Jack wagon above…..ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION NOT = TO LEGAL IMMIGRATION. Please educate yourself on the difference. Quit co-opting the inequivable argumentive positions of the utopian schmucks.
Klinsi2015, learn to reply to comments directly, its not difficult.
The only difference between legal and illegal immigration is that at some point law-makers, guided by racism towards people of color, realized that immigration from people of color started outnumbering immigration from Europeans, so they started making rules to make immigration harder, to keep those people of color out.
Let me plagiarize in order to teach you some facts:
Most immigrants are here illegally?
With so much controversy around the issue of undocumented immigrants, it’s easy to overlook the fact that most of the foreign-born people living in the United States have followed the rules and have permission to be here. Of the more than 41 million foreign-born people living in the United States in 2013, about 30 million were naturalized citizens, permanent residents and legal residents. Eleven million were unauthorized immigrants. Of those who did not have authorization to be here, about 40 percent entered the country legally and then let their visas expire.
It’s just as easy to enter the country legally today as it was when my ancestors arrived?
For about the first 100 years, the United States had an “open immigration system that allowed any able-bodied immigrant in,” explains immigration historian David Reimers. The biggest obstacle would-be immigrants faced was getting here—some even resorted to selling themselves into indentured servitude to do so. Today, there are many rules about who may enter the country and stay legally. Under current policy, many immigrant ancestors who arrived between 1790 and 1924 would not be allowed in today.
There’s a way to enter the country legally for anyone who wants to get in line.
The simple answer is that there is no “line” for most very poor people to stand in and gain permanent U.S. residency. Generally, gaining permission to live and work in the United States is limited to people who are (1) highly trained in a skill that is in short supply here and offered a job by a U.S. employer, (2) escaping political persecution, (3) joining close family already here, or (4) winners of the green-card lottery.
My ancestors learned English, but today’s immigrants refuse.
Ask yourself how long it took for your ancestors to stop using their first language. “Earlier immigrant groups held onto their cultures fiercely,” notes Reimers. “When the United States entered the First World War [in 1917], there were over 700 German-language newspapers. Yet, German immigration had peaked in the 1870s.”
While today’s immigrants may speak their first language at home, one-half of those older than 5 speak English “very well” according to research by the independent, nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute. And the demand for adult ESL instruction in the United States far outstrips available classes.
Today’s immigrants don’t want to blend in and become “Americanized.”
Ask yourself what it means to blend in to American society. Nearly 655,000 people became naturalized citizens during the 2014 fiscal year. They had to overcome obstacles like getting here, finding a job, tackling language barriers, paying naturalization fees, dealing with a famously lethargic immigration bureaucracy and taking a written citizenship test. This is not the behavior of people who take becoming American lightly.
The reality is that the typical pattern of assimilation in the United States has remained steady, says Reimers. “The first generation struggled with English and didn’t learn it. The second was bilingual. And the third can’t talk to their grandparents.” If anything, the speed of assimilation is faster today than at any time in our past, mainly because of public education and mass media.
Immigrants take good jobs from Americans.
Ask yourself what kinds of jobs you think immigrants are taking. According to the Immigration Policy Center, a nonpartisan group, research indicates there is little connection between immigrant labor and unemployment rates of native-born workers. Here in the United States, two trends—better education and an aging population—have resulted in a decrease in the number of Americans willing or available to take low-paying jobs. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, close to 26 million foreign-born people, or 17 percent of the country’s labor force, worked in the United States in 2014. These workers are more likely to be employed by the service industry, while native-born workers are more likely to hold jobs in management, professional, sales and office occupations.
To fill the void of low-skilled American workers, employers often hire immigrant workers. One of the consequences, unfortunately, is that it is easier for unscrupulous employers to exploit this labor source and pay immigrants less, not provide benefits and ignore worker-safety laws. On an economic level, Americans benefit from relatively low prices on food and other goods produced by undocumented immigrant labor.
Undocumented immigrants don’t pay taxes but still get benefits.
Ask yourself what are some ways Americans pay taxes, as in income tax and sales tax. Undocumented immigrants pay taxes every time they buy gas, clothes or new appliances. They also contribute to property taxes—a main source of school funding—when they buy or rent a house, or rent an apartment. The U.S. Social Security Administration estimated that in 2013 undocumented immigrants—and their employers—paid $13 billion in payroll taxes alone for benefits they will never get. They can receive schooling and emergency medical care, but not welfare or food stamps.
The United States is being overrun by immigrants like never before.
Ask yourself why you think this. As a percentage of the U.S. population, the historic high actually came in 1890, when the foreign-born constituted nearly 15 percent of the population. By 2012, about 13 percent of the population was foreign-born. At the start of the recession in 2008, the number of undocumented immigrants coming into the country actually dropped, and in more recent years, that number is stabilizing with little change.
