Let us set the scene. Morelia scores its third goal of its semifinal match against Cruz Azul, thus locking up a place in the Mexican League Final. As Cruz Azul stood on the field, collectively seething, a (dumb and clueless) Cruz Azul fan decides it's a good time to invade the pitch and try to shake the hand of his favorite player, Gerardo Torrado.
Bad idea.
Cruz Azul players responded by attacking the fan, and a full-scale brawl breaks out, complete with a brutal head butt to the face of a Morelia staffer by Cruz Azul's goalkeeper.
Perhaps the best part? The fan who started it all was released by police after paying a $2.50 fine. Yes, you read that right (and to top it off, the fan, a 21-year-old college student, said in this interview that he'd now be a Morelia fan). You can't make this stuff up.
Here's the video:
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wMQSXK_OLw]
“said in this interview that he’d now be a Morelia fan”
Is that proper English? Said he would now be a Morelia fan? How about “said he is now a Morelia fan”?
Yeah…and was anybody watching?
Has there ever been a large-scale brawl in MLS?
is that a joke?
mexico has no class…. trash throwing and brawls on the pitch…. no wonder all there players want to come to MLS… dos a cero
dont know what possessed that fan to run onto the field, but even more confused about why the CA players attacked him. maybe he insulted them for losing such a big match?
lotsa’ drama- even better than lucha libre!
hahaha so true!!
Actually the guy is still in jail…
cruz azul loses 3-0 cruz azul was butt hurt.
i’v been to plenty of games in south america and the atmosphere is a lot better than most MLS games. u can take ur kids, just don’t be stupid.
Those wacky Mexicans. What will they think of next?
1st Division Mexican League = Drunken adult Burrito league. No class, not a surprise.
Nothing compares to the Malice in the Palace. That was an epic sports fight.
Dude, didn’t Torrado try to choke Benny Feilhaber at Azteca in US-Mexico game and De Rosario in a game against Toronto?
That fight is wrong on so many levels.
There is a video of a Cruz Azul fan that got jumped outside the Stadium and another one was stabbed.
I hope the fans in MLS keep being family friendly. Things over at South America and Mexico have been going down hill for a long time now. YOu cant go watch a game with your kids because you never know when this is going to happen
Actually Torrado has never been in a fight inside a soccer field.
Corona has been in a 2 known fights, this one and another one in a bar were he wiped the floor with a drunk dude.
Soccer fans are generally more creative than baseball fans, but this Astros fan did a much better job of running onto (and off) the field…
I know. You know things are bad when Torrado appears to be the voice of reason.
AS, when you say “real” players, I presume you refer to the same players that will be paying fines in “the tens of thousands” to the Mexican league for attacking their own fan, right? Didn’t these “real” players finish behind Real Salt Lake in their Champions League group? By your reasoning, MLS folks like Henry, Beckham, Donovan or even Mexico’s own Rafa Marquez are not “real” players.
You are right. Give me a leg braking tackle from behind any day.
thats what they mean when they refer to the Mexican “attacking” style of play. It was better then Pacquiao v Mosley. I saw it live. You caucasian fellows dont know what you’re missing. i will say one thing, that old feller from the sidelines sure could take a headbutt to the face. Even Zidane would’ve been repelled, or maybe he’s endlessly clicking the replay icon on its youtube video.
For me, the only surprising part is that it was not Torrado to throw the first punch.
i couldnt believe my eyes watching this….im glad that fat guy got head butted he gave that one player a sucker punch.
I guess the police must have let MLS handle the punishment.
Isn’t Corona Mexico’s most in-form ‘keeper right now? I’m sure they’ll find a reason to start him.
^ Troll face
That argentine gimenez is a hot head and corona missed the world cup because of a brawl in some club yet he does it again, he’s not going to copa Oro andis most likely going to miss 5 or more games along with Chaco. Cruz azul are sore losers,hope Morelia wins. By the way Morelia, santos laguna, pumas, and Monterrey will be in next year’s champions league, they are all powerful in attack it’s going to be fun watching them
Well I’m disappointed with the way Chaco Gimenez and Jesus Corona acted. Corona had already been involved in a bar fight and tried to make his cousin take the wrap. I doubt if He’ll play on the Gold Cup. Chaco had been acting a little crazy on some games this season. He finally lost it. Clearly the man needs some serious anger management counseling.
Yes, this is exclusive to Mexican football. UEFA CL did not see an Italian player headbutt an English coach at all. Nor do we see similar things in Argentina, etc. Yawn.
And whether you name it in pesos or dollars, the average player salary in the Mexican league is closer to the NFL than it is to the MLS.
If you read the article, the $2.50 fine was in reference to what the fan was fined, not what the players will be fined… As for your cheap shot on MLS, don’t forget the shole next time you make a post.
30 Pesos sounds a little better. Maybe?
Fines will be in the tens of thousands. The Mexican league is not MLS. They make real money over there…..but then, they have real players
I see better fights every Saturday on Hockey Night in Canada, and the hockey players don’t even take a punch to the head as personal!
$2.50 fine?
and they wanted to know why Rafa wouldn’t want to come back
Par for the course in Mexican football. If Oswaldo Sanchez had been there it might have been a perfect storm.
I think that same keeper later headbutted a coach on the other team. However, I think that coach landed a punch earlier when he was thick in the crowd so it may have been a spat over that.
On a site note, a good test for the TV guys in the control room, knowing which camera to select before a punch, kick, eye gouge, and or teeth sinking into flesh is missed.
Mexican teams keeping it classy as always.
that was a joke
they don’t work at the border and they don’t work at futbol matches.
This is probably one of the worse sports fight ever lol.. the u.s. open tennis fight was more action packed then this and it was a fight between a 70 year and a 25 year old
looks like the fences did their job.
The only one who does himself any credit is that keeper 25 in the green shirt who tries to protect the fan and get him off the field. The other keeper is an a-hole. A fan comes on the field, back off and let security drag him away. Thier reactions were idiotic an dangerous.