hundred pounds lighter were to jump on your back, couldn’t you just shrug her off or throw her off? I’m 69 and I know I could still do that. The only way that I could foresee this happening is if the nephew was even drunker than Solo. BTW, drunk people aren’t very good fighters, making it even less likely that the larger nephew, if sober, could have been overpowered by Solo, another problem with the account. Secondly, this was supposedly inside a home. I don’t know of too many homes with bare concrete floors. I think the whole family must be trailer trash (ap9ologies to those who live in trailers) and they were all drunk out of their minds and probably aren’t even sure of what happened. This would also explain why they are reluctant to testify since the mother could be liable for contributing to the delinquency of a minor by letting her son get drunk in the home.
The ESPN article does have quite a few details…some of the events occurred in the garage, which does have a concrete floor.
In my mind all parties involved are culpable and this shouldn’t be handled by some court but treated as a personal matter.
It’s a domestic dispute and the court can intervene. It used to be is most domestic cases between a man and wife or girlfriend-boyfriend were not dealt with the courts. It used to be a boyfriend or man could not rape his significant other.
Let’s not go back to those days.
If she is white trash, what are you for even making the statement?
Domestic problems occur in all areas of our society, wealthy, middle class and poor.
I’ve heard enough of the bashing and I think the court system can have the say in this.
So shut the F–K UP! Let’s talk football on this site.
Something stinks here? What I read over the weekend only enhances the “Solo” all-eyes-on-me attitude that she has been displaying in public for years. I do hope this goes to rial so that all the facts can be weighed and every word can be established and put an end to the she-say/she-say that’s been going on about this situation.
In the report on ESPN, the case was thrown out due to procedural reasons which included the testimonies given by the mom and her 17 year old son, and how vastly different they were. Basically, their stories changed after they were immediately questioned, to the 2nd time at a later date. That doesn’t bode well if they’re hoping to “bust” Solo.
So some one has too much to drink, beats up her step-sister and nephew. What white trash hottie hasn’t done that? Have you seen her husband’s arrest record? Makes her look like an angle.
There’s a geometry joke in there somewhere but I can’t come up with one.
“What white trash hottie hasn’t done that?”
That’s odd. From where I’m standing, black trash are the ones who are usually involved in domestic abuse. Sad but true.
It’s still a he-said/she-said type situation whether it goes to trial or not. There are no facts to weigh, only memories from an event quite a while back where at least two people were under the influence of alcohol and they way this event is being recalled is certainly as far from the truth as the attorneys can manage. So we are getting more details about something that should always have been a personal issue.
Just thinking … how would the media’s reaction change if we change just 1 fact:
– Suppose it’s the Men’s World Cup about to kick off instead of the Women’s
How “supportive” would the media and US Soccer be of Tim Howard (or Brad Guzan)? Now, if it’d be different …… why?
I don’t think the conservative media likes how comfortable she is with her sexuality, tbh. That may just be me I suppose.
Conservative and media are two words that shouldn’t go together.
Their joined by the hips
There’s no question a double standard exists and it’s pretty appalling.
Domestic violence is domestic violence.