Many people also accuse immigrants of having “anchor babies”—children who allow the whole family to stay. According to the U.S. Constitution, a child born on U.S. soil is automatically an American citizen. That is true. But immigration judges will not keep immigrant parents in the United States just because their children are U.S. citizens. In 2013, the federal government deported about 72, 410 foreign-born parents whose children had been born here. These children must wait until they are 21 before they can petition to allow their parents to join them in the United States. That process is long and difficult. In reality, there is no such thing as an “anchor baby.”
Up holding the U.S. immigration laws and the U.S. Constitution is not xenophobic. Come on racist ranting grifters, get a clue. What has happened to the U.S. and other countries smashes the very social, legal and economic systems of countries, under assault and led by lawless leaders. I know it’s tough to break ranks with the liberal utopians, but ask most Americans if they are happy about 95 million (able Americans) out of the workforce, and jobs getting sucked up by illegal immigrants, along with the social decay (welfare) happening in all/or most illegal immigant communities. Look outside, and tell me this is all for the better. Grow up.
“What has happened to the U.S. and other countries smashes the very social, legal and economic systems of countries, under assault and led by lawless leaders.”
I am sure that sounded good in your head, but does it even mean anything? First of all, immigration is not new. This country was built on immigration and has had a non-stop flow of both legal and illegal immigrants since its inception. It has grown to be the world’s super-power even though it is a young country, and yet you say that immigration is crippling the country? Laughable.
Lets be honest here, what people are really saying is that immigration was ok when their Anglo ancestors migrated here and set up roots, but now it is not ok for others to do it. Basically you are saying there was an expiration date to when immigration was ok but not ok anymore, and that date has passed already. Very convenient.
Illegal immigration absolutely needs to be curved down a bit, but you need to ask yourself why it hasn’t happened? Both democratic and republican presidents have done very little to stop it. Perhaps because they know it benefits the country in many ways? Perhaps because we have a bunch of baby-boomers that are retiring and not enough young people to support them, so we need immigrants coming in? You tell me.
They like illegal immigration because that like cheap labor. Capitalism and the associated greed are this countries greatest strength and its critical shame . It’s fascinating, really. The corporations need illegal workers to keep prices down and yet their staunchest supporters, the republicans and their constituents need to be convinced that they are the victims and their jobs are being taken away so they continue to vote for the same group that is screwing them. Once they’ve exhausted the american consumer then they will turn to the next consumer groups on the rise. Eventually they will spout wings and ascend to godhood (in their minds)
We cannot longer continue to live like a gated neighborhood surrounded by economically challenge end areas and expect it to sort itself out. We give millions … Excuse me, billions in foreign aid in an annual bases to much of Latin America, that’s our leverage to twist this countries arms to finally refo their governess and rectify the issues that cause massive emigration. We can stop all of these people looking to come here if we do fair trading and labor to provide those economic opportunities but instead we give it to the Chinese who have no interest in the well being of the American people and will go to great lengths to achieve their own agenda even if that means screwing the American public. I understand what trump says I have personally being witness to Mexicans who have anchor babies who every year come to the USA to file income taxes as poor people get the the money for their three children then leave back to Mexico. F that. I know that most immigrants don’t do that but those that violate U.S. Like that are the ones that cause resentment. The issue here is that we are not doing our best to acclimate, let’s not forget that we are now a global economy and we will never go back to being a segregated world. Our forefathers knew this, these white dinosaurs just don’t know how to word it.
The commercial is definitely clever. You will all have to forgive me for getting into something not soccer related on here, but I can’t resist considering the Donald Trump topic and some of the comments here.
Going back to this “Trump doesn’t represent the majority of Americans” narrative many here are bringing up, this is most likely correct. But the truth is that Trump’s views are in line with MANY many Americans, much more than people care to admit. Look at the polls and look at his popularity. There are many articles out there about this phenomenon, and I’m not talking about political ones, I am talking about the sociological ones. Bottom line is that Trump is tapping into that hatred, white-fright, racism, xenophobia, ethnocentrism (whatever you want to call it) that many “White-Americans” have. While many White people refuse to admit to the high level of racism/xenophobia/oppression that still exists, it is my contention that the internet proves them wrong like never before. Now you can easily say “don’t be an 1diot, it is the internet, people are always negative on the internet, you can’t take it seriously, it is a troll culture”, I feel that is an excuse. In my opinion the internet has become a tool for people to reveal how they really feel behind the safety of anonymity. Go to any article that has any kind of racial overtone to it, and look at the comment section. You get to see how many many people really feel, as they write things that they would never dare say in public. The majority of which are Whites just unleashing on minorities. Donald Trump knows this and he is counting on getting the support of these people.
Note* I know this comes off as an attack opinion on White people, and I guess I can see why, but I am not saying ALL White people are like this, I am just saying that many more are like this then we all care to admit. Now Blacks and Latinos (etc) are not faultless, that is for sure, not even close to faultless. I could get into that also, but that’s something for another time.
