I’m a Fire fan and was at this game and agree that this was a beautiful goal. Had the Fire not put in four that night I might disagree, but as it stands, I’m happy to let this one be GotW.
I seem to recall another brand new foward scoring a goal of the week before we dumped for reasons of frugality after limiting his minutes for no reason I could ever ascertain.
I’m a Fire fan and was at this game and agree that this was a beautiful goal. Had the Fire not put in four that night I might disagree, but as it stands, I’m happy to let this one be GotW.
That goal only went in because we have our backup keeper in who thinks the goal line is on top of the six and refuses to get back on his line…
And there it is; the only award big or small that DCU is going to win this year…. /sad trombone
I seem to recall another brand new foward scoring a goal of the week before we dumped for reasons of frugality after limiting his minutes for no reason I could ever ascertain.
well, he was never going to live up to pajoy’s 7 offsides per game. lionard sets the bar pret-ty high.
Don’t you follow MLS?
nice goal but where are they on the table?
lol doesn’t know about mls website
lol doesn’t know about sarcasm
lol, are you asking about DCU or Toronto?.
Another great trade by Toronto.