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SBI Live Q&A is set for 1pm today

Jermaine Jones Vs Sporting KC (USA TODAY Sports)

It might seem like just yesterday that the SBI Live Q&A made its return, but we are back to give you one more Q&A session before the month comes to a close.

Join us at 1pm today, as I take your questions on topics ranging from MLS to European soccer to college soccer, and anything else you might have in mind. We will also take your pop culture questions as well, so if you want to talk TV, movies or music, feel free to join us.

Get your questions ready and join us at 1pm today.


    • Personally, I don’t think that will happen. He’ll probably be making too much as a pundit and then a few years from now he’ll probably try his hand at coaching/managing.

      • Pundit? I think to be on TV you need to be more than just know the game. You need to have a certain voice that is easy to listen. Donovan does not have a voice you would want to hear on tv.

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