This is pretty spot on. Go to Breitbart and read the comments on Trump. These are self-identifying conservatives that don’t even care that Trump supports a universal health care system in the US, is okay with Planned Parenthood (kind of) and supports other “socialist” programs. They solely like him because they believe he’ll kick out the Mexicans and bully countries that they believe are of an inferior racial group, i.e. China, Mexico, Iran, etc.
Exactly! Darn whites! I am Nicaraguan-American born here in the States. Whenever I hear white people say something like, “Go back to your country illegals” I just laugh at them. If they were educated they would know that the reason Nicaraguans are here in the States is because the United States meddled and tried to bully Nicaragua, and set off a civil war in our country.
Long-story short, corporations run the United States, and American corporations were basically pillaging Nicaragua, with assistance from a occupied Nicaragua by the U.S. military. So a Nicaraguan named Sandino set off to stop this the only way any Nicaraguan could at the time, through violence. War against the U.S. breaks out and then when the U.S. withdraws, civil war breaks out within the country. Fast-forward some years and President Reagan starts selling crack to Blacks in Los Angeles (disputed by some but definitely true) and selling arms to Iran (disputed by some but definitely true) in order to fund the Contras in Nicaragua. Civil war breaks out again in Nicaragua, only this time my parents and grandparents are caught in the middle.
Americans alive today and living in the U.S. will never understand what it is like to have all out war happening right outside your front door, bullets flying into your home. Naturally my parents flee the country in order not to die, get robbed all the way through Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico, and get here to the States. The U.S. government realizes that they made a boo boo, and my parents are granted amnesty and get almost immediate citizenship. But yea, “go back to your country”, my grandparents were wealthy in Nicaragua, my parents would not have come if not for the U.S. causing war in our country. My parents went from being rich in Nicaragua to poor in the United States. Nicaragua fell apart and still hasn’t picked up the pieces.
Oh give me a break. Nicaragua was in a near constant state of civil war ever since it became independent. The liberal and conservative oligarchies in Leon and Granada were continually fighting and trying to assert their control. The US only got entangled at the request of Nicaraguan factions after decades of constant infighting. Yes, let’s blame it on USA whites as always. Who needs to be held accountable, even a little, for their own problems when you can blame on white Americans
Realdeal, you are a perfect example. Are you really that ignorant? “The US only got entangled at the request of Nicaraguan factions after decades of constant infighting.” Yes because the United States just goes around doing things out of the kindness of their hearts right? They aren’t motivated by what’s in their best interest right? The United States didn’t become a super-power by staying out of other countries affairs, it did it by directly involving itself to create a situation that benefits the U.S. Geez people can be soo duml>.
Bottom line is U.S. corporations and businessmen were making money by exploiting Nicaragua’s resources. What is good for American businesses and its citizens is good for the United States. Nicaraguans started pushing them out. So then the American government, with special interests in mind, started trying to do something to keep the good thing they had going. Simple as that.
Please provide details rather than general assertions about the US exploiting Nicaragua. In your initial posts you blamed civil wars there on the US but ignore my statement that civil war was a way of life for Nicaragua long before the US was involved.
“the US didn’t become a super power by staying out of other countries affairs, it did it by directly involving itself in other countries affairs” – you obviously know nothing of US history. The US from it’s founding was adamantly an isolationist nation, as demonstrated by George Washington’s farewell address. Americans from the beginning were against getting involved in any other nations affairs and entanglements/treaties. Europeans complain ad nauseum about how long it tool the US to become involved in WW1 and WW2 all of which were completely of Europes making. Thousand and thousand of Americans died in those wars but yeah you’re right the US was in it for their own interests. The US developed into a super power because we have yet to destroy ourselves but obviously Americans like you are trying to change that. Nice of you to hate the country that gave your parents asylum
RealDeal, wow you are dum b. Let me go one by one.
1. Apparently I know more American history than you. Yes at first America was isolationist, but then got involved in World War 1 like you said. Many historians don’t credit the U.S. as becoming a “super-power” until after World War 1. That’s what established them as a world-power. After World War 1 and until now, the U.S. has been the opposite of isolationist, and have used that strategy to increase their influence, wealth and power. So I was correct. Are you seriously going to argue this?
2. Research it yourself. SBI deletes posts with links. Google is your friend. Also to note, while your perspective is solely as an American and outsider, my perspective and historical knowledge are both Nicaraguan and American, and I have people that actually lived there when all this was taking place that can recount a true history. So I am familiar with both versions of the history.
3. When did I say I hate the United States?!? Show me where I said that. If you were smarter, you would have realized that my initial post was an example of how individual immigrants (in this case my family) can come to end up in the United States. It was a circumstance of both the U.S. government and the Nicaraguan government, something my parents and grandparents had no control over. So therefore it can be id1otic when white Americans say stuff like, “go back to your country” when they don’t realize that the U.S. is their country now, and the reason they came here in the first place had a lot to do with U.S. foreign policy putting them in a bad situation. This is true of many immigrants from many different countries. But of course you ignored all that and tried to turn it into a government vs government discussion and ignored the original point.
