Good afternoon folks. It is that time again. Time for you to send your soccer-related questions to me. I will do my best to answer and give you my opinions on the questions you send to me, hopefully by Monday.
As always, try to limit your questions to one or two (though I can’t promise I’ll remember to answer your second question). If you are new to SBI, and have a lot of questions, you might want to click on the Q&A category on the right to check out recent Q&A sessions. The answer to your question just might be there (and if you ask a question that I’ve answered repeatedly, I won’t answer it again, so try to make sure not to ask questions that have been asked over and over).
Now, on to the Q&A. Send your questions my way.
I’m sure the answer will not live up to the hype, but who writes this apparently insiders’ guide to the MNT?