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My Amado Guevara piece on


For those of you who haven’t seen it, here is my piece on Toronto FC’s recent acquisition of Amado Guevara. While my column is pretty balanced, presenting both the risks and potential rewards of the signing, I think I’ve made it clear that I like the signing for Toronto.

To get a player of Guevara’s quality for the price they got him for is a steal and for all of Toronto FC’s troubles early this year I think the supporting cast in place could be ideal to play to Guevara’s strengths.

It all hinges on Guevara’s maturity. He has an experienced coach in John Carver to play for and if that relationship works and if Guevara has grown the way sources tell me he has, then Guevara will flourish in Toronto.

Toronto FC fans should be happy. With Laurent Robert on board, Guevara set to make his debut, and Toronto announcing the signing of Rohan Ricketts today, TFC looks poised to turn things around after a rough first two matches.

Give the column a read and share your thoughts on it and the Guevara acquisition in the comments section below.


  1. The only reason why Mo and Carver won’t move him (Brennan) up to the middle of the field is cuz they have absolutely not one else to replace him with in their back four. It’s a shame to see a player like him playing back there when he should be playing in his much more suited midfield role. Which again leads me to wondering, why on earth is Mo not signing a defender???

    And Ricketts has come here and taken a pay cut cuz no one else wants him in England! If he was the impact player that we’re being told he will be, why on earth would he not be playing for bigger money closer to home? I really hope he does well with TFC, I just don’t think he’ll make as much a difference as many TFC fans hope. I’ve seen the kid play and he’s nothing more than… OK. If Toronto’s lackluster play as a team continues, how will that motivate Ricketts, who has a rep that is just that? This kid has shown he needs constant fire lit under his *** and fades in almost every situation he’s been in. Again, hope he does real well playing with TFC, but there is no reason to think he’ll magically start playing the motivated, passionate soccer he hasn’t shown since he was a teen with the Gunners.

  2. Great generalization there bud…. i guess since Bush is the most corrupt president in my generation i should believe all Americans are the same way too….ignorance is bliss i suppose….

  3. I’d like to apologize to Jamie and everyone else for my previous post regarding the Canadian people.

    When it comes to Canada I can’t seem to get past the fact that Canadians booed a US hockey team comprised of children! Booing a bunch of kids over politics that the kids don’t even understand or have anything to do with is pretty low.

    Sorry! There I go again!

  4. Jamie:

    I don’t have anything against Canadians and I think you’re right, people do need to realize that it’s not Canada’s fault that their country is populated by a bunch of hosers. Good day, ay.

  5. Matt, Joey: relax. Yes, nobody has seen how the new players will integrate into TFC or what sort of football that will produce (Alejandro is right) ; perhaps some of the excitement amongst TFC fans (and I’m among them) is hyperbole and hope. No doubt. But to say that it is “Canadian crazy talk”–and reduce it to a national sentiment–or that they (we) are so far up our own asses is ridiculous.

    TFC’s fan support is phenomenol (right up there with NY, DC, NE, Houston), so why not celebrate that as good for the league instead of castigating them (us) as deluded, Matt. And if TFC’s midfield performs, it **could** be one of the best in MLS. No harm in hoping. After all the shite **some** RBNY fans talked about Edu beating out Richards for ROY, or Marmol as the second-coming on this blog, I’d think you’d recognize hyberbole and hope. Don’t make this a national issue (TFC fans: same goes for you) and don’t suggest that TFC’s fans aren’t among the most intelligent and passionate in the league. The xenophobia and blind patriotism from both sides of the border displayed on this board is really unwarranted and getting out of hand.

  6. “Best Midfield and right side in the MLS = TFC”

    Typical Toronto kool-aid.

    I mean…a vast improvement over what they had yes…the best in the MLS? *rollseyes*

    They haven’t even played together yet.

  7. Ricketts will defo be on the right wing and Brennan at the LB. Hes not moving up as a)Robert is playing that position and b)Carver wants him to stay in LB (from what i understand).

    I wouldnt be so quick to write off Ricketts, hes 25 and obviously hungry if hes come over from the UK and taken a paycut. Hes got a good pedigree and previously the only issue was his training (and lack of desire to do so). Apparently he really enjoyed playing under Hoddle (when he blossomed at Spurs) and really really gets along with Carver. Godwilling that will push him forward.

  8. I’m very happy that the fantastic TFC support will have an exciting and creative player to cheer for. Good for the league.

  9. Anyone else wanting to see which temper will blown the fastest between Guevara and Blanco?

    TFC @ FIRE – 7/12 (on FSC) [8:30 ET]

    FIRE @ TFC – 10/18 [3:30 ET]

  10. Great to see Guevara, not so sure about Ricketts. I guess if he is used as a fifth midfielder in this 4-5-1 TFC is supposed to be playing, then maybe, but he’s been written off a fair number of times already, is he really that big of an impact player. We’ll see I guess. Read on the TFC site this week that Edu is actually looking to play more of an offensive role that Carver supports. Should be interesting to see how they’re lined up against LA. Would have loved to have seen them sign someone for the back four and allow Brennan to move up, but whatever I guess.

  11. Honeslty…. with Robert on the left, Armando in the middle and Ricketts on the right… that is one deadly attack…. if we get a dp as striker or if cunny finds form we will be deadly on the attack. Hopefully with edu and Robinson just concentrating on the defensive side of midfield our defence wont be so vulnerable as well.

  12. I hope youre right SoccerMan.


    My god we (the supporters) deserve a win.

    I know hte boys havent gelled yet but my lord if they do…IF THEY DO!!!!

  13. Toronto FC announced the signing of midfielder Rohan Ricketts after the Englishman was freed from his contractual obligations at Barnsley of the English Championship. As per team and league regulations no details of the contract were released.

    Also Colin Samuel has been waived…


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