The US also got rich on the trans-atlantic chattel slave trade. Like the dutch, portuguese, spaniards, and french. Western powers have been full of S for a long time on where their riches and power came from but that is outside of the scope of this forums. Trumps followers are crazy and he will be destroyed in a debate when the time comes for him to actually keep and defend a position.
Hey NicaraguaGorilla,
I think you need to burn your Ché T-shirt’s, and posters, and stop spreading that BS anti-America propanda. Stop focusing on the “Greedy American White Man” and grow up, get over it, move on, wake up, change your mindset or whatever else you need to do. It’s for your own good.
Either that or go back to your country, illegal
Bruce, another id1ot that lacks reading comprehension.
1. “stop spreading that BS anti-America propanda” – when did I do that? I am American, why would I do that? I was talking about immigration and some of the reasons why it happens. Whites can complain about immigration, but their white counterparts in government sometimes create the need for people to leave their countries and come here, as I illustrated in my example.
2. If bringing up examples of when the U.S. has done bad things makes you someone that hates your country, or an anti-america propoganda spreader, then I guess we can’t talk about slavery, or throwing american japanese in detention camps, or talk about vietnam or iraq, etc.
3. “The greedy american white man” – your words not mine. But I am glad your subconscious recognizes it. Its not that whites are greedier than non-whites. Everyone can be greedy. Its just that some are in a better position to do something about it.
4 “It’s for your own good.” Hah, I am doing great for myself. I am a trilingual, top university educated, financially succesful, U.S. citizen. I am also white (yes latino is not a race, it is a cultural/nationalistic term). Doesn’t mean I can’t call out all the racist white people on their anti-immigration bs.
I thought it was hilarious. Who else but Mexico (and the Azteca channel) would put famous Mexico basher and “El Presidente” candidate “The Donald” Trump, in a commercial promoting the US-Mexico game.
We need to quickly get some newsreel coverage of some famous Mexican mouthing Dos y Cero, over and over, ad naseum.
I am not quite sure what exactly dictates that this idiocy is “must see.” It shows a bunch of ancient highlights when Mexico was actually successful against the US. They haven’t beaten the US in four years. Then, to top it off by using someone who represents the majority of Americans no more than the UKIP represents the majority of Brits, is insulting and childish. I mean, they could have just played Yakety Sax , and showed highlights from the last year of our guys playing like turd, but instead, went the cheap route. I guess it’s to be expected from a trash network like TV Azteca. Univision would never stoop to that level.
Haha! It’s actually funny.
El tri has been doing this for decades to motivate their players in beating the US team. If it’s not the fact that they lost territory to the US during the Mexican-American war, it’s the exploitation of migrant workers, etc. This is nothing new. It’s a marketing ploy to get the US-based Mexican fans to come out in droves to support them and in the process promote its own nationalism within the US borders.
Embracing Mexican heritage is admirable, but as soon as it requires the hating of another race or nation to achieve that, is despicable.
Why would migrants want to come to an area where they will be exploited when they could stay in their non-exploitative home? Seems a curious decision as framed.
I think it was a really good commercial….Only the faithful few US Soccer fans will understand the meaning behind this commercial. Mexico is starting to click and the last few performances by the U.S. haven’t been close to being good enough.
Great commercial couldn’t get away with a commercial like that on any American English language network. My guess is Fox will run some sort of Dos a cero commercial in the week prior to the match, same thing just a little more subtle.
Look at national polls with more than just Republicans its not most by any stretch. And he’s declining in Iowa and New Hampshire.
donald trump is basically a celebrity running for president
There is no “basically” to it. He is a celebrity running for president. He’s “basically” Kanye, but four years early.
Histro, do you know how to read polls and charts?
I don’t think I do. Can you teach me?
This ought to be hilarious.
Whats wrong if a politician doesn’t want millions ugly, short, brown indigenous looking people in their country? We already have enough fat Americans. We don’t need to ruin the aesthetic make-up of the United States anymore
In case you haven’t noticed, we’re not getting the Telenovela soap opera stars banging down the door to get into the U.S.
How did this post pop back up again? Strange
The good news… REALLY good news, is that politicians don’t play the game…
Everything is lining up for us to get smoked
@keepingitonehundred. Right on. Shut that preppie down
My position on Klinsman…. The emperor has no clothes.
Couldnt have said it better myself.
Despite the embarrassing Us performance, Jonathan Spector is still gorgeous
Jack wagon above…..ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION NOT = TO LEGAL IMMIGRATION. Please educate yourself on the difference. Quit co-opting the inequivable argumentive positions of the utopian schmucks.
but are you for or against klinsmann? All that really matters and you are not clear on that
Klinsi2015, learn to reply to comments directly, its not difficult.
The only difference between legal and illegal immigration is that at some point law-makers, guided by racism towards people of color, realized that immigration from people of color started outnumbering immigration from Europeans, so they started making rules to make immigration harder, to keep those people of color out.
