Pictures may be worth a thousand words, but D.C. United is hoping they may be worth some more public support for a new stadium, too.
D.C. United released new renderings Friday of the proposed Buzzard Point stadium ahead of a June 26 city council meeting to win over public support for a project that has been met with some skepticism in Washington, D.C.
The proposed deal has the District of Columbia spending $150 million for the land that will be acquired in a complex arrangement involving several parties. The team will finance the building of the stadium with some tax incentives. The June 26 hearing will be the first time the council will discuss the deal.
See more of the newest renderings below:
What do you think of the proposed stadium? Do you like the latest designs? Do you think the D.C. City Council will secure the support to move ahead with the plan?
Share your thoughts below.
Its better than the first but has a long way to go. It needs to be covered all the way around to protect from the weather elements.
DC gets extreme heat and harsh winters. Sporting KC is open just like that and the final was player in 15 degree weather because the stadium is too open!
love that MLS teams are moving away from the boring uni-bowl style of stadium.
That looks like the most awesome stadium in MLS by far. What a shame it’s likely never to be built. Seriously, how many teases have we had the last 8 years?
Nice… Way to rock a Metrostars logo in there…
Nice catch! Wonder if that is a joke or if that part of the rednering was recycled from that long ago.
It’s next to a Vancouver logo…so that’s totally intentional.
laughed at that when I saw it! totally intentional for sure.
This is great, but you forgot to link to your source. After all, this is from the Onion, right?
It’s linked to….
D.C. United & Proposed Stadium = Dr. Dre & Detox Album.
True believers: “It’s coming next year! I know it!”
Everyone else: “That’s what they said last year.”
That’ll look beautiful in Baltimore!
This made me laugh. If they do end up in Baltimore, they should call themselves the Whistlin’ Omars.
Yeah right across our new casino.
Baltimore is a cow town.
I hear, from a trustworthy source, that Mayor Carcetti is ready to give the project his full support, in Baltimore.
I thought he was governor now, and mulling a run for the presidency?
That’s O’Malley.
That one inspired the other, but neither cold stop a big black bull from running through the streets of Cham City yesterday.
Que guapo! Roofs are obviously the way to go, moving forward…reflection of noise and what not. I love me some MLS (and scoring from the blue line with a wrist shot), but games in Cbus, Dallas, Colorado, etc are difficult to watch as a neutral on TV since it sounds like a library most of the time.