For those of you who have been waiting for evidence of Red Bull park construction actually being under way, here is a picture from the Red Bulls of the construction site. There is no steel or concrete on the site yet but the lot looks cleared for building (just like it did two months ago) and there are some earth moving vehicles on site.
If anybody makes their way down to the site and takes pictures, please send them to so we can get some idea of how the construction is actually going.
Finished in 2017 ?????? They said 2009, then 2010, then… 2017 ???? I have never seen such a lackluster ownership of a sports team, with so much money and the huge mouth they have… Bragging about what they own all over the world. They are losing fans with this horsecrap. BUILD IT, FINISH IT! I drive by there every day, and the other day I noticed… I think it is one grand stand? Not sure… It’s been that way for a month…
Passed by yesterday around 3 and jack squat was going on.
They should drink some of that Red Bull and get this thing done!! Ok, bad joke but I’m ready to Cheer!!
I have followed the stadium mess from day one. Comparing the political and behind the scenes problems from the early years to now is plain silly.
I understood the skepticism earlier one, but I just can’t imagine being so pessimistic even when the plans look fabulous, the team bought out the partners, ownership is determined and confident, and the freaking equipment is at the scene.
See you at the stadium next year!
I’ve heard from people involved with the project that the site cleanup was a real bear. Plus, anyone who’s ever been involved in construction or engineering can tell that anytime you’re dealing with a governement body, delays will ensue.
Any delays from this point on are almost certainly coming from Trenton, not Vienna.
Its probably taking quite a while to round up all the boron and calcium carbonate needed to neutralize the soil.
Its probably taking quite a while to round up all the boron and calcium carbonate needed to neutralize the soil.
Don’t you all see Jozy and Angel playing on top??? hehehehehee…geez same old thing. On the other hand the Giants stadium which broke ground last year is already noticeable.
Build it already!
Did they find Jimmy Hoffa?
Victor M.
I have a bridge for sale in Brooklyn. Real cheap. Interested?
PS – If you have followed from Day One then I don’t see how you can be optimistic until the concrete pours. There are many factors still at work other than RB. Learn a little before posting.
See you in 2009, 2010, whatever…
It’s too little, too late for the majority of fans to care about.
And if anyone is familiar with the KC area, is the location of the proposed stadium there good?
Hey that RSL Stadium actually looks like it’s making some progress. I’m always curious about stadium location when I’m not from the area…would hate more mistakes to be made like putting the Miami stadium way outside the city proper. Would you say the site is accessible and in a good location Hincha Tim?
Oh and there’s a link to the Wizards stadium being approved by the city on the website underneath MLS Behind the Scenes Video on the front page. Not sure if everyone knows about that already.
Clearing the site was a big project by itself. Like I said before, I pass Harrison every day on the train.
Since work began, they have torn down quite a few old warehouses on both sides of the PATH station. The Red Bull park section has been dormant for a few months, but there has always been some work going on.
The current work is being done on the other side of the PATH Station.
Wasn’t that the same piece of equipment that was there for the first (or was it second?) groundbreaking ceremony with Nick, Marc and the politicians?
Business as usual is probably the best way to put it!
I see one front end loader, sitting idle. Sounds like the progress they have been making the past 12 years on the stadium. I’ll believe it is being built when the first match is held in it.
Its about time. I pass by the site twice a day on NJ Transit. Nothing was going on the entire month of December.
They were, however, demolishing some nearby buildings that are associated with the surounding development.
Summer of 2009? Sh*t, It’ll be summer of 2090!!
Oh come on, everyone knows that Red Bull bough this team and then bought ARG’s 50% of the stadium purely to annoy fans like TK. They have no desire to build a stadium, and never will. It’s all a game and a big lie and it will always be. In fact, that equipment on site? Cut outs of the real thing. And if a stadium ever shows up? It’ll be like the lunar landing: just a Hollywood set and trick photography.
Summer of 2009, baby!!! RB Park is coming!
Here’s how the new RSL stadium is coming along:
Looks promising haha…just kidding.
Still don’t believe it, and won’t get my hopes up again until I see concrete poured.
Been lied to, fooled and let down way too many times before.
Business as usual. I agree, that’s what it looks like.
Hey Ives,
You usually do an awesome job, but recently (since the new site) your reporting has been extraordinary. I really like the quantity of articles. Keep it up.
Full Steam …….. On 2nd thought, Business as Usual.
Scheduled for completion by 2017.