Let me plagiarize in order to teach you some facts:
Most immigrants are here illegally?
With so much controversy around the issue of undocumented immigrants, it’s easy to overlook the fact that most of the foreign-born people living in the United States have followed the rules and have permission to be here. Of the more than 41 million foreign-born people living in the United States in 2013, about 30 million were naturalized citizens, permanent residents and legal residents. Eleven million were unauthorized immigrants. Of those who did not have authorization to be here, about 40 percent entered the country legally and then let their visas expire.
It’s just as easy to enter the country legally today as it was when my ancestors arrived?
For about the first 100 years, the United States had an “open immigration system that allowed any able-bodied immigrant in,” explains immigration historian David Reimers. The biggest obstacle would-be immigrants faced was getting here—some even resorted to selling themselves into indentured servitude to do so. Today, there are many rules about who may enter the country and stay legally. Under current policy, many immigrant ancestors who arrived between 1790 and 1924 would not be allowed in today.
There’s a way to enter the country legally for anyone who wants to get in line.
The simple answer is that there is no “line” for most very poor people to stand in and gain permanent U.S. residency. Generally, gaining permission to live and work in the United States is limited to people who are (1) highly trained in a skill that is in short supply here and offered a job by a U.S. employer, (2) escaping political persecution, (3) joining close family already here, or (4) winners of the green-card lottery.
My ancestors learned English, but today’s immigrants refuse.
Ask yourself how long it took for your ancestors to stop using their first language. “Earlier immigrant groups held onto their cultures fiercely,” notes Reimers. “When the United States entered the First World War [in 1917], there were over 700 German-language newspapers. Yet, German immigration had peaked in the 1870s.”
While today’s immigrants may speak their first language at home, one-half of those older than 5 speak English “very well” according to research by the independent, nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute. And the demand for adult ESL instruction in the United States far outstrips available classes.
Today’s immigrants don’t want to blend in and become “Americanized.”
Ask yourself what it means to blend in to American society. Nearly 655,000 people became naturalized citizens during the 2014 fiscal year. They had to overcome obstacles like getting here, finding a job, tackling language barriers, paying naturalization fees, dealing with a famously lethargic immigration bureaucracy and taking a written citizenship test. This is not the behavior of people who take becoming American lightly.
The reality is that the typical pattern of assimilation in the United States has remained steady, says Reimers. “The first generation struggled with English and didn’t learn it. The second was bilingual. And the third can’t talk to their grandparents.” If anything, the speed of assimilation is faster today than at any time in our past, mainly because of public education and mass media.
Immigrants take good jobs from Americans.
Ask yourself what kinds of jobs you think immigrants are taking. According to the Immigration Policy Center, a nonpartisan group, research indicates there is little connection between immigrant labor and unemployment rates of native-born workers. Here in the United States, two trends—better education and an aging population—have resulted in a decrease in the number of Americans willing or available to take low-paying jobs. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, close to 26 million foreign-born people, or 17 percent of the country’s labor force, worked in the United States in 2014. These workers are more likely to be employed by the service industry, while native-born workers are more likely to hold jobs in management, professional, sales and office occupations.
To fill the void of low-skilled American workers, employers often hire immigrant workers. One of the consequences, unfortunately, is that it is easier for unscrupulous employers to exploit this labor source and pay immigrants less, not provide benefits and ignore worker-safety laws. On an economic level, Americans benefit from relatively low prices on food and other goods produced by undocumented immigrant labor.
Undocumented immigrants don’t pay taxes but still get benefits.
Ask yourself what are some ways Americans pay taxes, as in income tax and sales tax. Undocumented immigrants pay taxes every time they buy gas, clothes or new appliances. They also contribute to property taxes—a main source of school funding—when they buy or rent a house, or rent an apartment. The U.S. Social Security Administration estimated that in 2013 undocumented immigrants—and their employers—paid $13 billion in payroll taxes alone for benefits they will never get. They can receive schooling and emergency medical care, but not welfare or food stamps.
The United States is being overrun by immigrants like never before.
Ask yourself why you think this. As a percentage of the U.S. population, the historic high actually came in 1890, when the foreign-born constituted nearly 15 percent of the population. By 2012, about 13 percent of the population was foreign-born. At the start of the recession in 2008, the number of undocumented immigrants coming into the country actually dropped, and in more recent years, that number is stabilizing with little change.
Many people also accuse immigrants of having “anchor babies”—children who allow the whole family to stay. According to the U.S. Constitution, a child born on U.S. soil is automatically an American citizen. That is true. But immigration judges will not keep immigrant parents in the United States just because their children are U.S. citizens. In 2013, the federal government deported about 72, 410 foreign-born parents whose children had been born here. These children must wait until they are 21 before they can petition to allow their parents to join them in the United States. That process is long and difficult. In reality, there is no such thing as an “anchor baby.”
Sums what up? Reasonable discernment? Please do expand….
