The latest episode of's Studio 90 News comes from Nashville, where the U.S. national team is preparing for Wednesday night's World Cup qualifier vs. Trinidad & Tobago. There are some good interviews, including one with Tim Howard.
“does anyone know where they are practicing?
Posted by: AM | March 30, 2009 at 06:07 PM”
Is that Trevecca Nazarene?
The surroundings looked like the back side of Commodore Stadium. Could be wrong. It’s been a while since I lived there.
@ Mike what part of the “Ville” are you in?
Here is an interview with coach Bradley about Jozy.,0,4526517.story
Practicing at Trevecca, 1.5 miles SE of downtown on Murfreesboro Pike.
I am PUMPED and can’t wait for wednesday!!! My first USMNT game, last time they were here in Nashville I was out of town.
AM- they are probably practicing at Vanderbilt. Id love to see them out on the town at some point this week!
How about, we played awful and its time to get one back. Get pumped, stick it to them.
Same old bla bla bla PC crap. Be a man and say after the other nights performance were going to get them.
We were on the road in the next round of qualifiers, cry me a river.
seriously, this guy does all their videos and hes the biggest nerd on the face of the earth…
What’s the story with that? Was anyone there? For all I know, the guy could have punched a cop in the face. That video shows nothing.
Quite the studly spokesman for US Soccer.
Was Erkle unavailable?
does anyone know where they are practicing?
Guy with Camera – “Recording in 3..2..”
Kammarman – “WAIT. I need something to do with my hands. Quick, give me that ball!”
Ives – Nothing about the fact that Toronto FC fans were Tazed and Maced by cops after the Crew game this weekend?
Are you part of the MLS Coverup?
cant wait to see the starting lineup…