Hello all. I want to wish a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you SBI readers out there. We hope you enjoy some time off, quality family time and a few peeks at SBI in between your unwrapping of presents and celebrating.
We will have a few presents for you in terms of posts today to help quench your thirst for soccer so keep an eye out for those, and feel free to throw some story suggestions our way today as we make our way through a second straight day without soccer to watch (the good news is soccer is on the way on Wednesday courtesy of the Premier League’s Boxing Day schedule).
Thank you for making SBI part of your Christmas tradition. For those of you who have been around with us for a while, you might know that this is the fifth straight year of our Merry Christmas post, with the familiar Santa playing soccer image. I thought about finding a new image to run with this post, but ultimately it felt wrong to break with tradition.
On behalf of the entire staff at SBI, thank you for making us a part of your soccer world and please enjoy this special time of year.
Happy Christmas and Merry New Year!!! Thankful for SBI, Boxing Day football, my family, and SBI.
Merry Christmas, SBI!!! santa really needs to sink this last shot. going one for three from the spot against a stationary keeper with such frail arms is nothing to carol about.
+1, it’s hard to kick with steel toed boots.
Merry Christmas, SBI. I love this site!
Ives, I was just thinking about how that image was so familiar. Every Christmas for 6 years I have checked this website and seen that image. Don’t go changing it!
Merry Xmas and happy holidays.
Hi Ives, thanks for such a great site and Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas Ives and thanks for maintaining such a great site. It is holiday tradition at my house to check your Christmas message every year!
Ives, I enjoy your site very much, have a Merry Christmas.
YES keep the Santa playing soccer pic!
Cheers everyone! Merry Christmas to all!
what would all of us US soccer freaks do without this site?
Thank you SBI!!!
do a article on the 10 hottest WMNT team players ever (teath hobin is good lookin chicken!) And then do a post on the 10 hottest MNT wags. MAYBE even do 10 hottest MNT players.
Happy hanukkah!
U sir are ridiculous
haha, what? i think you are looking for a different kind of website.
I like the pic of Santa playing soccer, lol.
Merry Christmas SBI
and defiantly keep the Santa Snowman PK picture!
Merry Christmas Ives, and Happy Holidays to the entire SBI staff. Your work keeps me going till the weekend hahaha
From the deep south, thank you for the post! Otherwise i would have nothing down here.
Merry Christmas SBI!! Thanks for all your hard work!!
Merry Christmas to all. No footy yesterday or today and the MLS offseason is only 3 weeks old. So antsy.
Merry Christmas! Thanks for all the great writing and reporting!
Merry Xmas. Life is so.boring without updates from you Ives. Has anyone seen Skyfall or Django Unchained? how are they?
Skyfall was good, it was about what you’d expect. Nothing earthshattering, but it was fun and tried to be semi-smart.
Ives, where was your Happy Chanukah post? Just kidding. Merry Christmas to you and yours too. Looking forward to those posts. One question though, isn’t today Tuesday? So isn’t today Boxing Day?
Boxing Day, I’m almost 100% positive, is always the day after Christmas. I’m England, it was tradition to give little gift boxes to servants and help the day after Christmas, hence “Boxing” day. Now that we dont have servants and hired help anymore, you just give presents to people you think less of on Boxing Day (I’m just kidding, I made that last part up).
Merry Xmas my fellow soccer fans. I want a strong run of USMNT performances as a belated Christmas gift!
*IN* England, not I’m England…..
That would be among the most interesting readers if you truly were England =P
Boxing Day is always the 26th. Just like Christmas is always the 25th