Up holding the U.S. immigration laws and the U.S. Constitution is not xenophobic. Come on racist ranting grifters, get a clue. What has happened to the U.S. and other countries smashes the very social, legal and economic systems of countries, under assault and led by lawless leaders. I know it’s tough to break ranks with the liberal utopians, but ask most Americans if they are happy about 95 million (able Americans) out of the workforce, and jobs getting sucked up by illegal immigrants, along with the social decay (welfare) happening in all/or most illegal immigant communities. Look outside, and tell me this is all for the better. Grow up.
……… that pretty much sums it up!
“What has happened to the U.S. and other countries smashes the very social, legal and economic systems of countries, under assault and led by lawless leaders.”
I am sure that sounded good in your head, but does it even mean anything? First of all, immigration is not new. This country was built on immigration and has had a non-stop flow of both legal and illegal immigrants since its inception. It has grown to be the world’s super-power even though it is a young country, and yet you say that immigration is crippling the country? Laughable.
Lets be honest here, what people are really saying is that immigration was ok when their Anglo ancestors migrated here and set up roots, but now it is not ok for others to do it. Basically you are saying there was an expiration date to when immigration was ok but not ok anymore, and that date has passed already. Very convenient.
Illegal immigration absolutely needs to be curved down a bit, but you need to ask yourself why it hasn’t happened? Both democratic and republican presidents have done very little to stop it. Perhaps because they know it benefits the country in many ways? Perhaps because we have a bunch of baby-boomers that are retiring and not enough young people to support them, so we need immigrants coming in? You tell me.
They like illegal immigration because that like cheap labor. Capitalism and the associated greed are this countries greatest strength and its critical shame . It’s fascinating, really. The corporations need illegal workers to keep prices down and yet their staunchest supporters, the republicans and their constituents need to be convinced that they are the victims and their jobs are being taken away so they continue to vote for the same group that is screwing them. Once they’ve exhausted the american consumer then they will turn to the next consumer groups on the rise. Eventually they will spout wings and ascend to godhood (in their minds)
We cannot longer continue to live like a gated neighborhood surrounded by economically challenge end areas and expect it to sort itself out. We give millions … Excuse me, billions in foreign aid in an annual bases to much of Latin America, that’s our leverage to twist this countries arms to finally refo their governess and rectify the issues that cause massive emigration. We can stop all of these people looking to come here if we do fair trading and labor to provide those economic opportunities but instead we give it to the Chinese who have no interest in the well being of the American people and will go to great lengths to achieve their own agenda even if that means screwing the American public. I understand what trump says I have personally being witness to Mexicans who have anchor babies who every year come to the USA to file income taxes as poor people get the the money for their three children then leave back to Mexico. F that. I know that most immigrants don’t do that but those that violate U.S. Like that are the ones that cause resentment. The issue here is that we are not doing our best to acclimate, let’s not forget that we are now a global economy and we will never go back to being a segregated world. Our forefathers knew this, these white dinosaurs just don’t know how to word it.
The commercial is definitely clever. You will all have to forgive me for getting into something not soccer related on here, but I can’t resist considering the Donald Trump topic and some of the comments here.
Going back to this “Trump doesn’t represent the majority of Americans” narrative many here are bringing up, this is most likely correct. But the truth is that Trump’s views are in line with MANY many Americans, much more than people care to admit. Look at the polls and look at his popularity. There are many articles out there about this phenomenon, and I’m not talking about political ones, I am talking about the sociological ones. Bottom line is that Trump is tapping into that hatred, white-fright, racism, xenophobia, ethnocentrism (whatever you want to call it) that many “White-Americans” have. While many White people refuse to admit to the high level of racism/xenophobia/oppression that still exists, it is my contention that the internet proves them wrong like never before. Now you can easily say “don’t be an 1diot, it is the internet, people are always negative on the internet, you can’t take it seriously, it is a troll culture”, I feel that is an excuse. In my opinion the internet has become a tool for people to reveal how they really feel behind the safety of anonymity. Go to any article that has any kind of racial overtone to it, and look at the comment section. You get to see how many many people really feel, as they write things that they would never dare say in public. The majority of which are Whites just unleashing on minorities. Donald Trump knows this and he is counting on getting the support of these people.
Note* I know this comes off as an attack opinion on White people, and I guess I can see why, but I am not saying ALL White people are like this, I am just saying that many more are like this then we all care to admit. Now Blacks and Latinos (etc) are not faultless, that is for sure, not even close to faultless. I could get into that also, but that’s something for another time.
This is pretty spot on. Go to Breitbart and read the comments on Trump. These are self-identifying conservatives that don’t even care that Trump supports a universal health care system in the US, is okay with Planned Parenthood (kind of) and supports other “socialist” programs. They solely like him because they believe he’ll kick out the Mexicans and bully countries that they believe are of an inferior racial group, i.e. China, Mexico, Iran, etc.
