August 6, 2012 by Franco Panizo [youtube]
The way it swerved and dips a bit? Get the stick out of your arse and don’t watch it if you don’t think it’s going to be quality. It was a nice goal regardless, and as Ives has said many times before it’s the title for the on going series; not every goal is going to be MUST SEE. Reply
The way it swerved and dips a bit? Get the stick out of your arse and don’t watch it if you don’t think it’s going to be quality.
It was a nice goal regardless, and as Ives has said many times before it’s the title for the on going series; not every goal is going to be MUST SEE.
Must see? Because the net wasn’t set properly? Seems a low bar for a must-see goal.
Sweet knuckler!
His sale to Real Madrid in 09 is why Liverpool did so terribly that season
woof, right through the net. This just in! He’s good.