Video: Following retirement, Davis reflects on Dynamo career
I forgot how good those early Houston teams were. Dwayne DeRosario, Brad Davis, Brian Ching, Stu Holden, Pat Onstad, Ale Moreno, Wade Barrett, Rico Clark, and Brian Mullan. No superstar but they embodied a true, work for each other . team. They were not the prettiest but they were sure effective
I forgot how good those early Houston teams were. Dwayne DeRosario, Brad Davis, Brian Ching, Stu Holden, Pat Onstad, Ale Moreno, Wade Barrett, Rico Clark, and Brian Mullan. No superstar but they embodied a true, work for each other . team. They were not the prettiest but they were sure effective
Is this an old video? Or did Davis fly to Houston to put on a Houston wife-beater and talk about Twellman’s big head?