Exactly! Darn whites! I am Nicaraguan-American born here in the States. Whenever I hear white people say something like, “Go back to your country illegals” I just laugh at them. If they were educated they would know that the reason Nicaraguans are here in the States is because the United States meddled and tried to bully Nicaragua, and set off a civil war in our country.
Long-story short, corporations run the United States, and American corporations were basically pillaging Nicaragua, with assistance from a occupied Nicaragua by the U.S. military. So a Nicaraguan named Sandino set off to stop this the only way any Nicaraguan could at the time, through violence. War against the U.S. breaks out and then when the U.S. withdraws, civil war breaks out within the country. Fast-forward some years and President Reagan starts selling crack to Blacks in Los Angeles (disputed by some but definitely true) and selling arms to Iran (disputed by some but definitely true) in order to fund the Contras in Nicaragua. Civil war breaks out again in Nicaragua, only this time my parents and grandparents are caught in the middle.
Americans alive today and living in the U.S. will never understand what it is like to have all out war happening right outside your front door, bullets flying into your home. Naturally my parents flee the country in order not to die, get robbed all the way through Honduras, Guatemala and Mexico, and get here to the States. The U.S. government realizes that they made a boo boo, and my parents are granted amnesty and get almost immediate citizenship. But yea, “go back to your country”, my grandparents were wealthy in Nicaragua, my parents would not have come if not for the U.S. causing war in our country. My parents went from being rich in Nicaragua to poor in the United States. Nicaragua fell apart and still hasn’t picked up the pieces.
Oh give me a break. Nicaragua was in a near constant state of civil war ever since it became independent. The liberal and conservative oligarchies in Leon and Granada were continually fighting and trying to assert their control. The US only got entangled at the request of Nicaraguan factions after decades of constant infighting. Yes, let’s blame it on USA whites as always. Who needs to be held accountable, even a little, for their own problems when you can blame on white Americans
Realdeal, you are a perfect example. Are you really that ignorant? “The US only got entangled at the request of Nicaraguan factions after decades of constant infighting.” Yes because the United States just goes around doing things out of the kindness of their hearts right? They aren’t motivated by what’s in their best interest right? The United States didn’t become a super-power by staying out of other countries affairs, it did it by directly involving itself to create a situation that benefits the U.S. Geez people can be soo duml>.
Bottom line is U.S. corporations and businessmen were making money by exploiting Nicaragua’s resources. What is good for American businesses and its citizens is good for the United States. Nicaraguans started pushing them out. So then the American government, with special interests in mind, started trying to do something to keep the good thing they had going. Simple as that.
Please provide details rather than general assertions about the US exploiting Nicaragua. In your initial posts you blamed civil wars there on the US but ignore my statement that civil war was a way of life for Nicaragua long before the US was involved.
“the US didn’t become a super power by staying out of other countries affairs, it did it by directly involving itself in other countries affairs” – you obviously know nothing of US history. The US from it’s founding was adamantly an isolationist nation, as demonstrated by George Washington’s farewell address. Americans from the beginning were against getting involved in any other nations affairs and entanglements/treaties. Europeans complain ad nauseum about how long it tool the US to become involved in WW1 and WW2 all of which were completely of Europes making. Thousand and thousand of Americans died in those wars but yeah you’re right the US was in it for their own interests. The US developed into a super power because we have yet to destroy ourselves but obviously Americans like you are trying to change that. Nice of you to hate the country that gave your parents asylum
RealDeal, wow you are dum b. Let me go one by one.
1. Apparently I know more American history than you. Yes at first America was isolationist, but then got involved in World War 1 like you said. Many historians don’t credit the U.S. as becoming a “super-power” until after World War 1. That’s what established them as a world-power. After World War 1 and until now, the U.S. has been the opposite of isolationist, and have used that strategy to increase their influence, wealth and power. So I was correct. Are you seriously going to argue this?
2. Research it yourself. SBI deletes posts with links. Google is your friend. Also to note, while your perspective is solely as an American and outsider, my perspective and historical knowledge are both Nicaraguan and American, and I have people that actually lived there when all this was taking place that can recount a true history. So I am familiar with both versions of the history.
3. When did I say I hate the United States?!? Show me where I said that. If you were smarter, you would have realized that my initial post was an example of how individual immigrants (in this case my family) can come to end up in the United States. It was a circumstance of both the U.S. government and the Nicaraguan government, something my parents and grandparents had no control over. So therefore it can be id1otic when white Americans say stuff like, “go back to your country” when they don’t realize that the U.S. is their country now, and the reason they came here in the first place had a lot to do with U.S. foreign policy putting them in a bad situation. This is true of many immigrants from many different countries. But of course you ignored all that and tried to turn it into a government vs government discussion and ignored the original point.
The US also got rich on the trans-atlantic chattel slave trade. Like the dutch, portuguese, spaniards, and french. Western powers have been full of S for a long time on where their riches and power came from but that is outside of the scope of this forums. Trumps followers are crazy and he will be destroyed in a debate when the time comes for him to actually keep and defend a position.
Hey NicaraguaGorilla,
I think you need to burn your Ché T-shirt’s, and posters, and stop spreading that BS anti-America propanda. Stop focusing on the “Greedy American White Man” and grow up, get over it, move on, wake up, change your mindset or whatever else you need to do. It’s for your own good.
Either that or go back to your country, illegal
Bruce, another id1ot that lacks reading comprehension.
1. “stop spreading that BS anti-America propanda” – when did I do that? I am American, why would I do that? I was talking about immigration and some of the reasons why it happens. Whites can complain about immigration, but their white counterparts in government sometimes create the need for people to leave their countries and come here, as I illustrated in my example.
2. If bringing up examples of when the U.S. has done bad things makes you someone that hates your country, or an anti-america propoganda spreader, then I guess we can’t talk about slavery, or throwing american japanese in detention camps, or talk about vietnam or iraq, etc.
3. “The greedy american white man” – your words not mine. But I am glad your subconscious recognizes it. Its not that whites are greedier than non-whites. Everyone can be greedy. Its just that some are in a better position to do something about it.
4 “It’s for your own good.” Hah, I am doing great for myself. I am a trilingual, top university educated, financially succesful, U.S. citizen. I am also white (yes latino is not a race, it is a cultural/nationalistic term). Doesn’t mean I can’t call out all the racist white people on their anti-immigration bs.
When is el chepo gonna take out trump?
Touché Mexico, I see you.
I thought it was hilarious. Who else but Mexico (and the Azteca channel) would put famous Mexico basher and “El Presidente” candidate “The Donald” Trump, in a commercial promoting the US-Mexico game.
We need to quickly get some newsreel coverage of some famous Mexican mouthing Dos y Cero, over and over, ad naseum.
Game on!
I am not quite sure what exactly dictates that this idiocy is “must see.” It shows a bunch of ancient highlights when Mexico was actually successful against the US. They haven’t beaten the US in four years. Then, to top it off by using someone who represents the majority of Americans no more than the UKIP represents the majority of Brits, is insulting and childish. I mean, they could have just played Yakety Sax , and showed highlights from the last year of our guys playing like turd, but instead, went the cheap route. I guess it’s to be expected from a trash network like TV Azteca. Univision would never stoop to that level.
I think it makes for a pretty good ad myself. Who else makes for better pin-up material from a Mexican perspective?
Haha! It’s actually funny.
El tri has been doing this for decades to motivate their players in beating the US team. If it’s not the fact that they lost territory to the US during the Mexican-American war, it’s the exploitation of migrant workers, etc. This is nothing new. It’s a marketing ploy to get the US-based Mexican fans to come out in droves to support them and in the process promote its own nationalism within the US borders.
Embracing Mexican heritage is admirable, but as soon as it requires the hating of another race or nation to achieve that, is despicable.
Why would migrants want to come to an area where they will be exploited when they could stay in their non-exploitative home? Seems a curious decision as framed.
Because in that area there exists a chance to a better life. Though I’m sure if you approach one he/she could answer that better for you.
Yeah…that was awesome.
I think it was a really good commercial….Only the faithful few US Soccer fans will understand the meaning behind this commercial. Mexico is starting to click and the last few performances by the U.S. haven’t been close to being good enough.
The good news is that Mexico cold not find any recent footage of Mexican success against the U.S.
I did notice that as well.
That’s because there is none, not in the last 4 years at least.
Yup, that much I’m glad about.
Good point. But Mexico’s about to have 90+ minutes of new footage if Klinsmann doesn’t get his sh*t together quickly.
Mexico, you have won the internet on this day.
So in addition to all the other problems, President Trump has an entire country fired up to win this game.
And it’s certainly not his own.
Great commercial couldn’t get away with a commercial like that on any American English language network. My guess is Fox will run some sort of Dos a cero commercial in the week prior to the match, same thing just a little more subtle.
They missed the quote when the Donald said, “we are led by very very stupid people”. Should have used that one.
They’re probably saving that quote for the commercial about El Comandante
Kudos to them! Their fan base is way more passionate than ours. We need to catch up…
Yup. The video is hilarious and Trump is a monkey in a suit.
because donald trump represents all of america…
Not all but more than most according to the polls.
Look at national polls with more than just Republicans its not most by any stretch. And he’s declining in Iowa and New Hampshire.
donald trump is basically a celebrity running for president
There is no “basically” to it. He is a celebrity running for president. He’s “basically” Kanye, but four years early.
Histro, do you know how to read polls and charts?
I don’t think I do. Can you teach me?
This ought to be hilarious.
Whats wrong if a politician doesn’t want millions ugly, short, brown indigenous looking people in their country? We already have enough fat Americans. We don’t need to ruin the aesthetic make-up of the United States anymore
In case you haven’t noticed, we’re not getting the Telenovela soap opera stars banging down the door to get into the U.S.
lol, funny and very true